Author Topic: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness  (Read 1164 times)

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Offline Jengada

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Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« on: March 08, 2021, 11:30:38 AM »
I'm considering exposing my party to a form of lycanthropy, and trying to think through all of the complications and situations that introduces before I do it. I'm curious to hear any experiences or cautions from others who have done this, but particularly I'm stuck on the following two points.
1) What does the character know of their actions when they're transformed? Do they witness it all without being able to control it? Do they black out completely, and only those around register it? Does this depend somehow on their control roll when they change? (For example, lose control by <50, aware and remember, but >50 know and remember nothing)
2) Assuming they don't have control when transformed, what drives their actions? Are all lycanthropes automatically murderous?
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Offline markc

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2021, 12:17:14 PM »
IMHO, this is an area that a book could be written on and I have seen great variance in how GM's deal with it in their game.

#1 and #2 can be setting based, ie White Wolfs Werewolf game and supplements are based on this premise and a lot of non-western societies forces can give people lycanthropy to people to protect things or avenge wrongs.   

There are quite a few posts from the past that discuss this topic I would do a search of the forums as IIRC often they could be lengthy in nature.

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Offline Jengada

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2021, 03:40:52 PM »
Agreed on all points. I did a search before I posted, and didn't really find answers to these. A lot of the posts deal with HARP, or RMSS or RMU in ways that don't apply to RM2.
With the much more basic (=simpler) mechanics of RM2, there's really just the one change control roll. The more detailed levels of success or failure in RC2, if you use "Control Lycanthropy" skill, don't address #1 at all.
I'm fine home-brewing #2 (heck, #1 too, for that matter) but am curious how others have done this. Much of the content in earlier posts wrests control from the PC at transformation, and while that may be the route I go, Question #1 still stands. The Hollywood classic version is that their were-actions are unknown once they wake, yet they experience terror at the realization the change is coming. And in some cases, they warn their friends to get away (see Harry Potter.)
IMHO, this is an area that a book could be written on and I have seen great variance in how GM's deal with it in their game.

#1 and #2 can be setting based, ie White Wolfs Werewolf game and supplements are based on this premise and a lot of non-western societies forces can give people lycanthropy to people to protect things or avenge wrongs.   

There are quite a few posts from the past that discuss this topic I would do a search of the forums as IIRC often they could be lengthy in nature.

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2021, 04:10:42 PM »
IMHO, lycanthrope is not an easy thing and needs complex rules for it to work properly as often lycanthrope adds too much power to a PC vs others in the group.

I do not remember the persons name but quite often in the Rm2 section a person asks about MERP and bear-shifters if you can find that person they may have some rules to share as I seem to remember them asking about it for quite sometime. 

I have some house rules based on another game but they have too much of the other game in them to share.
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Offline jdale

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2021, 09:22:19 PM »
Can't help you on RM2 rules.

Traditionally werewolves are written more as horror. It's uncontrollable, they're monstrous, and they're also powerful enough to be a real threat on their own. It's hard to achieve that fear in an RPG where the PCs are used to dealing with monsters and they might see it as a source of power rather than horror at what they've done. If your goal is horror, I would say tell the player as little as possible. Don't let them know what the threat is. Hint that something is wrong with them. Let them see the damage that has been wrought before they suspect themself. Hurt or at least terrify NPCs they care about. As soon as the mystery is gone and it has a label, it will stop working as horror, so you have to take advantage of that stage as long as you can.

If you want to tell a story about lycanthrope culture, the things they fight against, earning a place in a pack, etc, forget all that and play up the experience. Seeing things through the eyes they can't yet control is part of earning their place and seeing what they are trying to gain. Totally different story, equally valid, merits a different approach.

So make a decision based on the kind of story you are interested in telling.
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Offline Jengada

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2021, 09:49:21 PM »
Thank you for reminding me to look at the moon, not the finger pointing at the moon. I was getting caught up in the wrong part of the dilemma.
If you want to tell a story about lycanthrope culture, the things they fight against, earning a place in a pack, etc, forget all that and play up the experience. Seeing things through the eyes they can't yet control is part of earning their place and seeing what they are trying to gain. Totally different story, equally valid, merits a different approach.

So make a decision based on the kind of story you are interested in telling.
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Offline Ginger McMurray

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2021, 08:46:58 AM »
I haven't done this but if I did I'd base it on the roll.

  • Failure: Transformation with no awareness or control
  • Partial Success: Transformation with awareness but no control
  • Success: Transformation with awareness and control Note: this is very powerful, especially in a low level campaign. It's why I've never used lycanthrope for a PC. You either massively screw them over or grant them mighty powers.
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Offline markc

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2021, 11:46:54 AM »
I think your thoughts on the game aspect of either shape changing or Lycanthrope vs simple rules is one of the key issues.
Sorry an emergency has come up but I think the above get to the gist of my point.
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Offline markc

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Re: Lycanthropy, control, and consciousness
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2021, 12:28:00 PM »
Sorry someone took out a group a mail boxes with their truck.

I have found generally that simple rules often do not provide the detail needed to provide a consistent play experience RP wise or to keep the power level the same for Lycan and non Lycan PC's or even NPC's.
I have tended to see simple rules treat Lycan abilities like throwing on Power Armor to just get abilities rather than the more in depth rules (and thought processes) most assume go into core RM2 rules.

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