Author Topic: Questions on Jaiman's current geography  (Read 2196 times)

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Offline Atouk McMarrin

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Questions on Jaiman's current geography
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:55:38 PM »

I realize the maps have evolved over time, but I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have regarding Jaiman's geography as you currently visualize it.

Pressing question #1: Ryanna, long or short?
Various continent and world maps have displayed a river running west and emptying into L'Kyran by Leathes Castle. Haalkitaine (p. 47) seems to follow the Jaiman text in that the Ryanna is rather short and has its source near Gryphon College in the Dunny Hills. On the other hand, the map of eastern Jaiman from Cloudlords of Tanara (p. 11) shows a river rolling west from the Pass of Raysen, skirting the southern edge of the Zor Wastes, and presumably on towards L'Kyran. Is this longer river, running from the Grey Mountains, the Ryanna, or just an old holdover from an earlier map?

Pressing question #2: Are the Zor Wastes a depression or plateau?
Referencing the eastern Jaiman map from Tanara again, southern Zor seems to be on an upland relative to Rhakhaan, yet Haalkitaine (p. 46) describes the frontier north of Kaytha as a heath "gradually descending" into the Zor Wastes.

On a tangential note, about how far north of Gryphonburgh on the Steppe Highway would you place the Warders of the Crossing with old Zor?

Offline Terry K. Amthor

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Re: Questions on Jaiman's current geography
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 11:46:32 AM »

I realize the maps have evolved over time, but I was wondering if you could answer some questions I have regarding Jaiman's geography as you currently visualize it.

Pressing question #1: Ryanna, long or short?
Various continent and world maps have displayed a river running west and emptying into L'Kyran by Leathes Castle. Haalkitaine (p. 47) seems to follow the Jaiman text in that the Ryanna is rather short and has its source near Gryphon College in the Dunny Hills. On the other hand, the map of eastern Jaiman from Cloudlords of Tanara (p. 11) shows a river rolling west from the Pass of Raysen, skirting the southern edge of the Zor Wastes, and presumably on towards L'Kyran. Is this longer river, running from the Grey Mountains, the Ryanna, or just an old holdover from an earlier map?
A: Short. The Tanara map is in error.

Pressing question #2: Are the Zor Wastes a depression or plateau?
Referencing the eastern Jaiman map from Tanara again, southern Zor seems to be on an upland relative to Rhakhaan, yet Haalkitaine (p. 46) describes the frontier north of Kaytha as a heath "gradually descending" into the Zor Wastes.

A: Overall, Zor is a vast basin, though there are variations in the altitude. Also the area of Kaytha and Prevan is rather hilly, higher altitude than the western Blue River basin.

On a tangential note, about how far north of Gryphonburgh on the Steppe Highway would you place the Warders of the Crossing with old Zor?

A: It is about 260 miles as the crow flies, but the road is curving. I would estimate 300 miles (or 100 leagues if you want to be quaint.

Hope that is helpful!
Terry K. Amthor
Shadow World Author, Rolemaster & SpaceMaster Co-Designer, ICE co-founder.
Eidolon Studio Art Director

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Offline Atouk McMarrin

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Re: Questions on Jaiman's current geography
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2015, 04:46:52 PM »

Terry, thank you very much for the response. It's much appreciated!

I'll be kicking off a new campaign tomorrow, and I've been compiling data into a composite map of Jaiman. What a task. I might have to trouble you some time down the road with some more questions, if you don't mind.


Offline Terry K. Amthor

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Re: Questions on Jaiman's current geography
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2015, 04:22:35 AM »

Terry, thank you very much for the response. It's much appreciated!

I'll be kicking off a new campaign tomorrow, and I've been compiling data into a composite map of Jaiman. What a task. I might have to trouble you some time down the road with some more questions, if you don't mind.


Not at all. I imagine this info is probably helpful to others as well.
Terry K. Amthor
Shadow World Author, Rolemaster & SpaceMaster Co-Designer, ICE co-founder.
Eidolon Studio Art Director

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-- Clarke's First Law.

Offline Atouk McMarrin

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Re: Questions on Jaiman's current geography
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2015, 09:17:39 PM »

Well then, let me throw two more questions your way regarding geographical features of Jaiman.

#1: Two Greensnakes?
     The Xa-ar region map and descriptions for Tonor and Narima (Xa-ar, pp. 24-25) and the Guild Adventurer 2 "Petals and Snow Lions" both show a Greensnake River running to Lake Karish. Yet the map of Saralis from Guild Adventurer 3 "Keeper of the Thorn" shows Nirima on the Blacksnake River. Additionally, Haalkitaine and other sources have a Greensnake River running to the Bay of Deadly Breakers by Harrowgate. Would you say these are just discrepancies in local naming?

#2: Two Orfian Coves?
     The description for Tonor (Xa-ar, p. 25) indicates that the Greensnake and Whitefoam rivers meet and empty into an Orfian Cove of Lake Karish. Yet the same page states that Rumaru is on the Orfian River, which empties into an Orfian Cove of Lake Ainkald.

Again, thanks very much.

I've got most of the data layers for my Jaiman map set down, with just labels and the paths of some rivers to adjust. It's not a complete map yet, but I'm fairly pleased with how a first draft of the Rhakhaan section turned out (and if you'd like a copy for your wall, I'd be happy to send it).

Also, somewhat off topic, but was that a custom font you used for the Kindat runes in the Green Gryphon? I'm preparing a player handout showing a Gryphon Amulet, and I would like to include some "authentic" script for flavor.