Author Topic: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?  (Read 28365 times)

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #160 on: February 20, 2016, 05:29:43 PM »
My vision of the setting is that the immediate lands around the town are somewhat hilly (good for grazing), with small patches of areable farmland in between. A little further inland closer to the foothills of Kaldasfang starts a heavily wooded area that reaches to the limit of the tree line. Not sure if this is what you guys had in mind?

The town would definitely have a wall of some kind, whether a stone one, built from rocks found around the area or a palisade from trees transported downriver. Personally, I like the idea of a dry stone wall.

Timeline wise I like the winter of TE6053 as a starting point. The effects of the loss of the norther eye of Utha brings a certain atmosphere of fear, stress and uncertainty into the game. Maybe the game could even start on New Year's Eve (in median res so to speak)?

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #161 on: February 20, 2016, 09:05:20 PM »
So far we have bpowell and egdcltd as lead developers, jdale for rules check and general feedback, and myself for editing, coordination and minor input.

I will just reiterate what I told Arc, which is that I'm happy to help where I can, but I don't know Shadow World. So it's on you guys to take the lead and to make it work in the setting.
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #162 on: February 21, 2016, 04:44:52 AM »
At some point I can see us needing people to do illustrations and maps, although neither is particularly urgent. Illustrations, if they are going to match the content, need some content to match first. For maps, just some rough stuff showing the relative positions of areas to scale (x marks the spot as it were) would be fine for initial work.

I can see the following maps being needed:

Immediate area of the town
Local area

The above three would have the maps have more whatever to the inch as they progress. Also:

Locations maps (adventure locations, mines, buildings and the like)
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Offline Arc

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #163 on: February 22, 2016, 06:27:20 AM »
At some point I can see us needing people to do illustrations and maps, although neither is particularly urgent. Illustrations, if they are going to match the content, need some content to match first. For maps, just some rough stuff showing the relative positions of areas to scale (x marks the spot as it were) would be fine for initial work.

I can see the following maps being needed:

Immediate area of the town
Local area

The above three would have the maps have more whatever to the inch as they progress. Also:

Locations maps (adventure locations, mines, buildings and the like)

Agree, but as you said before we get there we have loads of other things to work on  ;D

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #164 on: February 22, 2016, 06:54:12 AM »
I have tried to list out all the areas that need to be completed, but I'm sure that I have missed some (especially on editorial part). Maybe Terry or Nicholas has some things to add as well? Next I guess we should determine how we want to structure the work; agree on scope, what areas we co-develop, how we systematise it (google docs, developer forum, e-mails, meetings, etc.), who is responsible for what exact area, how long to complete the various tasks, etc. I think it would be good to have a kick-off meeting (google hangouts, skype conference, or something) quite soon so that we can talk through all the various points. We should also come up with a  8) project name. But first I guess we should move this over to the developers section and agree details with Nicholas.

  - Brief Description
  - Credits
  - System Notes

  - Big Picture
  - Town/Area History
  - Local Events
  - Rumours

  - Weather
  - Flow Activity
  - Weather Chart
  - Land
  - Water
  - Roads
  - Metals and Minerals
  - Flora
  - Fauna
  - Herbs
  - Perils
  - Encounter Table

  - Demographics (Racial Composition)
  - Economy
  - Language
  - Religion
  - Politics
  - Security
  - People of Note
  - PC’s
  - NPC/PC Stats

  - Town Highlights
  - Buildings of Note
  - Places of Interest
  - Maps
  - Layouts

  - Plotline Synopsis
  - Gaming Details
  - Task
  - Starting the Players
  - Aids
  - Obstacles
  - Scenes
  - Rewards
  - The Big Picture

  - Initial Draft Review
  - Format / Layout
  - Proof Reading
  - Cover Art
  - Interior Art
  - Final Draft Review
  - e-publishing
  - Print Proofing
  - Player Guides / Handouts

