Author Topic: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?  (Read 1466 times)

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Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« on: July 02, 2021, 01:29:07 PM »
Immortal Warden of Prison-Planet Kulthea

  I think he may be almost as insane as Ondoval. Bitterly obsessed and terrified that the half-dozen K'Ta'Viir in the East will escape their cell, he's spent what 120 000 years making sure they don't. (Okay 80K is chronogenic stasis but that 30-40K(!) years).

  So what's his plan? To make sure their prison is secure for another 10000 years? 100000 years? 50 000 000 years? Until Kulthea's sun dies? Forever is a long time. I think it would make some sense to come up with a more mmm permanent solution.

  Does he really want to spend his entire immortal life focused on this activity? It's not like he's ignorant of the wider universe. He was born into and educated into a galactic-empire. He's not under the impression that Kulthea is all there is or all could ever access. He knows there are other planets, galaxies, civilizations, species. Think of what you know of (astronomy, genetics, energy physics, biology etc etc just from a 20/21st century education system)
  I guess I'm positing that his area of focus is pretty parochial/provincial for someone with such knowledge. You'd think if you knew about such you'd maybe want to explore or engage with it, when you literally have endless years in front of you to do so.

  I think he missed his window-of-opportunity to deal with his brethren. Now that they are active for a while they are an actual maybe even immanent threat. The time to deal with them would have been in the interregnum/2nd era, when they were in stasis. He could have spent his 10000s of years there, with some buddies like, locating Althan installations, infiltrating them and terminating his targets while they were unaware and immobile.

  But no, now not only are they awake, they have vast techno-magic empires, and he has no influence or control over what they do and their development. Unlike in the west where he can destroy any civilizaztion which progresses too much in the techno-magic arena. (I know, this isn't canon hehe. There are some old threads in this forum where it was posited that arch-conservative, terrified Andraax is the one responsible for the destruction of the Taranian, Worim, Jinteni. as they were developing to the point where maybe they could threaten the permeability of the barrier. I like this version of Andraax and have sort of internalized it).
(snark)    Won't/can't wield the Soulsword when he's full blooded son of Utha, but instead is going to foist off the task of dealing with Ondovol on some thousands-of-years diluted partial-breed who's unaware they will be tasked with such an endeavour- bit of a nasty move on his part =p
(snark)    Wait until he finds out there's a Jenkyna toodling around, probably blow a gasket, then manipulate someone else into taking care of her =p
  (Just some stuff I mused on when engaging with the timeline and characters involved. A bit snarky as a literary device, I hope my posts don't give the impression of over-criticizing. I freakin' love the Shadow World setting, which is why I engage with it this way when I can't play it.)

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2021, 08:15:34 PM »
You do know that for a long time he has had a mental parasite messing his brain up, right? Even though he has purged it, the damage is not fully healed. Considering that, I think he is going pretty good.

I love the setting too, and tool around with it even when I am not playing/running a game there.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

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Offline MisterK

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Re: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2021, 12:25:55 PM »
The problem is that, at the end of the Rebellion that toppled Kadaena, the Duskwalkers did not know if any other follower of Kadaena had survived (otherwise, they would have set to destroy them at once instead of going to sleep). Furthermore, the idea was not to keep all the surviving Althans imprisoned, but only to ensure that any surviving follower of Kadaena could not escape *before it was destroyed*. Other Althans (those who did not share Kadaena's twisted view) were not considered.
And there's your flaw in the plan : in order to fulfill that goal, you have to
- be aware that an Althan K'Taa'Viir has survived
- be able to know whether they are one of Kadaena's minions (in spirit if not explicitly)
- have enough strength to destroy them.
And the Daenku Ahrenreth was supposed to do that *and* close the remaining Shadowgates.
And we all know how well it went.

