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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2015, 02:52:06 PM »
Part Two reboot is starting up soon. Adding a 3rd player to the campaign. Looking like he will be an assassin. Interesting possibilities for spying, double-crossing and infiltration missions...

Great Setting. I would play a Rogue.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2015, 06:32:41 PM »
Part Two reboot is starting up soon. Adding a 3rd player to the campaign. Looking like he will be an assassin. Interesting possibilities for spying, double-crossing and infiltration missions...

Great Setting. I would play a Rogue.

Yes, its an really cool setting. The new player went with assassin, which is a variant of a rogue. he is lvl3 right now but will be lvl4 by the time he meets up with the other 2 established players.
A pc assassin opens up some new possibilities in the story. He may choose to represent himself as a rogue until he earns the trust of the party - they have had a bad experience with an assassin npc who was a spy for their enemy The Beggar King. Im thinking the assassin will have a past and some baggage that will come with him which will be fun to roleplay.

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2016, 06:41:01 PM »
Rebooted this campaign again this summer. Set in Sanctuary, Thieves World. Have added a new 3rd pc, an assassin with a suitably shadowy past. Saved from muggers while in the city of Ranke, the apprentice assassin is mentored by a very dangerous ex-member of the Assassins Guild... he left the guild when his friend, the leader of the guild was betrayed and murdered. The guild has been hunting him since then (about a year ago). The master assassin lives in a secret cabin in the woods outside the city... he likes to test himself occasionally to see if he still has the edge needed to be an assassin... venturing into the city.

Plot wise there is a new faction called the League of Shadows... a new assassins guild led by the retired mastered assassin... they are on a collision course with the original guild.

The other important factions prominent the current story are the Big Fish Gang, a thieves guild who have taken over crime in the westside of the city... The Bloody Hand who are a cult of fanatical priests who have been carrying out dark rituals below the city with a larger, more sinister goal... the destruction of the city of Sanctuary. This are building towards a large festival in honor of a visiting government official who is rumoured to be the target of an assassination attempt by the Order of the Black Lotus.

Our player characters... a burglar, a barbarian and an assassin find themselves under the city investigating tunnels which are being used by the Big Fish Gang to move stolen goods to and from the city wharf. They are under the employ of the cities ex-crime lord Jubal who is attempting to rebuild his criminal empire after a rival, the Beggar King all but destroyed it.

Offline Duke of Zuni

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2017, 03:52:12 PM »
Way late to the game here, but I too am running a Thieves World/Sanctuary campaign. While recently cleaning, I found my old "Chaosium" Thieves World Adventure Pack and introduced my college-age daughter and several friends to the city of Sanctuary. They are currently in the sewer/tunnel system by request of their benefactor group (my old characters from the 1980's) searching for two sets of artifact armor rumored to be in the city's underground.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2017, 01:03:59 AM »
Way late to the game here, but I too am running a Thieves World/Sanctuary campaign. While recently cleaning, I found my old "Chaosium" Thieves World Adventure Pack and introduced my college-age daughter and several friends to the city of Sanctuary. They are currently in the sewer/tunnel system by request of their benefactor group (my old characters from the 1980's) searching for two sets of artifact armor rumored to be in the city's underground.

awesome! its a fantastic setting.
my players have characters working for Jubal the crimelord. I have fleshed out his organisation quite a bit.

Jubal's Hawkmasks
Silverhawks (11)
Commander Horse
Captain Bodin (2IC, Blue Wing Leader)
Kale the Bounty Hunter (UW)
Odin the Bounty Hunter (UW)
Jace the Barbarian (UW)
Azal the Nomad (UW)
Red the Ranger (Red Wing Leader)
Mylarr the Elf (RW)
Mor-am the Rogue (RW)
Moria the Rogue (RW)
Ezra the Rogue (RW)
[UW = Blue Wing, RW = Red Wing]

Greyhawks (10)
Commander Jubal
Captain Lefty (2IC, White Wing Leader)
Rolf the Barbarian (WW)
Grizz the Barbarian (WW)
Ox the Warrior (WW)
Coran the Ranger (WW)
Ferrik the Rogue (Black Wing Leader)
Ignatz the Bounty Hunter (BW)
Jade the Rogue (BW)
Boone the Burglar (BW)
[WW = White Wing, BW = Black Wing]

