Author Topic: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues  (Read 14019 times)

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2013, 06:47:26 PM »
2 - Confirming - Rank limitations should be based upon total level.
Email -

Offline trechriron

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2013, 06:51:20 PM »
Some more (I'll keep updating as my group sends them to me);

Suggestion: There should be a "GM Audit Sheet" that a player can print out and show HOW they spent DPs on a level up or in character creation. Then the GM could open the character and view it. Bonus points if this sheet is printable!

3. The warrior mage spell stats are incorrect by default in the builder, its using presence/self discipline instead of reasoning/self discipline
4. autoharp doesn't prompt for choosing where to apply the professional bonuses - I'm guessing this is in the pop up, which I hate. I would rather have more columns in the skills area. In fact, a second section towards the bottom that displayed any special bonuses you get by profession and a place to assign them would be great (this is after all a core part of each profession). This should also be added to the "GM Audit Sheet".
5. when attributes change the skils don't autoupdate to display the attribute bonus changes
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2013, 06:56:51 PM »
6. (From Phil) During character creation it asks you to place your Adol. ranks and your starting profession ranks. Its on the second or third window.

If I use my scroll wheel while having having the skill ranks selected the program crashes outright. Sometimes it does this randomly while distributing DP after leveling up a character.

From Phil - "Windows 7 64x, its been crashing left and right on me while I try and level up. Super frustrating but I can pump out my final character in just a few minutes if it would let me finish and save. Going to try it on an old Vista machine here and see if it has better stability (lol)"

I'm collecting all OS version info and will post that here in a moment. Is there any other specs that will be useful in diagnosing issues?

Trent - Windows 7 Professional x64.
Phil - Windows 7 Professional x64.
Matt - Windows 7 Professional x64.

(Computer nerds...  I think we can drum up a Windows 8 box for some version testing, have to look into that)
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2013, 07:03:10 PM »
As per 6 above (from Phil):

Error as follows:

C:\wxWidgets-2.8.1\include/wx/arrstr.h(179): assert "nIndex < m_nCount" failed in Item(): wxArrayString: index out of bounds
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose {Cancel} to suppress further warnings.

End error.

No matter the selection the programs is unresponsive and crashes.
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2013, 07:09:47 PM »
I'm not seeing any special bonus added to my Outdoor skills for the Survivalist talent. Shouldn't I see that in the skills tab?
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2013, 07:14:44 PM »
8.  Race Talents list a cost of 999. Even if having a '999' is a programmatic requirement, it should display a cost of "0".

9.  The links in the About pop up try to open in the applications own frame. These should open in the OS default operating system. They are difficult to see and navigate in the application frame.
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2013, 07:25:13 PM »
Skills Tab - Assigning Ranks

How do I know, when I'm spending ranks in the Skills tab how many DP I have left?  How do I know if I've reached max ranks?

I really believe the "add a level" and "start a character" pop ups should be eliminated. There should be columns for profession ranks, adolescence ranks, profession ranks and all the bonuses. There should be a display of total and spent DP at the top of the screen somewhere so I can see what I have remaining. This pool should update with any changes made.

Traits Tab

What is the Dev Points field doing? It doesn't seem to update except when I add a level. It's also adding the pool after the Talent selection I make (so it doesn't show the total DP I have). I feel this should be moved to the summary at the top, and should probably show a total (based on total level), spent on talents, spent on skills, remaining. This would give you a quick view into where you're at when creating a character.
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2013, 07:52:27 PM »
10. Mage spells cost 3DP per rank? I thought spell casting was under Mystical Arts category and therefor a favored category Mages/Warrior Mages? These would then be 2DP per rank. I'm not aware of any 3DP costs unless maybe you are counting a training package?
Trentin C Bergeron (TreChriron)
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Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2013, 07:05:13 AM »
I'm not seeing any special bonus added to my Outdoor skills for the Survivalist talent. Shouldn't I see that in the skills tab?

