Author Topic: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)  (Read 3653 times)

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Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« on: August 19, 2010, 05:02:42 PM »
My RMSS game still has opportunities (and the players would really like to get some type of healer -- a good thought since they've opted to seek trouble).
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Offline Ecthelion

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 09:25:16 AM »
Looks interesting. Can you tell a bit more about the setting and the current PCs? And is the adventure combat-oriented, does it use the RM skills a lot, or is it more story-telling like? Would a new player be free to create the 'healing-oriented' character? Which level would the character start at?

Questions over questions...

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 07:10:57 PM »
There's more information in the downloads section at RealRoleplaying, but quick setting summary: we're on the continent Kuhara. Centuries ago, the Cult of Chaos rose in Kuhara, taking over most of the continent, eventually being defeated by various forces, the core being the Grand Alliance which united human (including the halfling offshoot of that race), elves, dwarves, and snakemen. There were also a lot of orcs in their service. The Chaos Cult was defeated and most of the victors went home, departed the ravaged continent. That was a bit over five centuries ago. There are several nations living in peace: an elvish and a dwarven realm that existed before the war and held out, a halfling nation, and three human-majority nations founded after the war. The central continent remains a dangerous wilderness of old ruins and dangerous beasts. It is slowly reconquered for civilization a bit at a time as fortune-hunters seek a quick score in the ruins (but often falling to the dangerous beasts instead).

Planning to head into that wilderness is a newly-formed company. The PCs are a human rogue, a dwarven sorcerer, an orcish warrior monk, and a human magician. They are joined by some NPCs: a snakeman layman (gemcutter), an elvish runemage, and two halflings (a thief and a fighter).

If I didn't plan to use the skills, I wouldn't be using Rolemaster. Things will be somewhat combat oriented because of choices made by the existing players so far (including, you'll notice, a rather martial choice of Professions). If they'd gone with knowledge-perception types and formed a detective agency, it would have been less so.

Characters start at first level (it is a 'setting off to seek your fortune' premise). Character creation is cooperative. If I handle most of the number crunching to fit the player's idea of the character it has a number of advantages, including not dumping on the player hundreds of pages of tweaked talent/flaw revision and training packages.
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Offline Ecthelion

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2010, 03:55:26 AM »
There's more information in the downloads section at RealRoleplaying, but quick setting summary: ...
Part of it I did already read. Thanks for the summary.
Planning to head into that wilderness is a newly-formed company. The PCs are a human rogue, a dwarven sorcerer, an orcish warrior monk, and a human magician. They are joined by some NPCs: a snakeman layman (gemcutter), an elvish runemage, and two halflings (a thief and a fighter).
A dwarven sorcerer and an orcish warrior monk ... weird  ;).
If I didn't plan to use the skills, I wouldn't be using Rolemaster.
We think along the same line here. I just already saw it being handled differently.
Things will be somewhat combat oriented because of choices made by the existing players so far (including, you'll notice, a rather martial choice of Professions). If they'd gone with knowledge-perception types and formed a detective agency, it would have been less so.
Nice. I like it that way.
Characters start at first level (it is a 'setting off to seek your fortune' premise). Character creation is cooperative. If I handle most of the number crunching to fit the player's idea of the character it has a number of advantages, including not dumping on the player hundreds of pages of tweaked talent/flaw revision and training packages.
Well, I know the rules very well and would prefer to create a character by myself instead of getting (most of) it created. Would that be possible? But of course it would be necessary to know which options you are going to use (regarding Talents & Flaws, which Companions, which stat creation rules etc.)

Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 12:10:56 AM »
If the number-crunching of character creation is really a big part of your fun, I'd be willing to make an exception, but only if the existing players agreed (after all, you're asking for an opportunity to potential min-max that they didn't have). Furthermore, it would cause something of an additional delay. I could probably have my training package document keyed in by the end of the week (although not edited)... you're looking at about 100 pages there. Also, the rolling process for random elements will take longer. And then I'll need to make a clean copy of the skill table and the descriptions of new/altered skills, reference to the Guild Companion articles used in revising the craft and tech/trade skill groups, and I guess you can use whatever you've got for talents/flaws, since I'll have to clear them anyway, I can make cost adjustments and tweaking after you've decided what you hope for, rather than try to get an edit of my talent/flaws document done. As for Companions, you'd have to ask on specifics, as I'm currently going through them. Well, I can tell you "no" to anything from Arcane Companion.

Probably best to take this to Real Roleplaying if you're interested.
Rolemaster: When you absolutely, positively need to have a chance of tripping over an imaginary dead turtle.

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 02:18:24 AM »
Hm, I'll think about. On the one hand I prefer creating my own characters since otherwise it's not really "mine". OTOH I can see that you don't want exceptions to your character creation. Perhaps someone else is better suited.

Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 03:03:04 PM »
Well, I don't want you getting a false idea of the difficulties: character creation/advancement is where most of the rules complexity of Rolemaster resides, and it includes a lot of what I would consider "world content" rather than "rules": races, classes, available skill list, training packages. Two of the PCs have TPs I made specifically to because the character concept called for them. While most of the TPs share a name with a published TP, most of them differ considerably, and I handle the "specials" differently from the rules as written.

When I say you'll have to ask about the Companions, it is because I am still in the process of going over all the books to decide what to incorporate. I'm just about done with Essence Companion and pushing through Treasure Companion because the sorcerer also does some item enchantment on the side (custom TP based in part on a Guild Companion article).

As for making an exception, I suspect the players would agree if you agreed to "play the healer", but I do feel fairness requires asking their agreement.
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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 02:26:48 PM »
Thanks for the insight. I spent some thought on what you wrote and think it's better if some other player takes over the missing role. Take care

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2010, 05:08:57 PM »
Off-side question. What is the required time for something like this? That is, is this something that continues over time or something that happens during a fixed set of time? I'm talking about the game itself. I'm also assuming this is play by post. ;)

I'm VERY familiar with the rules of Rolemaster and with a healer. I actually once played a Seer/Healer type. That is he was a seer profession, but I ranked up the medical skills heavily. He was basically a non-combatant who was book smart.

I'll throw my name in the pool as interested but I need to know the time requirements. Thanks. :)

Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2010, 02:56:00 AM »
The game itself is open-ended. The initial theme is "setting out to make your fortune", and the only other real goals established by PCs so far are in the way of skill improvements. I find that PBP games don't take up all that much time, generally, even when running them, although pace can vary. Check in once or twice a day, probably five-ten minutes time typically to catch up reading and post. If you're going to be busy for a couple of days, you can post some instructions to keep the character busy until you get back. I'm in California and my players are in Europe, which tends to slow the pace a bit.

Note that the above is based on my own limited experience and impressions. I haven't actually timed it out, and there are others with much more experience in play-by-post who might be able to offer a better idea of what to expect.
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Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2010, 04:47:32 AM »
I checked out the site you have above and based on your last post, it sounds intriguing. I've always wanted to have a gaming session outside of my friend-base just to get a different perspective on how others "play the game".

Let me look into a few things here but I count me in "tentatively". I don't mind playing the healer nor do I mind having a character sheet made for me. I'm quite flexible and neutral. If there is any information you need from me and if there is anything I need to do outside of just reading the initial post in realrpg let me know.

I'll let you know by monday if I have internet access over where I will be staying in Rome. I just don't want to commit to something only to go, "oops. I have to bow out" only one week into it. Not the reputation I would want. :D

Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 12:25:21 AM »
Guess that's a 'no', then. Well, have fun in Rome.
Rolemaster: When you absolutely, positively need to have a chance of tripping over an imaginary dead turtle.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Looking for Player (maybe a Healer)
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2010, 01:27:58 PM »
Sorry about not getting back to you on this. We have been having constant internet problems for weeks now. Probably best for me not to join.