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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #220 on: February 27, 2016, 09:41:46 AM »
The Cult isn't really essential for an adventure hook (although perhaps it could be), but it's the only real religion that's native to the area, other than the Sisters of Ginh Tanh, who don't have worshippers, so it would be nice to have it present, to add local flavour, rather than one of the more generic religions. I think that if there are enough Lotana in Rapata to have two or three Cult temples, than there's a good chance a local village may have enough for a temple, although not a village to the east of the city, going by the sourcebook. For the local priest to be a member of the Cult, a significant Lotana population would appear to be needed, so I would assume that in a small town that could easily mean Lotana-dominated. Of course, that could merely mean that they are the largest minority, with no one race having a majority. Or do we have more than one major religion in the town?
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #221 on: February 27, 2016, 10:45:42 AM »
Regarding Lotana presence, I have no preference one way or the other. My only point (earlier) was that if we want to have the Cult of the Blue Dragon present, we need a larger Lotana presence than just a couple of families (the original thinking). This does not mean that we need a Lotana majority. Just more than a few families (maybe 100 people?). Also Lotana is more focused in the west so we need to think what draws them this far east (like e.g. the sighting of the blue dragon). So one way or another is perfectly fine as long as there is a rationale for it.

The same applies to the Quaidu. As you said BP, just a handful of experienced and well armed men can easily hold a village and suck it of it's resources, so if the village has been able to deter them, there need to be reason for it (e.g. good fortification, access to arms, ex. men-at-arms in the village, etc.)

Even if we are to include Lotana and the dragon cult, I think most people of the village will be followers of Neela and Iloura.

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #222 on: February 27, 2016, 01:37:54 PM »
I don't think it would be too hard to justify there being a hundred or so Lotana west of Rapata. I would guess there would be at least 1,000 in the city itself. I don't think you could really justify them east of the city though.
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #223 on: February 27, 2016, 02:14:59 PM »
I don't think it would be too hard to justify there being a hundred or so Lotana west of Rapata. I would guess there would be at least 1,000 in the city itself. I don't think you could really justify them east of the city though.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #224 on: February 28, 2016, 03:16:28 PM »
OK, have we agreed that to the east (toward Rapata) there will be several farm holds (a few hundred people that are not counted in the town population figures) that are of Lotana decent?  Also, could there the an annual festival of the Cult of the Blue Dragon (I cannot find one, just wondering).  This might be held in the town to bring in the local Lotana, and increase trade.  I am kind of thinking of the Blessing of the Fishing fleet in many countries as the fishing season gets underway.  Maybe a blessing of the plow or the like and the town has a big multi-day festival to do the ritual and to have businesses (blacksmith and the like) trade wares.  Sheep can be brought in and sold to increase the viability of local flocks.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #225 on: February 28, 2016, 04:26:05 PM »
So, is the priest in the actual town a member of the Cult then? If so, I would expect some of the town's population to be Lotana, otherwise they'd probably just have temples at their homes.

Yes, there are several annual festivals at the solstices and equinoxes, with the Winter Solstice being the most important.

The Cult apparently gets its power from Teris, who is the messenger of the gods. Not sure what other responsibilities he has, or how that aligns with the Cult.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #226 on: February 28, 2016, 05:38:11 PM »
Actually looking at the source book I see the Lotana having home shrines and maybe a larger shrine in the center of a farm stead that borders on several farms.  I can see the town holding a festival around the winter soltuice (if travel is an option then).  But due to the main make up of the larger towns on either side I cannot see this being a Lotana town or having a huge Lotana cultural influence.  Also the size of the town might have a single priest.  It would take a large outlay of resources (a single person worth) to maintain a priest.  If this person is the local Anamist or healer I can see the populace not begrudging the cost.  Beyond that it would be a HUGE drag on the local economy.

I could see a minor priest wandering through the area on a route several times a year.  This means that the Lotana populace would have access to the Cult and there would be a known presence.  But I think the major Lotana population is further west than here.  Some being near the city of Rapata because f the 2-3 shrines can be justified, but I think the major racial make up would be Jameri with Haid as the next largest population.  Lotana could make up perhaps 10-15% of the population in the town's sphere of influence.

Am I totally out to lunch?


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #227 on: February 29, 2016, 03:52:31 AM »
I think we need some sort of priest in the town (and an English community of the same size would have definitely had a priest, in a rather well built church, and they certainly didn't heal people). If nothing else, a priest allows for a player character of the appropriate religious types, as an acolyte if nothing else. The reason I like the Lotana, even if they aren't dominant this far east, is because they are distinctive to the area. It seems possible to me that, as there are Lotana in the area in Rapata, that outside the city they could tend to cluster together. So, rather than having half a dozen communities with a few Lotana, there could be one with a lot of them.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #228 on: February 29, 2016, 05:59:20 PM »
I am not ignoring this post I an thinking it over.  This and it is the end of the pay period for my folks are delaying my post.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #229 on: March 01, 2016, 02:41:14 AM »
If there is Lotana presence in the region, I think it's highly likely that they would also be found inside the town (maybe 100 individuals or so) and I also think that a Lotana presence would add extra flavor to the town. However, the majority would still likely be Jamer and Haid. I also think that most people would be worshipers of Neela (for those earning their livelihood from the sea) and Iloura (for the farmers). I think we could design a worship around either of these two deities as well.

