Author Topic: Iron Crown Enterprises at GenCon  (Read 1916 times)

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Offline Colin-ICE

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Iron Crown Enterprises at GenCon
« on: May 19, 2017, 02:37:10 AM »
For those of you who haven't seen the blog, heard on social media or received any of our emails over the past few months: Iron Crown Enterprises are going to GenCon! (Also why have you not read the blog, checked the social media or received any of our emails?)

Because of this I thought it might be useful to create a thread dedicated to us updating you on what is going on behind the scenes and what we have planned.

We currently have seven attendees at GenCon who will be manning the stand at various points or running ICE games. If you're attending GenCon and would like to get involved (and haven't yet contacted us about it), let us know. You can either comment on this thread or contact Nicholas or I directly.

There's more to report but I thought I would start with this and more will follow shortly.


Offline Colin-ICE

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Re: Iron Crown Enterprises at GenCon
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 02:22:01 AM »
For those of you that haven't seen it yet, GenCon have now released the floor map for GenCon50.

Iron Crown Enterprises are on stall 3039 (on the far right of the map).

Don't forget to let us know if you're planning to attend and would like to help out and even if you can' help out, don't forget to come and see us on the stand and say "hi".

Offline Colin-ICE

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Re: Iron Crown Enterprises at GenCon
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 12:28:04 PM »
Quick update:

(I think) Everyone that I know is attending GenCon and is interested in running a game or helping out on the stand has now received an email from me with a file called GM Pack (whether you're running a game or not).

The GM pack is a poorly named guide to ICE's activity at GenCon and should give you everything you need to know.

If you have received the pack but have more questions please let me know.

If you are attending GenCon but haven't received that pack, also let me know.

The preparations are now almost complete.

Thanks to everyone for their help and support.