Author Topic: Rolemaster Product Suggestions  (Read 14946 times)

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2011, 10:38:45 AM »
Some good ideas already, but I'll throw in a few too.

ARMS LAW - I agree with Vlad to some extent here. I'd like to see Weapon and Armour specific crit tables which dovetail into a piecemeal armour system. So you'd end up with a situation where the general level of armour coverage and the body specific coverage come into play when considering attacks and criticals. I have no problem with separate attack and critical tables. A lot of work, but it would be awesome.

SKILL LAW - There have been a few requests for more detail regarding things like Healing, Herbs, Subterfuge, Social (trading, diplomacy etc), Outdoor, plus Firefighting and other more obscure skills. I think that many of these could be included in a book of that nature. SOHK was a great idea, but it mostly regurgitated old material and barely scratched the surface when it comes to the potential details of these skills. As far as possible, I would organise it by related skills rather than alphabetically.

MONSTER COMPENDIUM - More beasties, and more scope for using monsters as characters (NPC or otherwise).

SETTING MATERIAL - I tend to devise my own scenarios and campaigns, but I think a book of short adventures (short modules that could be incorporated into a could go from the 'obligatory' 1st level rodent bashing mission for the publican, right up to short diversions for the high level character), NPCs (a detailed NPC chart would be a good start), and world building/scenario ideas. These would interest me as both a consumer and contributor.

Apart from the core rule book of any new system (which I'll discuss in the appropriate threads), I would like to see all material include a GM section which details ways that new material can be added and yet still fit into the system (eg new weapons, races, skills etc). I would then encourage players to share their work via the website (I was amazed to see how much great material - better than the original game - the aurora toolset for Neverwinter Nights produced). Having an established method for home brew material could keep players in the fold, and provide a dynamic exchange of ideas.

In the case of most of these suggestions, I have a home brew system I already use (Piecemeal Armour, Injury and Healing, NPC table, and of course setting material). I would be happy to contribute my ideas, but would be even happier to see what the professionals come up with.

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2011, 11:53:25 AM »
An interestingly large collection of revisions of the core rules, but this thread's intention is not to call for a revision and comments or requests relating to it. . .it's "OK you have the books you have in your hands. . .. what else do you want?"
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2011, 12:02:29 PM »
Assuming Express Additions and Spell Law 2 will become available again (and if not, I wants them first) then I'd like some Mass Combat and a Pulp Rolemaster guide (I liked the RMSS one enough, actually, but I'd want one that fit RMC, which I prefer to play).

Offline Rigby

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2011, 03:02:48 PM »
Hi All. New to boards, but not to Rolemaster. Been playing since the mid-80's. RMSS is my favorite of all the versions. What I would like to see is a new setting/world book for RMSS. I realize HARP is the new version, but to me it is not the same. One thing that got me into RM to begin with was the Tolkien material. IMO when that ended, RM really struggled to compete with other RPG's.

I would really like to be apart of creating that new game world.

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #64 on: February 01, 2011, 03:08:29 PM »
Welcome to the ICE Forums.
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #65 on: March 04, 2011, 01:40:04 PM »
Things I would like to see...

  • All RMSS/FRP products made available again (I know a lot of them will become available as the "legals" get worked out) in both PDF and PoD (I know that will come after things are verified).  One specific request is the RMSS version of C&M (not the RMFRP version as the stat blocks were much less useful).
  • RMSS/FRP for Fantasy Grounds.  RMC for FG2 doesn't do me much good as I highly prefer RMSS/FRP.
  • More adventures.  I'm mostly interested in RMSS/FRP but they should be statted for RMSS/FRP, RMC, and HARP.
  • More monsters for RMSS/FRP.  What's in C&M is a good start but more would be great.  Also, go back to the RMSS C&M format - the RMFRP version of stat blocks is basically unusable.
  • I'd also like to see a new world (but that probably doesn't make sense for ICE).  Neither Shadow World nor Cyradon have grabbed me at lall.[/i]

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #66 on: March 04, 2011, 03:20:25 PM »
I would like to see more setting books. Shadow World is cool but I would like to be able to choose other settings. Also adventures, adventures, adventures!! because once i have my core books what is next? to use them!! not to buy more system related books, not to imagine how cool will be the day that I use all the tons of optional rules but to gather with friends and run cool adventures easyly with some detailed and ready to run adventures for lazy or uninspired seasons.

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #67 on: March 04, 2011, 03:26:09 PM »
And for the records: I like extra rules books, they make gameplay deeper and more detailed but I consider the adventures and settings a higher priority. :)

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2011, 11:39:11 PM »
The existing settings didn't grab me either which is why I designed my Karnorthe setting ( and its spin off world Arana ( as alternatives. Personally I don't think that any new official settings will be released for some time, if ever. Pity.
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Offline Greyaxe

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #69 on: March 30, 2011, 01:47:58 PM »
I would like to see two new books.  Fey/Fairy Law A description of all the Fey folk , culture motivations description with lots of pictures for newer audiences, something akin to Bullfinches Mythology.