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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #230 on: March 01, 2016, 04:01:38 AM »
Regarding Neela, it seems likely that people would also make at least some sort of service to Shaal. They might like Neela better, but I doubt anyone using the sea would risk angering the rather erratic god of it.

Having several groups of worshippers in the town/area would open up more player options, even if it is a bit more unlikely.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #231 on: March 01, 2016, 08:45:12 AM »
OK I am heading to the Dentist today ad she is never on-time.  This will give me some time to mull this over.  Let me work out a demographic lay out and then populate the religious facilities (most likely shrines).

Using a 500 person population 100 would be a minority, but still significant.  I think we can also use a myth that the Blue Dragon was once seen in the area as a draw to these people.  It does not need to be factual, the rumor would be enough.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #232 on: March 01, 2016, 09:19:48 AM »
One would also need to set actual PC professions and why they are in the town. If for example you have clerics and paladins then a religion that supports them will have to be present. Rangers are easy in these parts as well as Laborers, Fighters, Thieves, Rouges and possibly Magicians, Mystics, Mentalist. The choice of Healer and Lay Healer would be interesting as this will either be one or the other but not both due to the smaller population. I see the Lay Healer as the more likely unless religion based populace. I really don't see a need for the Illusionist, Sorcerer, Monk, Warrior Monk, Dabbler, Magent or Scholar in this area unless visiting or passing through. The Paladin and Cleric would be in most accounts not really from the area in the religions that you have listed except the Cleric of the dominant religion, the others could have a traveling Cleric for the holy days and seasonal blessings.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #233 on: March 01, 2016, 09:19:59 AM »
The Kaldsfang Mountains are sometimes called Irkuugor’s Spine, and they are by the looks of it pretty close where we are placing the town, or at least the western region of the mountains. So a sighting of the Blue Dragon near the mountains seems quite reasonable and believable.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #234 on: March 01, 2016, 09:22:35 AM »
One would also need to set actual PC professions and why they are in the town. If for example you have clerics and paladins then a religion that supports them will have to be present. Rangers are easy in these parts as well as Laborers, Fighters, Thieves, Rouges and possibly Magicians, Mystics, Mentalist. The choice of Healer and Lay Healer would be interesting as this will either be one or the other but not both due to the smaller population. I see the Lay Healer as the more likely unless religion based populace. I really don't see a need for the Illusionist, Sorcerer, Monk, Warrior Monk, Dabbler, Magent or Scholar in this area unless visiting or passing through. The Paladin and Cleric would be in most accounts not really from the area in the religions that you have listed except the Cleric of the dominant religion, the others could have a traveling Cleric for the holy days and seasonal blessings.

Yes, there need to be justifications for as many character classes as possible, so that players have the most choice. With it being on a main road, there will be more passing traffic through the town, so that could be used as a justification for some classes; they were passing through just at the right time.
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #235 on: March 01, 2016, 09:51:06 AM »
Now that you have a predominant Race guide to go by a list of the races for the area will need more detail as far as physical racial descriptions, favorite professions, Cultural beliefs, favorite weapons, favorite religions, favorite clothes (robes, pants and shirt, drab or bright colors), Common names would be nice for PC's or as a source to use with the race in creating PC's and NPC's. Since there is no real source book for these descriptions this will add an element to the people and will provide a great source material for GM's in the future.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #236 on: March 01, 2016, 09:55:17 AM »
Now that you have a predominant Race guide to go by a list of the races for the area will need more detail as far as physical racial descriptions, favorite professions, Cultural beliefs, favorite weapons, favorite religions, favorite clothes (robes, pants and shirt, drab or bright colors), Common names would be nice for PC's or as a source to use with the race in creating PC's and NPC's. Since there is no real source book for these descriptions this will add an element to the people and will provide a great source material for GM's in the future.

Sort of what I was hoping for; a module that is useful for the area it covers and what it adds to the world, and not just for the adventure.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #237 on: March 01, 2016, 10:20:00 AM »
Now that you have a predominant Race guide to go by a list of the races for the area will need more detail as far as physical racial descriptions, favorite professions, Cultural beliefs, favorite weapons, favorite religions, favorite clothes (robes, pants and shirt, drab or bright colors), Common names would be nice for PC's or as a source to use with the race in creating PC's and NPC's. Since there is no real source book for these descriptions this will add an element to the people and will provide a great source material for GM's in the future.

This is why I have stalled on town creation,  I have been waiting to get this laid out.  Once this is done I can flesh out the ideas floating around my pointed little head.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #238 on: March 01, 2016, 10:26:37 AM »
OL, how about 75 Lotana in the town.  Based on a total population of 500 this would be 15% being Lotana.  I can come up with the rest of the figures after this being agreed upon.

This would allow the possibility of a minor priest of the Blue Dragon being in Town.  I have plans to have a local Lotana merchant on the town council.

Ideas?  Comments?  Am I crazy on this point?  (Notice I limited the response.).  8)


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #239 on: March 01, 2016, 01:05:35 PM »
I think the question between the Church of Iloura or the Church of Neela/Shaal being the dominate in the town would be whether the townsfolk see themselves as a farming or fishing village.  This would determine the dominate religion in town.  I see the Priest of the Blue Dragon having a major portion of his home converted into a church, but the dominate religion would have the church build specifically for that purpose.

In my preliminary thoughts there was a Church of Iloura in town and a small unmanned shrine to Neela and Shaal down at the dock area.  But I can easily swap those around depending how we see the flavor of the town.

Comments?  Questions?