Nighthawks (4)
Nightshadow the Burglar/Spy (Leader)
Aramis the Assassin
Jalen the Nightshade (Shadow)
Lysandra the Nightblade (Shadow)

The larger units are have subdivisions called 'wings'. These smaller groups can operate independently if needed. Each wing has its own sub-commander/leader. These are Lefty (White Wing), Ferrik the Rogue (Black Wing), Red the Ranger (Red Wing), Bodin (Blue Wing).
Each wing has something unique from others.
Blue Wing have deadly foe-seeking boomerangs.
Red Wing use red feathered 'poisoned' arrows/bolts.
White Wing have at least 5 ranks in adrenal move strength, interrogation, lie perception.
Black Wing have superior lockpick kits (+30) and 5 ranks or more in pick locks, stalk/hide, trickery, gambling, acting and disguise.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2017, 01:14:32 AM »
Jubal has been a central npc in my campaign. in my story Jubal was overthrown by a rival crimelord called The Beggar King. this set the party on a series of adventures to locate the Beggar King and also deal with his allies, a thieves guild called The Big Fish Gang and an assassins guild called The Order of the Black Lotus.
A greater danger emerged in the story when it was discovered the Bloody Hand (Cult of Dyareela) was established in the city, had built a new Blood Temple in the Maze and were allies with the Order of the Black Lotus.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2017, 01:25:16 AM »
As GM, I use a number of devices to advance the story and keep information flowing to the players
1) Rumours (used the rumours booklet from the thieves world boardgame to start with but now generate my own)
2) S'Danzo fortune tellers (have created a 30 card tarot deck that i use for dropping clues, story hooks, visions etc)
3) NPC interactions/dialogue/NPC's in the party (unlike other GM's i allow a large entourage of npcs to adventure with the party. its not uncommon for there to be 5-8 NPC's in the party, especially when they are on missions for Jubal)

I am also big on intrigue, spies and betrayal. This has been a theme throughout the campaign.

Recently the vampaign has taken a dark twist with werewolves appearing in the city and there have been rumours of vampires.

Offline Duke of Zuni

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2017, 12:20:32 PM »
Your breakdown of the Hawkmasks is wonderful. I am stealing it to save me time as My players know of him, but have not yet made serious inquires. They have encountered a few Hawkmasks, but have had no serious dealings with them yet. They will soon.

I have a kerf dealer/supplier encounter (not Jubal) I am currently fleshing out if you are interested for your group, as well as an ancient section/dungeon for Heqt's Temple (full of nasty traps), and a smuggler's cavern near the Old Pier in the works.

My 5 players are 4-5 lvl: fighter/bard/necromancer, rouge/fighter/alchemist, fighter/armorer (with a snapping turtle sidekick), Sorcerer and Druid.
The Neutral-Good Druid has befriended both Lythonde and Tempus, Lythonde has inducted the Druid into the Blue Star Brotherhood, Tempus uses her to help train the Hell Hound's horses. The three fighter class players have joined a mercenary group raising membership for an impending battle with Northerners.

Have you seen Chaosium's module? Maps, Sanctuary personality backgrounds and stats, and wonderful city encounter charts.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2017, 12:27:06 PM »
we play seasons of 8-10 sessions every summer.
we r up to season 4, which starts in dec later his year.
as GM i really enjoy the story crafting. it is very rewarding seeing the players enjoying a story you created yourself.
i think my campaign is quite unique because in between seasons i tinker with the rules a bit and introduce new rules each season. In Season 3 I introduced Super Fast Combat resolution (RMCIII). it was really needed as the party was getting bigger (now up to 5 players) and they were getting mixed up with some large and powerful factions. This Season which is Season4 I am introducing Talent Law and Weapon Specialisation. I ask my players for feedback and suggestions at the end of each sessions make some decisions about what tweeks to to rules might be needed. In Season 2 i was tweeking the Ambush rules which was rather timely because the party were up against an assassins guild which had 50 assassins operating about the city.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2017, 12:34:22 PM »
Your breakdown of the Hawkmasks is wonderful. I am stealing it to save me time as My players know of him, but have not yet made serious inquires. They have encountered a few Hawkmasks, but have had no serious dealings with them yet. They will soon.