Second book is more of an expansion of 10' pole. Add descriptions and usages for the items in it.
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #70 on: April 12, 2011, 01:12:53 PM »
A re-release of the old middle earth modules, with setting specific details (names, mainly) filed off to avoid issues with TE and with stats for both RMC and RMFRP. You know something like Mines of Moria Dwarfhome, or Pirates of Pelargir Southsea...  :)
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Offline yammahoper

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2011, 02:34:06 PM »
A re-release of the old middle earth modules, with setting specific details (names, mainly) filed off to avoid issues with TE and with stats for both RMC and RMFRP. You know something like Mines of Moria Dwarfhome, or Pirates of Pelargir Southsea...  :)

...all located on the Primal Earth...would be nice if it could be done.
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Offline VladD

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2011, 11:42:49 AM »
Since the thread is still open, reading the last comments I began thinking:

Why not a Campaign module system detailing the cultures of REAL earth and have a sort of "running timeline where certain cultures can exist next to other nice cultures, even though they never did on Real Earth"
Provide a campaign map based on google Earth, or whatever, and insert places of the old fortresses, cities and other campaign stuff needed to run adventures. Also provide the view of the Module's culture on magic, killing, etc and tie in the cultures that did exist with it on REAL Earth. Either go the way of the MERP module: where you take an area that you detail through time (and one time in particular) or detail the cultures on a case by case basis: providing a lot of detail. Let people decide which ones they purchase: A Roman empire next to a mongol empire is not such bad proposition, if a GM wishes.
IMHO it would be great to learn something in the process of Gaming. Not only ICE enthusiasts would buy the stuff, but also people that are interested in certain cultures, or GM's that want some deeply detailed culture inserted in their own campaigns of their chosen kind.
Let such a series be based on the Roman set up. Sample cultures: Caliphates, Mongols, Ch'in, Kmer, etc. Fall back on the mythic series if need be (Mythic greece, Egypt, etc)

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Offline GrumpyOldFart

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2011, 03:30:34 PM »
I'm not going quite that far, but I'm doing pieces of what you're suggesting here:
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2011, 05:00:22 PM »
That is what I mean, except I'd like to see the real world stuff. Preferably erase the modern world from the maps and just use the height and vegetation data and only add archeological evidence that is talked about in the module. Perhaps even some simple outlines of a city, or castle, as it known today how it looked during the time period.
I'm pretty sure quality will prevail over quantity. Also start off the series with a BANG! and go for Shogunate Japan, or Ch'in's China, or perhaps as a base line: Charlemagne's Europe. Those will probably sell a bundle.
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2011, 06:32:20 PM »
Part of the problem you're going to have with modules based on historical examples is that it's nearly impossible to find absolutely unequivocal examples of how a given culture worked. I mean, think about it. Less than 50 years ago, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the middle of a major metropolitan area, in front of thousands of witnesses, with every detail exhaustively documented. The result? No one can say unequivocally how many shots were fired, from where or by whom, whether there was only one shooter or more than one, whether there was a conspiracy or not, if there was a conspiracy whether it was political, criminal or economic in nature, or who the conspirators were, if any. This from one of the most exhaustively documented historical events ever, recent enough that there are eyewitnesses still living. Given that, what are someone's chances of getting Roman culture "right?

So no matter how hard you work and how well you do, you are virtually guaranteed that for every satisfied customer there will be dozens or hundreds who will swear up and down that "you got it completely wrong."

Fun perhaps, but probably not a good business decision.  :o

That's one of the reasons why when I did my world building, I "erased" all RL cultures and built new ones based on (what I thought were) believable assumptions about human nature, rather than documented RL cultures that are subject to "interpretation". That way I don't have to deal with whether or not I "got it right" unless someone contends that my assumptions aren't believable.
You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... Traditional Somatic Components
Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang... Traditional Verbal Components
Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog... Traditional Potion Formula

Offline markc

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2011, 07:54:40 PM »
There is a Rome product in the RMC line you might want to check out when it gets re-branded.

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2011, 08:24:13 PM »
Also, in terms of topography, we have actually changed it a lot. . .I played a 19th century London game of CoC, and was amazed how much of the city was canals, pools, and locks, which are all dry land today.

I know manhatten for instance, is a nice, very regular island, because it's artificial, the actual shoreline is totally unnatural, and the land is totally different.
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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2011, 08:29:34 PM »
There is a Rome product in the RMC line you might want to check out when it gets re-branded.


The RMC Rome product is available today on under Arion Games and it also has a set of Paper Miniatures that can be purchased to go with it.   $10 each item.

Rolemaster Rome

Rolemaster Rome Paper Miniature Set

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Re: Rolemaster Product Suggestions
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2011, 02:54:42 AM »
That's one of the reasons why when I did my world building, I "erased" all RL cultures and built new ones based on (what I thought were) believable assumptions about human nature, rather than documented RL cultures that are subject to "interpretation". That way I don't have to deal with whether or not I "got it right" unless someone contends that my assumptions aren't believable.

My idea for a Middle Earth campaign starts with the sinking of Numenor, however (unlike the books) the One Ring goes down with the island in my version and does not 'magically' get saved.  So even though Sauron comes back from the grave so-to-speak he still has to solve the ring problem (the end result being that he starts re-making it, which the PC's eventually discover and have to try and stop).  Basically this lets me place the time-line in an interesting window yet put the various rings into play throughout the campaign.  Granted a fictitious history in the first place, but one I still get to 're-write'.
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