Author Topic: ROSIn: A Rolemaster Open Source Initiative Roll Call  (Read 4291 times)

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Offline DavidKlecker

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ROSIn: A Rolemaster Open Source Initiative Roll Call
« on: July 28, 2006, 02:25:56 PM »
There is a group called The Rolemaster Open Source Project found at

This group is striving to come up with a software solution that is open source (available on most platforms) and just as powerful as any standard application you are use too. It is a goal to make this application as powerful as GameOn was with .NET. and more powerful than CDC. Unfortunately all things must start small and simple. Here is a quick summary

For a while we were toying with SWT/Java with an XML database backend as a solution. Now we are considering changing this approach. One approach offered was a C++/C/wxWidgets source and still pondering the database layer approach. ROSP is committed in trying to design a application structure: DOM (object model for how a character should be mapped), GUI (how should the application look), DB (how should the database layer be managed), etc. I think this initiative needs more programmers though.

We haven't yet committed to a direction, but we are interested in hearing your thoughts here. And if you would like to join the Initiative then ask I will submit an invitation. Currently I believe we have 6 members.

It is my goal to have an open source application that can be used as a suppliment for Rolemaster and other games from ICE (including HARP) and that can be built upon and changed by other interested parties through plug ins perhaps in making Rolemaster gaming the most advanced and best experience than any other gaming system.

So long for now.  8)

Offline craig

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Re: ROSIn: A Rolemaster Open Source Initiative Roll Call
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 08:21:37 PM »
application structure: DOM (object model for how a character should be mapped), GUI (how should the application look), DB (how should the database layer be managed), etc.

you might want to use a database abstraction layer, so it is not tied to any one database.  there are several available for C/C++, including:

SQL Relay

sqlrelay is more comprehensive and is a lot more than just a DB abstraction layer, it also does connection proxying, query caching and lots more.  it may be overkill for this job.

libdbi is essentially a clone of the DBI perl modules, but for C, and is a lot simpler than SQL Relay.

both include support for postgresql, mysql, sqlite, interbase, sybase, MS SQL.  SQL Relay also has support for Oracle and a few others.  libdbi has preliminary support for Oracle and mSQL.

both are free software.  libdbi is LGPL, and different parts of SQL Relay are covered by different licenses (e.g. the perl library is Artistic license), mostly GPL & LGPL.  all GPL/LGPL compatible.

Offline shnar

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Re: ROSIn: A Rolemaster Open Source Initiative Roll Call
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 04:03:45 PM »
Have you looked at Flex from Adobe? It's an interesting way to provide a rich-client feel over the web (compiles down to a flash swf file, so almost any browser can use the application). I'm just starting to get my fingers wet with Flex, thinking about updating my old Rolemaster Electronic Companion in Flex.
