Author Topic: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use  (Read 21512 times)

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Offline Bladorthin

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2016, 02:54:26 PM »
"Whatever the reason, I don't recall it being asked before. The good news is, it is slightly already included.
Although you can't define it globally for all new characters, you can edit a character and configure the Rank Binding, then manually edit the character file and change the "conversion ratio" of the binding.
Let me know if that is clear enough. If not, please add a post to the advanced customization thread and I'll post a guide on how to do this.
Afterwards, please let me know if that is acceptable for your group. In future versions I might add a more direct configuration for this feature if there is enough interest."

You asked me to enquire here about this feature. I would appreciate a guide on how to do this, and I do have a couple of questions:

1) Editing and adding the values seems like a lot of work. Once I do it, will I be able to save it across all professions and characters easily (Similar skills do not change based upon profession–they are the same for everyone)

2) Does your Rank binding system properly use either the character's skill or the number of ranks in the in similar skill, whichever is higher, to calculate the character's skill bonus, i.e. is the total in another column or kept track of properly?


Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2016, 06:30:54 PM »
I would appreciate a guide on how to do this
Ok, give me a couple of days and I'll write about this, maybe as an addition to the manual, or a new video in the YouTube channel.

1) Editing and adding the values seems like a lot of work. Once I do it, will I be able to save it across all professions and characters easily (Similar skills do not change based upon profession–they are the same for everyone)
Rank bindings are currently per character only. This means that you would need to re-do them for every character you create.
Adding it as a feature in the system would require some work, which might take some time to get to the published version because of others features i'm currently working on, but I'll take note of it and add it to the requests.

2) Does your Rank binding system properly use either the character's skill or the number of ranks in the in similar skill, whichever is higher, to calculate the character's skill bonus, i.e. is the total in another column or kept track of properly?
Rank bindings allow you to handle stuff like similar skills, but it's not exactly the same. When you declare a binding, the bound skill can't gain ranks, it will always be based on its source skill. Its main use is for derived skills, such as elven sight with can be declared as a new skill bound to Perception/Observation and then given a specific extra bonus. Also Stalking/Hiding which are solved as different skills but many times developed as one.
Even if I were to add the declaration of bindings as global feature for all characters, and allow the conversion ratio to be accesible as well, it still would not allow the development of the skill individually to consider only the highest value. The only way I see this as getting a higher priority is if it would help with some other ruling in RMU, which is currently the main driver for new features.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #62 on: July 03, 2016, 09:16:42 PM »
I've updated the RMC Optional Rules document with additional details on how to use the Rank Binding feature to create the "similar skills" from RM2. Keep in mind that in the current version there is no feature to set this automatically for all characters. The binding needs to be configured for each character created.

The document can be obtained from:

You can find the explanation in the section for Option 12.2, let me know if they are clear enough.

Offline dndgamer5e

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2016, 01:20:16 PM »
Ok I have installed a copy of the latest exe on a seperate machine as a test bed.  I am running a Alternative Earth campaign based in a 1922 London, where Magic & Fantasy creatures are now visible its similar to the Hard Magic series of books by Larry Correia.    I am using the RMC server to play and produce my character sheets. So I would like to use the skills from the Pulp Adventures book, , so I have manually updated the Categories & Skills XMLs and test ran producing a character but it did not show the updated skills, I removed the profs.era and replaced it back in the folder when it did not work and now Im getting an issue when I try to open the server, I have attached the screenshot of the ERA - Web Server box.  I have the .log as well.   Ok so Im doing something wrong in regards to getting RMC server to see the updated skills any advice. 


Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #64 on: July 15, 2016, 05:31:18 PM »
I think there is a post on that subject in this thread. If you add new categories you can no longer create nor load characters for the professions provided.
Internally each profession has costs and other important information related to the skill categories. So when you add a new category, those old professions can't cope with the change.
If you intend to play a Pulp game, you would need to remove the existing profession files and only place your own profession files.

There is a possibility, in the future, to add in ERA something to improve this situation, so that you can only add a small file to explain how to adapt existing professions to your new categories.
If you are interested in that feature, you should vote for "Extended Professions" url=]in the poll[/url].