Offline Arc

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #165 on: February 22, 2016, 07:58:39 AM »
History Recap (Big Picture)
It is almost a millennia ago since the Lord of Ulor again laid claim (at least nominally) to the lands of Xa-Ar and the coast of Saralis. Ever since, the influence of Ulor has waxed and vaned as years and generations have passed. The threat of Ulor's tax collectors is one that all people of Xa-ar have to constantly live with, but it has been relatively peaceful the past 100 years or so. 30 years ago things started to change. First arrived small groups of Quaidu occupants to stabilise the region, and then 10 years ago more arrived as Lord Damon Alizon was driving the Quaidu forces out of southern Saralis. In autumn of TE6050 the Lord of Ulor mounted his assault on the western shores of Jaiman. Allied with the High Priest of Yaarth, the current Lord-Regent of Helyssa, they quickly sweep over the eastern region of U-Lyshak and assault the western border of the Rhakhaan Empire. However, things come to an abrupt halt in TE6051-1-6 when monstrous winters blizzards hit Jaiman. [I assume this would affect Xa-ar region as well, but maybe TKA has a thought on this?]. Things take a turn when TE6051-5-21 Prince Kier Ianins (the rightful heir to U-Lyshak) appears amidst a tremendous pyrotechnic surge in the Essence. Wielding the full powers of the Sea Drake Crown, the very earth rebels against the invaders and entire legions get swept out to sea by the rising rivers or swallowed up by the ground they stood on. Over the next month a large number of Quaidu fleeing the destruction come to Xa-ar and Saralis for refuge.

Given that our town is on the coast, I would assume Quaidu refugees would attempt to come and settle there. Just like the other coastal towns (Rapata, Tepentor, Kispantor, Xarakatapor) have not been able to stop the refugee surge, I don’t see how our little town would have been able to do it. This could raise some interesting racial tensions in the town. Thoughts?

Now this raises the question of racial composition for our town. I see it as a mainly Jameri/Haid town, with maybe only one or two Jaimani elves, a family or two of Lotana and some Fustier hunters/trappers (usually out of town). Your thoughts on this?

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #166 on: February 22, 2016, 08:07:39 AM »
Great work! Good progress. I'm happy to see that this thread is doing so good. I have been reading the posts, but have not had time to comment as I'm abroad on a project. I agree with some of the other comments regarding the size, 800 might be a bit too large for the area. I don't see the highway so heavily trafficked that it would sustain the economy of a village. In my view of Xa-ar at least, it's not so densely populated and trade is not very active. I would think that farming, fishing and (mining) constitute the majority of the economy. The highway and tourism it brings would add another source of income though, but more as a side business. More importantly, the highway brings extra flavour and endless adventure possibilities.

And of course there needs to be an inn!  ;D - what would a starter module be without an inn? Heck, the man himself created a whole sourcebook around it  ;)
but as jdale pointed out, maybe the innkeeper needs another major source of income (like tavern keeping, he/she could be a teacher by day, keeper of a herb garden, cheese maker, the possibilities are endless).

I like the ideas on religion. If fishing and farming are the major sources of income, worship of Neela and Iloura seem logical. I also like the idea of a sister of Ginh Tarn who acts as a midwife/doctor.

As to size I think we are looking at just like 300 living in the town in actuality, with the rest of the population i quoted in  20 mile radius.  Is this what we are look at?

I must admit to not having a depth of knowledge on Xa-Ar, so I would love all the help I can get in that area.  I was thinking that they would get one to two caravans a month during the peak travel times in the year (summer).  This would mean that four to five wagons per caravan.  I love the idea of the Innkeeper making cheese or the like.  Also, I have been rolling around the idea in my mind (lots of room in there) about his wife being the local "apothecary".  While that is too strong of a word.  While she is above knowing this herb makes a good tea for settling the stomach.  She only raises a handful of herbs in her garden, mostly for consumption of her family and neighbors.  I have postulated that the Sister helped the Innkeepers wife through her last pregnancy and has stayed on in town as a semi-permanent guest in the inn.