In my experience, all talents that add bonuses, these bonuses must be added manually.

8.  Race Talents list a cost of 999. Even if having a '999' is a programmatic requirement, it should display a cost of "0".

Those are race or monster talents that cannot be purchased normally. Perhaps they should not be displayed in the selection list during character development but only on the character form where they are normally listed.

Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2013, 07:08:21 AM »
As per 6 above (from Phil):

Error as follows:

C:\wxWidgets-2.8.1\include/wx/arrstr.h(179): assert "nIndex < m_nCount" failed in Item(): wxArrayString: index out of bounds
Do you want to stop the program?
You can also choose {Cancel} to suppress further warnings.

End error.

No matter the selection the programs is unresponsive and crashes.

I have also had this issue on occasion, but I have not been able reproduce it consistently to find the sequence of events which produce it.

I'm also on Windows 7 x64.

About 99% of the time, I can produce characters without running into any issues. I'm waiting for the next version to continue testing on my end.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2013, 10:17:40 AM »
Various issues we're encountering;

1) If you enter a Talent with the '&' symbol, you cannot open the saved character sheet. The parser is not correctly parsing the '&' symbol.

2) Rank limitations seem to be calculated off of profession level. I though max ranks we're based on total level?

3) The start up of a new character is super annoying. Can't we just have pools of free ranks from profession and culture to assign at the skills tab (over each category)? That pop up is adding a level of workflow requirements that is not needed IMO. There should simply be a pool of ranks listed at the top of the skills tab showing your profession (P) and adolescence (A) free ranks by category. Then there could be a couple new columns showing where the player assigned them (for GM auditing). It would speed up the workflow and remove an additional pop up. When you put ranks into the "ranks" column, it deducts DP. It should not allow you to exceed the free ranks in the pool for the category in any P or A column.

I have several more coming, my group is sending me their lists.

I'm sorry you are having issues. It seems there are issues with the Ampersand throughout the whole application. I have been removing them and thought I got them all. Apparently not. Replacing the & with and, is the current workaround.

2) Will write this one up.

3) The wizard was a solution in order to create a workflow that one does when creating a character sheet. I can look into finding new ways to implement this in the future. As for your last sentence, do you mean that you are able to puts ranks into a skill after the DP are spent? If so then that is a bug.

4) GM Audit Sheet added as enhancement request

5) Warrior Mage ticket added

6) as per where to put the profession bonuses, there are two columns on the New Character wizard on page 3. The left is for adolescence and the right is for profession. The list on the top is prefixed with a (A) for adolescence and a (P) for profession. You shouldn't be able to add profession ranks for an adolescence selection and vice versa.

7) "when attributes change the skils don't autoupdate to display the attribute bonus changes": Which attributes are we talking about? There is a known bug where Armor Penalty is not a part of the skill total bonus. But I'm unsure as to which attributes you are mentioning here.

8. Scroll wheel causing a crash. I'm not sure what is going on there. I currently run Windows 7 x64 myself and this is not an issue for me, however it has been known to happen to me rarely. I can get a character sheet going 99.9% of the time. Does it happen when he adds a single rank or when he lets the wheel freely fly until it can't add anymore?

9) "I'm not seeing any special bonus added to my Outdoor skills for the Survivalist talent. Shouldn't I see that in the skills tab?" No... adding talents doesn't effect the skills tab or any other tab at all. This is because the complexity of some talents makes it rather difficult to pinpoint where to add the bonuses. In some cases it is easy like in Survivalist, however if I couldn't do it all the time I decided to just make it manual all the time. Currently you have to update the skills or whatever values need to be updated yourself when adding a talent.

10)  Race Talents list a cost of 999. Even if having a '999' is a programmatic requirement, it should display a cost of "0". Ticket wrote up. I display these talents because you "never know" when a user might want to add it to the character sheet anyways. AutoHARP is somewhat freeform. It won't make things that usually cannot happen impossible.