I have a kerf dealer/supplier encounter (not Jubal) I am currently fleshing out if you are interested for your group, as well as an ancient section/dungeon for Heqt's Temple (full of nasty traps), and a smuggler's cavern near the Old Pier in the works.

My 5 players are 4-5 lvl: fighter/bard/necromancer, rouge/fighter/alchemist, fighter/armorer (with a snapping turtle sidekick), Sorcerer and Druid.
The Neutral-Good Druid has befriended both Lythonde and Tempus, Lythonde has inducted the Druid into the Blue Star Brotherhood, Tempus uses her to help train the Hell Hound's horses. The three fighter class players have joined a mercenary group raising membership for an impending battle with Northerners.

Have you seen Chaosium's module? Maps, Sanctuary personality backgrounds and stats, and wonderful city encounter charts.

awesome. im happy to trade resources. those encounter settings u have sound cool! i need a map for Heqts temple! its just been rebuilt in the avenue of temples in my campaign. The followers of Heqt are trying to quash the Bloody Hand, both in Sanctuary and across the known world. The party have become entangled in this larger plot because their goals are similar. I have used Lythande as an ally of the party. They have had dealings with Myrtis who is allied with Jubal. At the end of Season 2 Lythande went missing under suspicious circumstances. A scroll found by a player was actually a magical trap created by the Bloody hand cult to take care of Lythande who was helping the party eliminate the Big Fish Gang, one of the cults allies.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2017, 12:52:13 PM »
The kerf dealer and smugglers hideout would also be useful resources for me.
In my version of Sanctuary the Big Fish Gang have taken over much of Westside and now operate with impunity using extortion and intimidation to gather wealth. The have a large black market operation in place with a base below Red Lantern St (They previously had a base operating out of a flower shop in red lantern st, but this has been infiltrated by both the party and the city guards (who took all he credit for it, much to the players annoyance). The BFG now control the flow of trade into and out of the city. This has forced the Prince to become involved and he has marshalled his hellhounds to mount a raid into one the the BFG's bases (they are storing the black market goods in the Governor's Warehouses!).
Jubal, who was severely weakened by the Beggar King (BK hired assassins to virtually wipe out Jubal's hawkmasks and almost succeeded, but a small group of survivors led by the pc's located the BK's hideout and killed him... or so they thought! The Beggar King had a decoy, posing as him operating out of his hideout in the sewers... it was the decoy that that party killed... this was revealed in a written message from the BK to the pcs at the end of Season 2.

Things are poised for a big showdown with the Beggar King and his allies, the Big Fish Gang (and the Bloody Hand).
Jubal has now regained much of his former power (at least in the number of sell-swords he has). Jubal has recruited new hawkmasks from Ranke, a few of these are former recruits, experienced ex-soldiers/gladiator types but most are a ragtag team of thieves, rogues and criminals. Desperate times call for desperate measures. These are the 30 or so men I listed earlier. The player characters, two of which are hawkmasks are trying to work their way up the hierarchy within Jubal's organisation. One pc had his sights set on becoming commander of the hawkmasks but failed in this goal when it was discovered by Jubal that he orchestrated the murder of Jubal's former captain! Lets just say there was a rather tense questioning scene we played out in which Jubal interrogated each of the pcs to get to the bottom of why his hawkmask captain, who he sent them to rescue from the Dungeon, was interrogated and killed by them for being a traitor! A clever plan that did not work... the player set up the hawkmask captain naming him a traitor... using flimsy fabricated evidence... and on the way back to Jubal's estate, after rescuing him from the dungeon (thanks largely to a forged document from Jubal) stopped by the Maze and interrogated him with the goal of killing him as the revealed traitor (NOTE: There is a traitor in the hawkmasks, Jubal knows this but not who it is... even the pcs are under suspicion!)

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2017, 01:12:29 PM »
Jubal passed sentences on he two hawkmask pcs.