I do not see any case for tourism currently.  It is just a larger than normal town.  But as our adventurers start poking around they might find things that would bring academics or religious pilgrims from Rapata.  But that of course might bring in some unwanted attention from raiders.


If you make the starting area or population too small then there would be no need for adventurers to be there in the first place. Such as the questions:

-Why would a spell caster be in the town and why
-Why would a thief or rogue want to be in the area that is not worth taking things from
-Only farm roles really for the Laborers
-No need for Scholars as there is not even a small library
-Is the fighter a farmer or militia and does his character skills reflect this
-Would there really be a need or a want for adventure from this area
-Are the characters part of the town locals or are they travelers, if travelers why are they there in the first place

small hamlets are not good for any of these things so a small town with a population of 750-1500 may be a better fit for what you want to do.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #167 on: February 22, 2016, 08:36:34 AM »
I have tried to list out all the areas that need to be completed, but I'm sure that I have missed some (especially on editorial part). Maybe Terry or Nicholas has some things to add as well? Next I guess we should determine how we want to structure the work; agree on scope, what areas we co-develop, how we systematise it (google docs, developer forum, e-mails, meetings, etc.), who is responsible for what exact area, how long to complete the various tasks, etc. I think it would be good to have a kick-off meeting (google hangouts, skype conference, or something) quite soon so that we can talk through all the various points. We should also come up with a  8) project name. But first I guess we should move this over to the developers section and agree details with Nicholas.

A nice comprehensive list. The only things I can think of immediately are probably subsections of the existing. Such as Getting There (both by road and by sea), Groups (Loremasters, Four Roses etc. even if they are only briefly covered by saying there aren't any) Health, Food, Education, Entertainment and Crime. Also perhaps Adventure Hooks attached to certain locations and NPCs; these being areas for GMs to develop themselves if desired.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #168 on: February 22, 2016, 09:37:09 AM »
So, what buildings would there be in the settlement, that aren't purely residential? Although most people will probably work and live in the same place. With it being more independent than would typically be the case, I would expect to see some building types that normally wouldn't be seen outside larger areas, even if they are combined use.

So far, we've got at least one inn and tavern, a brewer (I think), a religious structure, a smithy and a mill (water powered). Plus some sort of general purpose town property.

Other possibilities would be a communal oven and communal livestock pens, with the latter perhaps not always used. Then there are craftsmen; cart/wheel wrights for wagons and carpenters as a start, possibly a leather/fur worker, or a tailor. I can see hides/furs being brought in by trappers. The brewers may make their own barrels. A general store for the town, and especially travellers.

Bees seem like a potential crop, so perhaps a candlemaker. Hunters may require bows and arrows. If there's anything made with stone, the perhaps a mason, although that seems much more likely to be a part-time side job. I'm not sure whether separate butchers and bakers would really be justified.

I think we're definitely getting to the point where we need to start splitting things into multiple topics; this one is getting a tad unwieldy.
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Offline jdale

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #169 on: February 22, 2016, 10:08:24 AM »
A large village / small town isn't going to be self-sufficient. Some of those trades should be present, but others they may need to travel to another village or town to find. They are probably also exporting produce, so take goods to that town to sell, buy needed items there to return with.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #170 on: February 22, 2016, 10:10:59 AM »
A large village / small town isn't going to be self-sufficient. Some of those trades should be present, but others they may need to travel to another village or town to find. They are probably also exporting produce, so take goods to that town to sell, buy needed items there to return with.

Yes, I can't see local craftsmen being able to produce anything major, but there may be someone in the settlement with the skills to at least attempt something - even if it isn't their day job.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #171 on: February 22, 2016, 10:50:23 AM »
Great work! Good progress. I'm happy to see that this thread is doing so good. I have been reading the posts, but have not had time to comment as I'm abroad on a project. I agree with some of the other comments regarding the size, 800 might be a bit too large for the area. I don't see the highway so heavily trafficked that it would sustain the economy of a village. In my view of Xa-ar at least, it's not so densely populated and trade is not very active. I would think that farming, fishing and (mining) constitute the majority of the economy. The highway and tourism it brings would add another source of income though, but more as a side business. More importantly, the highway brings extra flavour and endless adventure possibilities.

