Author Topic: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation  (Read 1818 times)

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Offline Winged1

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ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« on: June 05, 2018, 02:36:11 PM »
Hate to create a new topic but I couldn't find a topic that matched.

History: Bought all of the RMFRP bundles for ERA and I'm really liking the Windows version.  Have installed on a windows server on Azure and it works great but the server is too expensive to have run all the time so looking to install on a Linux server on Azure and keep it running 24/7. Have a Ubuntu 17.10 up and running and I am trying to run it from the home directory

Problem: when I go to run the ERA-RMFRP script I get a error with line 19: permission denied (exec "$LINUX/ERA-Server" \)

My thoughts: I believe I have the directory in the wrong location and/or I don't have the rights set properly (or I might even be running the wrong script)

My Ask:  Is there a location with the linux installation instructions?

thanks for any help.

Offline Winged1

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2018, 02:56:11 PM »
update:  I am now sure that my problem is with the package (from the ICE site):

sudo tar xzvf ERA-Linux-8Apr2018.tar.gz

gets this
tar: A lone zero block at 156551

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2018, 08:08:04 PM »
Hi there.
I just tried downloading "ERA-Linux-8Apr2018.tar.gz" from RPGNow to an Ubuntu 16.04.

If I navigate to the file, right-click on it and choose "Extract Here" it all goes smoothly. Then I can run ./ERA-RMFRP and it all works as expected.

If instead I execute the exact tar command you mentioned I get the error you posted, though hirazi.png is a valid transparent image much like a lot of others in that directory, which you can confirm if you uncompress via the UI.

Checking the issue online, I found this. There it suggests to add i as an additional parameter.
So I tried it and it worked. You need to uncompress using:

sudo tar ixzvf ERA-Linux-8Apr2018.tar.gz

Please let us know if that solves the issue.
Thanks for your interest in ERA!

Offline Winged1

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2018, 10:54:57 PM »
Thanks for the quick response I think there is a difference between my system and your test, I think my system is headless and I think you have the GUI installed.  I was able to force the unpack using your command and went to run the script and I get this:

RPG-ERA:~/ERA-Linux$ ls
./ERA-RMFRP: 29: exec: /home/sysadmin/ERA-Linux/Server/bin/ERA-Server: not found
I don't think it is detecting my system as headless, I tried to manually run the headless command and got the same results.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2018, 06:36:04 AM »
Oh, you're running headless. The current version of ERA in Linux requires the GUI to open a server window (mainly for style  compatibility with Windows and Mac, and it is also used to display the initialization of the server and inform of any critical errors).

The only version that is currently headless is the one for Raspberry Pi (
I have plans to eventually transform all of the ERA versions to a headless mode, but that requires changes in the architecture which in turn depend on some tools in the development environment, that are not yet stable enough for my liking.

So, in summary, you can only run ERA in a Linux with GUI, or you can try the Raspberry Pi version (I doubt it would work on another Linux, but you can give a try). Headless support for all versions is planned in the long term.

Offline telathos

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster Linux installation
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2018, 06:22:22 PM »
I've been able to get the current version of ERA to run on a headless linux system. You just need to add --headless to the ./RMxx command. I've also been able to get it to work with Docker. I've attached the Dockerfile. I have the have the core RMC books, so if you haven't purchased them, just remove that section from the Dockerfile file before you build the docker image.