The burglar pc got a promotion to leader of the Nighthawks wing. He is an exceptional thief and spy and it was recently revealed that he was a sleeper agent planted in and working his way up within the Order of the Black Lotus (the assassins guild who were largely responsible for the near extermination of Jubal's hawkmasks back in season2)

The barbarian pc (who had his sights set on becoming the new captain of Jubal's Hawkmasks) was demoted and stripped of his former rank of 2nd in command.

As GM i considered Jubal having them executed or kicked out of his organisation. I came up with a far meaner consequence for them overstepping their authority and killing Jubal's captain without his sanction.

Jubal fined them. a substantial amount. 200 gold i think it was. It was explained to the pcs that this money was owed to Jubal by his former captain, the one they killed under 'suspicion' of being a traitor. A dept that they inherited when they killed him. They have about a month to repay it or they will be kicked out of the hawkmasks. The burglar when he heard this was confident he had the money stashed in one of his many stash locations about the city so wasnt too worried. You know where this is going eh?

When the burglar goes to pick up his stashed gold/gems it turns out these stash houses have been plundered, robbed. His wealth stolen! The player was understandable distraught and furious. Its not known who by but they suspect Jubal's hand in this. Suddenly the prospect of paying off a 200gp dept is looking rather more difficult and has the pcs scrambling for ways to get the funds needed to pay Jubal's dept.

It is unknown whether or not the dept is real or fabricated by Jubal. The players suspect Jubal is lying and made it up but they can't prove that now can they? As for the robbed stash houses, as a hawkmask the pcs operate closely with other hawkmasks when on missions. Some of these hawkmasks have questionable morals and criminal records or drug addictions or gambling problems. It doesnt take too much of a stretch to imagine here could be one or two that had their sights on the burglars gold and gems. There is also the issue of there being a traitor in Jubal's hawkmasks.

Jubal is now hated by the party, if given the choice im sure they would leave the hawkmasks. This is not an option with that dept hanging over them. I know the players are plotting to kill Jubal and one has his sights on taking over his organisation. For now, they will toe the line and do as they are told. But they are biding their time waiting to get even wit the crimelord who is their boss and not a very popular one ;)

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2017, 01:32:43 PM »
Your breakdown of the Hawkmasks is wonderful. I am stealing it to save me time as My players know of him, but have not yet made serious inquires. They have encountered a few Hawkmasks, but have had no serious dealings with them yet. They will soon.

I have a kerf dealer/supplier encounter (not Jubal) I am currently fleshing out if you are interested for your group, as well as an ancient section/dungeon for Heqt's Temple (full of nasty traps), and a smuggler's cavern near the Old Pier in the works.

My 5 players are 4-5 lvl: fighter/bard/necromancer, rouge/fighter/alchemist, fighter/armorer (with a snapping turtle sidekick), Sorcerer and Druid.
The Neutral-Good Druid has befriended both Lythonde and Tempus, Lythonde has inducted the Druid into the Blue Star Brotherhood, Tempus uses her to help train the Hell Hound's horses. The three fighter class players have joined a mercenary group raising membership for an impending battle with Northerners.

Have you seen Chaosium's module? Maps, Sanctuary personality backgrounds and stats, and wonderful city encounter charts.

go for it!
no i havent seen the map/expansion u speak of. is it good? whats in it? u have it?
i have the 3 TW modules they printed. quite old and hard to get hold of now. The spirit stones, Traitor and Assassin. these are really good. have extra maps. npcs, adventure hooks and although old, do a gr8 job in setting the tone of the city as a place full of down and out desperate people who fear magic and stay well clear of the Hell-hounds. bets thing is they can be used over and over. there is enough detail in them to run related adventures from the main one. you can easily explore the background of one of the NPCs they use in the story, base a new adventure around one of the locations with maps or revisit them after a time away and play a sequel adventure eg. remember that urchin you guys encountered? we he has become the leader of a new organisation and he needs your help.

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2017, 01:48:38 PM »
In my setting, the followers of Heqt are still fairly clandestine, as Vashanka still holds sway over the city. The underground section of the temple of Heqt is all that remains. One of the sets of ancient armor is hidden there, but based on how the last session went, they will not find it without help ;).

