Author Topic: Rolemaster Combat minion Questions  (Read 1533 times)

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Offline Yggdrasil

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Rolemaster Combat minion Questions
« on: October 15, 2017, 04:56:32 AM »
Hello, we are trying to use combat minion in our Rolemaster adventures, hopefully the combat will be a lot more easy.

1) i have some difficulty to out what PC i want to be in the combat, i don't want all the PCs to be a part of the figth all
    the time. And i had to make two PCs to play our Beorning (one as human and one as a bear)
    How do i pick the PCs for the combat ???

2) Is it an easy way to pick out the enemy we want to fight also ?????

3)I'm not what edition this Initiative rules are from but this is what our game master is using.
   In a combat round, mage spells are always first no mather how fast initiative the mage roles. and after spells comes
   archery and then melee.
   Is it possible to make combat minion taking care of this.

Offline Merkir

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Re: Rolemaster Combat minion Questions
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2017, 06:11:34 AM »
Hi Yggdrasil,

1 & 2 have the same answer. When you create your NPCs, give each an appropriate "Key" string, which can then be searched by typing in a substring into the "Key" input field. This allows you to choose just the NPCs you need for each encounter. For example, if you have 4 NPCs in encounter #1, perhaps choose "E1" as the Key for each of those NPCs, then search for "E1" to just show those NPCs.

3. Initiative in Minion can be sequenced multiple times. This allows for any type of round sequence. So if you have a separate phase for Spells, then Archery, etc. just cycle through the initiative sequence multiple times, skipping characters that don't act during that particular phase.