Also, if there is enough interest, you could ask for the specific book you are using to be added as a Package in ERA, in this poll.

In any case, I am happy to help in this thread with any detail that you might need to make your custom pulp professions work in ERA.

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2016, 09:11:13 PM »
Attachment approved
Email -

Offline MKERhyno

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #66 on: August 02, 2016, 12:48:11 AM »
I didnt see anyone else having this issue, so I am very stuck. Group.Category.Skill, new Professions(Pulp, specifically), and the Modern Man race were all complete, as was Rural and Urban(Pulp) cultures. However, when I get to the section on adding culture, I get an error message that the new ones cannot be added....It says that the action cannot be accepted by the server. Status:500 KeyNotFound: Key Rural(Pulp) not found in dictionary.

Ideas? I am not really a code or database guy.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #67 on: August 02, 2016, 06:36:43 AM »
Quick checklist.
  • If you added new groups and categories you must remove the professions included in the application. This means ERA/RMFRP/Configuration/Professions should only contain the files you created.
  • If you removed groups and/or categories, they should not be mentioned in any of the cultures in ERA/RMFRP/Configuration/Cultures
  • In RMFRP, if you created cultures you must also create a subculture, as can be seen for example in ERA/RMFRP/Configuration/SubCultures/Wood Elves.sub.XML which is used to determine available skills for hobby ranks. If in doubt, just copy from any of those provided and change it to say culture="YOUR CULTURE NAME"

Let me know if any of that helps, and we'll continue with the troubleshooting.

Offline InTheGenes

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #68 on: August 20, 2016, 09:26:46 AM »
(RMFRP product question)
If I make use of the "Optional Stats Used" option presented in the School of Hard Knocks Skill Companion, where INDIVIDUAL skills in a given category have individual stat bonuses (and where stat bonuses aren't factored in at the skill category level), what is the best way to manipulate the XML files?

For example, the Artistic*Active category (which the core rules defines as having Pr/Em/Ag as the applicable stat bonuses) in the XML file correctly reads as follows:
"<Category name="Active" groupName="Artistic" progression="Standard"> <Stats> <Stat shortName="Pr" /> <Stat shortName="Em" /> <Stat shortName="Ag" /> </Stats> </Category>"

However, if using the "Optional Stats Used" option in SoHK, individual skills in that category would have the following applicable stat bonuses:
Acting - Pr/Em/SD
Dancing - Pr/Em/Ag
Mimery - Pr/Em/SD
Mimicry - Pr/Em/Me

I'm no XML expert, but I'm ASSUMING that if I go into the Skills.xml file, I could theoretically insert those optional stat bonuses to each individual skill?  But if I do so, what happens with how the skill categories have associated stat bonuses (which - if using the Optional Stat Bonuses option - they don't)?  Should those Core rules stat bonuses be removed from the Categories.xml?  Or, if I have individual stat bonuses attached to individual skills in the Skills.xml, they would override?

Thanks, in advance!  I hope my question makes sense!
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Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #69 on: August 20, 2016, 10:14:53 AM »
Great question!

Indeed, if you open Skills.XML you will find that all skills have a <Stats></Stats> at the end.

Just insert whatever stat you want here, for example:
<Stat shortName="SD" /> in Acting. Then make sure to remove the third stat in Categories.XML for Artistic-Active, and you're done.

The next time you start the application, you will see in the Character Development module that two stats are listed in the category, and their bonuses added up in the Stat column of that category. In the individual skill, the last stat will be listed, and its bonus indicated in the Stat column for the skill.

So the final skill bonus will have added the first two stats when considering its Category column, and the third stat in the Stat column, for a correct final value.

Now you just have to edit those files...  :book2:

Offline InTheGenes

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #70 on: October 30, 2016, 03:52:47 PM »
Sorry if this isn't the best place to post this, but...

Recently had to purchase a new computer due to HD failure on my old one.  Went to re-download my purchased ERA files at RPGNow, was able to find them and download them, no problem.

However, when I went to install, and import purchased book files, etc... it seems that there are files missing.  Particularly, in the RMSS/RMFRP Shadow World file, there's no race information!  I recently got a few email messages from RPGNow that there were some file updates to some of the files at RPGNow (to address Mac10 OSX, I believe); not sure if that has something to do with it, or not...