PM me your email and I will forward you what I have (probably next week) for your use.
Warning: My descriptions are basic and subject to expansion/change at discretion (as they should be).

We play once, sometimes twice a week for 2-6 hours at a time. We have been playing this campaign for 6 months.

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2017, 02:17:19 PM »

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2017, 04:11:33 PM »
In my setting, the followers of Heqt are still fairly clandestine, as Vashanka still holds sway over the city. The underground section of the temple of Heqt is all that remains. One of the sets of ancient armor is hidden there, but based on how the last session went, they will not find it without help ;).

PM me your email and I will forward you what I have (probably next week) for your use.
Warning: My descriptions are basic and subject to expansion/change at discretion (as they should be).

We play once, sometimes twice a week for 2-6 hours at a time. We have been playing this campaign for 6 months.

cool! cheers.

Online Druss_the_Legend

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2017, 01:56:51 AM »
The Player Characters
Nightshadow - Level 6 burglar/spy/multiple split personalities/inflicted by a vampire curse
Blackfang - Level 5 Assassin, member of The League of Shadows
Kromm - Level 6 Barbarian, former 2IC of Jubal's hawkmasks
Ghurdard - Level 5 Bounty Hunter, hired by Lady Myrtis to find Rabben Halfhand the rogue Blue Star magician.

Jubal - crimelord slaver ex-gladiator
Commander 'Horse' Horst - Level newly appointed commander of Jubal's Hawkmasks
Lefty - level 6 fighter, recently appointed captain of the hawkmasks
Bodin - level 6 fighter, recently appointed captain of the hawkmasks

Season 3 Epilogue. [Part One]
Location: Downwind Safehouse. Kromm the Barbarian and the other hawkmasks, two of which are mortally wounded are present. Also there are Nightshadow the Burglar/Spy, Blackfang the Assassin, Deathbringer the Master Assassin, Jubal the ex-gladiator/crimelord and his new recruits.
Someone on a horse can be heard arriving outside the safe-house. Moments later Moria the hawkmask enters. She looks tired, distress is etched on her face.
[Kromm had previously sent Moria to seek the aid of healers from the Temple of Shipri - the acolytes who assisted the wounded in Vashanka's Square at the arena battles].
Moria "They are all dead. The priests of Shipri. Slaughtered! None are left alive. The Avenue of Temples was crawling with city guards. The high priest of Shipri was not among the dead. He is missing".

Season 3 Epilogue. [Part Two].
Nightshdow and Blackfang are poised to get Kromm to the Temple of Heqt where they hope to find a priest or healer. Kromm looks terrible. He is suffering badly from the effects of poison caused by an assassins blade in the arena. Kromm is growing weaker by the hour and is unsteady on his feet. Moria and Jade Salley the sister of Cade are assigned to accompany them. Jade will bring her unconscious brother Cade and also Laselle along. Cade and Laselle were bitten by the wolf creature from the hill. Their wounds are black and festering. Both lie unconscious. Jubal refuses to offer any further aid to the wounded men because their injuries were sustained on an unsanctioned mission.

As the party make ready to leave the Downwind safehouse (their horses are in Caravan Square, except for Moria's which is outside) they notice Horse the new hawkmask commander and the two newly appointed 2nd ranked hawkmasks Lefty and Bodin are already organizing Jubal's sell-swords into three groups. Greyhawks, Nighthawks and Silverhawks. The Nighthawks will make up the reserve force. The Greyhawks will raid the Big Fish Gang's Grotto. The Silverhawks will raid the Governors Warehouses where Salisman aka The Beggar King will be personally supervising the delivery of a large krrf shipment.

Commander Horse "Hey! You lot! There's a mission briefing at the Diving Bird Inn two hours before midnight. Don't be late or I'll have your hides! One more thing. Only report if you're fighting fit. No dead weight. Understood?"

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2017, 02:44:21 PM »
SCENE: The Gallows in Vashanka’s Square. Two captured criminals - Ugh the Barbarian and Fleck the Burglar wait solemnly for their fate.