11).  The links in the About pop up try to open in the applications own frame. These should open in the OS default operating system. They are difficult to see and navigate in the application frame. Ticket wrote up.

12) How do I know, when I'm spending ranks in the Skills tab how many DP I have left?  How do I know if I've reached max ranks? You should be using the new level wizard when adding a level. The development points are labeled in the header of the new level wizard.

13) The development points field in the traits tab is there to show what development points you had left after creating a new level for your character. You can change this field if you want the player to have more or less development points when adding a new level as the development points in the new level wizard are augmented based on this field. The field is only updated through the new level wizard. No other task will update this field outside the user changing it themselves.

14. Mage spells cost 3DP per rank? I thought spell casting was under Mystical Arts category and therefor a favored category Mages/Warrior Mages? These would then be 2DP per rank. I'm not aware of any 3DP costs unless maybe you are counting a training package? Huh! This could be something that was based on old house rules before AutoHARP went public. I'll look into it. For a workaround, try setting that field to Category Favored by right clicking the category and selected Set Category as Favored. That might reset the category to cost 2DP.

Again sorry for the issues.

Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2013, 11:48:00 AM »
7) "when attributes change the skils don't autoupdate to display the attribute bonus changes": Which attributes are we talking about? There is a known bug where Armor Penalty is not a part of the skill total bonus. But I'm unsure as to which attributes you are mentioning here.

I believe there already was a ticket for this where a change in any attribute was not reflected in the character sheet unless it was saved and then reloaded. In my case it was Strength that gave me an issue. This is on my list of thing to test in the next version.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2013, 04:29:29 PM »
Ah if that is the case then version 1.0.3 will address this. Something new in addition to this, I have also made the racial stat editable.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2013, 08:39:45 AM »
10. Mage spells cost 3DP per rank? I thought spell casting was under Mystical Arts category and therefor a favored category Mages/Warrior Mages? These would then be 2DP per rank. I'm not aware of any 3DP costs unless maybe you are counting a training package?

Unfortunately I cannot find where this issue is located. Could you elaborate some more on how I can recreate this issue? It will make pinpointing the problem faster.


Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2013, 07:13:24 PM »
Beta testing version 1.0.3 Standard Harp Fantasy

Test character: Dwarf/Deep Warren/Rogue.

Error found:
DP cost for spells is 4 should be 2. DP cost for spells should be the same as Mystical Arts for the given profession.

Is this data in the database?

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2013, 08:36:50 PM »
What profession did you choose?

Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2013, 06:05:43 AM »
What profession did you choose?

That was indicated in my post. ;)

Test character: Dwarf/Deep Warren/Rogue.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2013, 08:12:30 AM »
Oh! Sorry. Missed that.  :-[

Rogue. From memory I don't recall any spell lists for Rogue other than Universal so I'm assuming then the Universal Sphere in the application is still at cost 4. I see in the code that I only check for the profession matched spell and set that to the Mystical arts category cost. I have now added logic to find the Universal sphere and set that also to the Mystical arts category cost.  I'll add a ticket.  :)

There also seems to be some missing database logic as well for this. That is, in order for the Mystical Arts category to update the Category Spheres, there must be a node within the Profession Node called <SpellStats> where it lists the stats for the spells for that profession. The can be different for some professions. I have now made sure each profession has this node regardless if it useful information or not.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2013, 08:38:19 AM »
Actually... after further review if you add the following to Rogue under FavoredCategories
Code: [Select]
                <Name>Spells: Universal</Name>
That should make it Cost 2. So yes... this can be fixed with the database alone.  ;)

Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 1.0 - Errata - Issues
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2013, 08:56:50 AM »
Actually... after further review if you add the following to Rogue under FavoredCategories
Code: [Select]
                <Name>Spells: Universal</Name>
That should make it Cost 2. So yes... this can be fixed with the database alone.  ;)

I will try this as soon as a can. Technically all spells are skills within the Mystical Arts category, but whatever works is fine with me.