So by the time Daenku is alone and decides to sleep again, he also knows the ultimate goal of the Ahrenreth (destroying remaining K'Taa'Viiri who were part of 'the other faction') cannot be achieved anymore unless he can somehow rebuild the Ahrenreth - the only thing he can still try to do is ensure they never escape. Of course, he can still try to kill one, but he is the last of his kind: if he dies, there will be no guardian left.

So he sleeps through the later part of the Interregnum (basically from the last 80000 years). It is notable that the machines do not awaken him during that period - presumably because they detect no major threat. Either the machines cannot monitor the other hemisphere, or the K'Taa'Viiri on the other side have not awakened during this time (or are very quiet). And after his awakening, beyond his drive to help new races prosper, he is soon busy with the appearance of first the Dark Gods, then the Unlife. He is kept busy until the Wars, where he has to kill another K'Taa'Viir (the Master of Malice), which drives him insane. And he discovers the state of the Eastern Hemisphere *during his period of madness*, and realises that there's not much he can do all by himself. The theft of the Northern Eye is just the cherry on the doodoo sundae, but it has a cascading effect for him : if the Eyes fail, the rebellion has failed, and another Empress (or Emperor, let's not be sexist here) will rise and conquer the stars sooner or later.

So yes, he does not have a plan beyond "guard the Eyes", because he cannot find the power to do anything more - the Master of Malice was only one, and had less power than his eastern brethen, and the fight almost cost him his sanity - and he knows the threat he would be if he was truly insane. He dares not die, and he dares not become mad again - so he tries to gather strength enough to undo what has been done by Ondoval, and then... and then the Watch will resume.

In a way, I think the appearance of Jenkyna is almost a blessing for him - she is not a Duskwalker, of course, but she is not a Kadaena groupie either. She can provide strength if pointed in the right direction. She cannot be left near the Shadowstone, of course, because the temptation would probably be too great, but she's as much a potential asset as she is a risk (and better her than Ondoval, Shreck, or most of the Inner Circle at the head of the JA, anyway).

So, no, he is not insane. Probably not very hopeful, but dutybound, if anything. For him, there is no victory, only eternal watch hoping for a miracle he cannot fathom.

What is also interesting is that, after Kadaena died, the Eyes were set, and the Ahrenreth established, by Utha himself. Who then suspiciously disappears from the timeline. He was *not* part of the Ahrenreth, and he was definitely alive at that point. But then - nothing. He builds the prison and sets up the Wardens, then blinks out of history. He was Kadaena's equal, at least - probably, at that point, the most powerful being alive in the universe, with whatever Althan technology was left (and there was probably quite a bit). A god-like immortal.

And if *that* is not suspicious, I don't know what is.

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Re: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2021, 01:33:47 PM »
Neither Utha nor Kadaena weren't remotely the most powerful being in the universe.  Not even in the galaxy.  He isn't the equal of any of the Lords of Orhan, for example.

Offline MisterK

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Re: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2021, 12:37:45 AM »
Neither Utha nor Kadaena weren't remotely the most powerful being in the universe.  Not even in the galaxy.  He isn't the equal of any of the Lords of Orhan, for example.
II see your point - perhaps I should have said "the most powerful being *from* the universe ? that would remove some of the OP extraplanar competition.

My point still stands. Utha removed himself from the recorded timeline, and I can't shake the idea that he did it on purpose.

Offline metallion

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Re: Questions and Musings: Andraax, what's his deal?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2021, 01:41:22 PM »
I don't see anything to indicate Utha left the timeline so much as left Kulthea.  There's an awfully large galaxy out there and he would be far from the only Althan to have skedaddled.

I also greatly suspect Althans aren't the most powerful beings in the universe, but the most powerful beings in the universe to have been met by the Althans. 

Either way, Utha could have decided to explore a different galaxy, or take the waters at one of the Althan's assorted Dyson structures, or even be asleep somewhere nearby in case junior screws the pooch.  The K'ta'viir are big fish, but on an intergalactic scale only in a very small pond.