You are both captives at the hanging block located in Vashanka’s Square outside the Governor’s Palace. You have your hands bound behind your back and are standing beside each other on a raised platform with nooses tied around your necks. A small crowd of onlookers has gathered to watch the entertainment. Two city guards oversee proceedings. A man calls out from the crowd “Let’s see them dance! I want to see them dance on air! (laughter)”. It is impossible to tell where the comment came from. You quickly scan the twenty or so onlookers faces gathered in front of the gallows. They are a mixture of different townspeople: S’Danzo, urchins, beggars and street scum. You notice there is none that looks familiar.

A non-descript government official shuffles forward and unrolls a piece of parchment.
“By decree of the Prince Governor, in accordance with the laws of our fair city, these criminals are hereby sentenced to death by hanging for their numerous crimes against the citizens of Sanctuary. These crimes include: assault on a Hellhound, theft, smuggling, association with known criminals and murder. Let all citizens assembled here bear witness that justice has been served. His Excellency. Prince Kidakathis. Protector of Sanctuary and servant of the Rankan Empire. 0014”.

The official steps back and signals the executioner who is waiting nearby.
If a rescue attempt was going to be made, now would be the time. You look to the rooftops and high walls nearby searching for an unlikely rescuer. Nothing. You say a silent prayer to the Gods. Your mouth is dry making it hard to swallow. At any moment the executioner will activate the trapdoor on which you are standing. Not long now. The end is near. The anticipation of your imminent death is agonizing. You glance at your friend beside you. Companions in life and now companions in death. He has a look of steely determination in his eyes. Time for one final joke. One last insult. One last laugh.

Ugh “If we get out of this I am going to kill you!”
FLECK “Yeah, sure… you will have to catch me first”.
You are jolted back to reality by a loud CRASH! as the executioner triggers the trapdoor on which you are standing. You immediately drop, helpless to control your decent. For a moment time seems to stop. Memories of people from your past flash through your mind. The adveturers Bbill, Shelemur, Arlan and Revlior, Ohpir and his urchins, Jubal and his hawkmasks, Myrtis the Lady of the Night, Jake the fence, Jang the peasant, Argentia the S’Danzo and others. In your remaining seconds of life you relive encounters you have had throughout the city: the Bazaar, The Golden Lion, The Maze, the epic battle with the shield from the rooftops, the attempted rescue of that townsperson in his home and killing the assailant with a precesion strike through his eye!
Again you are wrenched back to reality. This time by the sharp pain of the noose tightening around your neck. This is the end. Darkness encircles you. Suddenly you are aware of a bright light. You feel a strange flash of heat. The white light, it is burning! Without warning the rope above you catches fire. You can smell the odour of singed rope. Your prayers have been answered! Or so it seems.

You begin to pass out. Strangely, the pain has gone. The last thing you remember is a shadowy figure approaching, cloaked and hooded. He has strange glowing eyes. The crowd parts like a curtain as the stranger moves towards you. Chaos follows. People scatter, some screaming in terror. Fear washes over you and then darkness.

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2017, 01:33:29 PM »
Season 4 is set for launch in a few more months. Adding a 5th player!

SEASON 4 Prologue.
Jubal is ready to extract revenge on his arch nemesis The Beggar King. With his empire now rebuilt from the ashes, much of Jubal's power has been returned. Two raids are planned into enemy territory. The Master Assassin Deathbringer, leader of the Shadow Guild has lent Jubal his support but will this be enough? The Bloody Hand have grown powerful. Their allies the Big Fish Gang and the Order of the Black The Lotus have taken control of much of Sanctuary's underworld.
Can rumours about the return of the unholy Vampire Lords be true? There is a glimmer of hope. The Followers of Heqt and The Order of the Blue Star oppose the Enemy. Their combined might could turn the tide of evil but who will rally them? Many questions remain. Is Lythande alive? Who is the next target of the Lotus assassins? Can the Bloody Hand be stopped?

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Re: My Rolemaster campaign [Thieves World Setting]
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2017, 04:00:15 PM »
lots planned for the coming season = 12 session.
The Bloody Hand cut will be the major enemy they will be trying to defeat.