Any way to get those files bundled back in?

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Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #71 on: October 30, 2016, 06:03:42 PM »
We haven't received any other complain about stuff missing from the Shadow World package.

Just in case I did a quick check of the update we sent today to RPGNow and they are all there.

I will post the details later, but I highly recommend you re-download all your previously purchased packages.
If you do so, you get new content for your old purchases! Shadow World now includes all herbs and creatures in the Master Atlas 4º edition, and the Chararter Law package will give you the herbs in RMFRP Gamemaster Law.

Offline InTheGenes

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #72 on: October 30, 2016, 09:42:02 PM »
We haven't received any other complain about stuff missing from the Shadow World package.

Just in case I did a quick check of the update we sent today to RPGNow and they are all there.

I will post the details later, but I highly recommend you re-download all your previously purchased packages.
If you do so, you get new content for your old purchases! Shadow World now includes all herbs and creatures in the Master Atlas 4º edition, and the Chararter Law package will give you the herbs in RMFRP Gamemaster Law.

Anyway you could check the files that are actually currently being sent out by RPGNow?  I just re-downloaded it (again), and the only files/folders showing up are:

(UPDATED:  I just went to review my "Library" of previously downloaded items on RPGNow, and under the ERA for Shadow World RMSS/FRP section, there's only one file named:

It's as if the larger file has been replaced with Spell information ONLY.  I can NOT access the file that I originally purchased.)

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Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #73 on: October 31, 2016, 07:54:47 AM »
That's really weird. We will be re-checking the uploads to see what went wrong.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #74 on: October 31, 2016, 09:17:58 AM »
Fixed. Please redownload.

Best wishes,
Dr Nicholas HM Caldwell
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Offline dndgamer5e

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2017, 11:55:16 AM »
Hi guys, having an issue with ERA. I have changed  the Skills, Groups, Categories, Professions.XML's to include skills from the Pulp Adventures and I could use ERA to level characters. That was all fine until you updated ERA in Nov & Dec, now when I try to add a new character it errors when I try to access the character sheet and says the following "SystemConfigurationFailed: Could not find category named Awareness in group named Awareness" . The August update still works fine.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2017, 04:55:33 PM »
When you update ERA, it comes by default with the standard set of skills, groups, etc.
If after downloading you extracted the application to the same directory, and chose to have the files overwrite your current installation, then most likely the message you get is because your changes are not in the server, but the character files still mention them.
Let me know how you handled the files, confirm if your configuration files still have your changes.

Also, I'd need to know if you get the message when loading a character or when adding it to an adventure (or both?).

Another check that would be useful for troubleshooting is this: can you create a brand new character and load its character sheet?

Offline dndgamer5e

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #77 on: January 21, 2017, 09:06:08 AM »
When you update ERA, it comes by default with the standard set of skills, groups, etc.
If after downloading you extracted the application to the same directory, and chose to have the files overwrite your current installation, then most likely the message you get is because your changes are not in the server, but the character files still mention them.
Let me know how you handled the files, confirm if your configuration files still have your changes.

I install a brand new iteration of ERA each time you update it, I then copy my versions of the Skills, Groups & Categories XML's and overwrite the standard ones. I also add my professions to the profession folder.

Also, I'd need to know if you get the message when loading a character or when adding it to an adventure (or both?).

I only use the app for character generation, do yet use the adventure side.

Another check that would be useful for troubleshooting is this: can you create a brand new character and load its character sheet?

It happens with brand new characters as well.  All of the iterations up to August work fine, its the Nov & Dec versions which fall over.  Its as though it is ignoring my replacement xmls.

If you need copies of my xml's I am using I am quite happy to send them to you.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #78 on: January 21, 2017, 10:27:18 AM »
Please send me all of your new and edited files to
I'll do my best to find a solution to your issue.

Offline dndgamer5e

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster configuration, customisation and advanced use
« Reply #79 on: January 24, 2017, 03:25:31 PM »
Please send me all of your new and edited files to
I'll do my best to find a solution to your issue.

Chrs, sorry took a bit of time but the power supply on my pc died over the weekend.  Email sent