And of course there needs to be an inn!  ;D - what would a starter module be without an inn? Heck, the man himself created a whole sourcebook around it  ;)
but as jdale pointed out, maybe the innkeeper needs another major source of income (like tavern keeping, he/she could be a teacher by day, keeper of a herb garden, cheese maker, the possibilities are endless).

I like the ideas on religion. If fishing and farming are the major sources of income, worship of Neela and Iloura seem logical. I also like the idea of a sister of Ginh Tarn who acts as a midwife/doctor.

As to size I think we are looking at just like 300 living in the town in actuality, with the rest of the population i quoted in  20 mile radius.  Is this what we are look at?

I must admit to not having a depth of knowledge on Xa-Ar, so I would love all the help I can get in that area.  I was thinking that they would get one to two caravans a month during the peak travel times in the year (summer).  This would mean that four to five wagons per caravan.  I love the idea of the Innkeeper making cheese or the like.  Also, I have been rolling around the idea in my mind (lots of room in there) about his wife being the local "apothecary".  While that is too strong of a word.  While she is above knowing this herb makes a good tea for settling the stomach.  She only raises a handful of herbs in her garden, mostly for consumption of her family and neighbors.  I have postulated that the Sister helped the Innkeepers wife through her last pregnancy and has stayed on in town as a semi-permanent guest in the inn.

I do not see any case for tourism currently.  It is just a larger than normal town.  But as our adventurers start poking around they might find things that would bring academics or religious pilgrims from Rapata.  But that of course might bring in some unwanted attention from raiders.


If you make the starting area or population too small then there would be no need for adventurers to be there in the first place. Such as the questions:

-Why would a spell caster be in the town and why
-Why would a thief or rogue want to be in the area that is not worth taking things from
-Only farm roles really for the Laborers
-No need for Scholars as there is not even a small library
-Is the fighter a farmer or militia and does his character skills reflect this
-Would there really be a need or a want for adventure from this area
-Are the characters part of the town locals or are they travelers, if travelers why are they there in the first place

small hamlets are not good for any of these things so a small town with a population of 750-1500 may be a better fit for what you want to do.

Hmmmm.  I agree with the population I was setting this around 500 (total).  The town would be a place of commerce.  The small river allows for the sending of good to the town.  Also I have set a mill there.  The paved (Old Kingdom) road allows for the easy of getting these goods to the "big cities".  Also there are a few docks, mostly for fishing boats, but from time to time ( a few times a year) a merchantman pulls in to town.

I was seeing the characters (at least in the first adventures) to be locals and very low levels.  So the spell casters would just be learning.  And as for the rogue...they all have to be from somewhere and start some place.  I grew up with a person that became a very accomplished thief, and my home town was around 1,500.


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #172 on: February 22, 2016, 10:55:24 AM »
That is why such a small town is not really relevant enough to start things. If looking to support multiple characters with multiple professions. The Magic professions except maybe the healer or cleric will need to have a bigger populace to be present. Even if run from a house or travelling to a center for learning it would require a larger population. To start an adventurer out with basic equipment would mean a store that is more than a tiny shop. It would need to be a general supply store and a blacksmith with a forge or importing of weapons. This would mean some sense of economy for the sustaining of the these practices. There also may be a church / school house for the youngsters in the area which the adventurers come from and know each other from.
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #173 on: February 22, 2016, 10:57:12 AM »
A large village / small town isn't going to be self-sufficient. Some of those trades should be present, but others they may need to travel to another village or town to find. They are probably also exporting produce, so take goods to that town to sell, buy needed items there to return with.

