Author Topic: Martial Law missing Elemental Style: Fire  (Read 1147 times)

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Martial Law missing Elemental Style: Fire
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:27:40 PM »
I am making a new character for a new player. They wanted to be a mage that uses fire, so I thought of the fire elementalist. Then they also wanted to be a fighter. But after some thought and since they are a fan of The Last Airbender series I figured why not make something akin to a fire bender. But alas, I was reminded there is no MA Elemental Style: Fire.
So I need some inspiration for a good balanced idea for a Fire Style much like the Water, Air, and Earth styles already in the books.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Martial Law missing Elemental Style: Fire
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 08:16:01 AM »
Maybe There is something in blood magic that could help.
I haven't got my books handy at the moment but I'm sure there is something there that could be worked into that sort of concept.

(Ok so I stopped being lazy and oped the appropriate file)

So for Elemental styles (and all the others I suppose) the is a Defense and an Attack component based on the nature of the element.
That begs the question what is the nature of fire?
- It's effects can be felt at a distance but needs direct application do and real damage (Depending on its temp)
- If it is hot enough in can be difficult to approach the source of a fire 
- It is insubstantial
- It needs fuel (most of the time) 

That's just off the top of my head
For the Attack component maybe an initiative boost similar to that of dual wielding and maybe linked to on to the Chi skills
For the Defense component I can't think of anything at the moment


Offline Bruce

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Re: Martial Law missing Elemental Style: Fire
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2017, 06:18:00 PM »
I have been through all this before with something I have been toying with for years.
I have taken quotes from many sources and use them as inspiration. For example; "“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”" it's a Bruce Lee quote and to me that means a water style is formless and thereby can conform to whatever it is fighting against.
For fire I have it as aggressive and unrelenting. I translate that as someone using a fire style will be quick and strike often, keeping up their attacks until the enemy falls. In HARP game terms I see the Fire style as having both Acrobatics and Adrenal Speed as companion skills. A fire style user may be able to keep Adrenal Speed going much longer than a normal round as long as they keep attacking their foe(s). But for fire to burn it needs fuel, so what would fuel the extra Adrenal Speed other than having to keep attacking?
I was thinking they would not be able to use their Adrenal Defense while using their special attack skill, but if they are attacked they can reverse it and damage their foe, aka fire burns when touched.
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Offline Bruce

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Re: Martial Law missing Elemental Style: Fire
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2017, 03:52:38 PM »
How's this for a fire style:
This style requires that the character have an equal or greater number of ranks in Martial Arts Strikes, Chi speed, and the Acrobatics skill as he has in this style. This is a quick and aggressive attack style so practitioners will act fast and strike often. When attacking using this style each attack is only a small attack. Each round the character makes a Medium Chi Speed maneuver roll (not counting against their actions for the round) to attack more than once for two rounds instead of one. The character needs only to roll for Chi Speed every other round to continue use of this special attack. But once the character is unable to continue attacking everything resets and she/he suffer the normal penalties for using Chi skills for extra rounds. When attacked the character may make a Medium Acrobatics maneuver roll (doesn’t count against the character’s actions), if successful the character then adds the number of ranks in acrobatics to any Attack/Critical roll against the attacker. The attack maneuver is called “Fueling the Fire, and the defensive maneuver is called “Backdraft”.
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