Yes, I can't see local craftsmen being able to produce anything major, but there may be someone in the settlement with the skills to at least attempt something - even if it isn't their day job.


Could you define "major".  I was thinking the local blacksmith as being able to fix a plow, it make a few farm implements.  But is about it.  Are we on the same lines of thought here?


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #174 on: February 22, 2016, 11:05:52 AM »
Looking at the towns nearest it (Tepentor and Rapata) the racial mix is mostly Jameri with Haid coming the next most populace. In the larger town there are some Elves, so one or two making there way here might not be beyons imagination (if there was a reason for them to move here).


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #175 on: February 22, 2016, 11:06:12 AM »
If the town supports commerce and travel such as Inns and wheelwrights and such then it could be viable for most professions. The Paladin would be a far stretch but a Ranger would fit in well. A Bard would be local talent or traveling apprentice of such. This may work for the other magic professions or may have a hermit that teaches in exchange for living or is a fugitive that is in hiding and is teaching to either make a living or is working for some other goal / nefarious means.
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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #176 on: February 22, 2016, 11:11:03 AM »
A large village / small town isn't going to be self-sufficient. Some of those trades should be present, but others they may need to travel to another village or town to find. They are probably also exporting produce, so take goods to that town to sell, buy needed items there to return with.

Yes, I can't see local craftsmen being able to produce anything major, but there may be someone in the settlement with the skills to at least attempt something - even if it isn't their day job.


Could you define "major".  I was thinking the local blacksmith as being able to fix a plow, it make a few farm implements.  But is about it.  Are we on the same lines of thought here?


Yes, I think we are. A simple dagger is possible; a fine sword is not. Likewise, simple furniture is possible; an elegant dining suite is not. I would imagine that cheap and functional would be the standard of most craftsmen, even if it's well made cheap and functional. Most medieval settlements were surprisingly self-supporting for the general items they consumed. Even if this settlement is late medieval/early Renaissance, I would expect it, and the surrounding area, to produce most everyday items.
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Offline egdcltd

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #177 on: February 22, 2016, 11:13:55 AM »
Looking at the towns nearest it (Tepentor and Rapata) the racial mix is mostly Jameri with Haid coming the next most populace. In the larger town there are some Elves, so one or two making there way here might not be beyons imagination (if there was a reason for them to move here).


I think there are enough elves in Xa-ar, or have been, that having at least a few in the immediate area, or even in the town, is plausible.
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Offline bpowell

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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #178 on: February 22, 2016, 11:19:36 AM »
Looking at the towns nearest it (Tepentor and Rapata) the racial mix is mostly Jameri with Haid coming the next most populace. In the larger town there are some Elves, so one or two making there way here might not be beyons imagination (if there was a reason for them to move here).


I think there are enough elves in Xa-ar, or have been, that having at least a few in the immediate area, or even in the town, is plausible.
Perhaps not in town proper, but just outside.  This is due to the differences in world view of the mortal and immortal.  The elf(ves) would see the mortals scurrying around and doing "busy work".  So they live outside of town and come in just to trade (when needed).


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Re: Crowdsourcing an Adventure Path?
« Reply #179 on: February 22, 2016, 11:38:01 AM »
It looks as if the town will provide - at a stretch - for at least the possibility of most professions. Might need some sort of retired monastic-type to provide training in martial arts for local ne'er-do-wells or contemplatives. Perhaps some of the Elves in the hinterland might also take local magically-inclined individuals under their wing.
There's also the possibility that a renowned and civic-spirited scholar might be in the vicinity - on retreat for a year or so, taking in the rustic vibes whilst editing and finishing their magnum opus and, distressed at the state of education in the sticks, provides some rudimentary training in the SW equivalent of the Trivium and Quadrivium: enough whet the appetite for knowledge in a few young minds.
And of course, there's always the retired disaffected noble in their dilapidated villa, willing to trade knowledge of blacker arts for various favours, or even the cruel satisfaction of perverting one more soul...
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