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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2009, 10:22:11 AM »
 When quoting from the books it would be nice for a page #. That way it makes it easier for beginning players to look up the info and comment on the topic.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2009, 10:26:54 AM »
The quotes in replies #51 and #59 are identical, both from the illusion/phantasm section of Gamemaster Law, I beleive page 88 or 89.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2009, 05:00:31 PM »
 Pastaav - Just out of curiousity, in your games, for power regulation ....

     If a farmer has the funds and wants to get a new field in a rocky terraine, he just need to hire a caster to do a bunch of Wall spells in the center of the area to get rid of the rocks from the surrounding area, right?

     So, if a character were dumb enough to build his fortress out of Wall spells, it would eventualy colapse under its own weight because the caster has removed the stones from under and around the structure. Thereby creating little voids in the earth supporting his building.

   Is that right?

or did we?

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #63 on: December 03, 2009, 05:05:37 PM »
"Conservation of energy" is not a logical requirement of any possible universe, it is a rule that has been well-supported by observation and shown to have great explanatory power in this universe. Attempting to impose it by fiat on another universe that has demonstrably different laws is a reversion to medieval ideas of natural laws as prescriptive rather than descriptive. If you want to create some version of the conservation of energy in a Rolemaster world, you need to not equate Power Points with energy, because there was never any attempt made to balance spell levels on that (arbitrary) basis.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2009, 11:17:14 AM »
Pastaav - Just out of curiousity, in your games, for power regulation ....

     If a farmer has the funds and wants to get a new field in a rocky terraine, he just need to hire a caster to do a bunch of Wall spells in the center of the area to get rid of the rocks from the surrounding area, right?

Only if the spell got the stone from the local area...I did mention that the stone is collected from a large area, didn't I?

If I take 1 kg of stone from this sqaure meter you are standing on it is very possible to notice. If I take it from an area of 100 *100 meters then the part taken from every square meter is 1/10000...a tenth of a gram of stone, pretty hard to notice if you ask me. A stone wall require much more stone...but the limit of 100 meters very arbitrary. It is simply not a problem...
/Pa Staav

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2009, 02:19:44 PM »
The basis is that a feel illusion should feel right, and temperature is as much a part of feel as any of the other factors like texture or resiliancy.

No temperature is not a property of the matter of item no matter how many times you keep stating it. The heat level of an item and its heat transfer to the environment is very much a physical process that is not a property of the matter of the object. The rate of heat transferred by the item is an aspect of the matter of the item, but that is something different than actual heat. The iron molecules remain iron molecules no matter if we chill or heat them.  Sorry, but there is no way ever that I will agree something that my education and real world experience tells me is false.

In terms of reproduction, Heat, or cold is just a tiny tweak to the energy levels.

It takes no energy at all to passively accept the heat level of the environment. If the item should be heated you need to constantly add energy to make up for the heat loss. It is given this require some kind of added energy. There is no basis at all to say that it is a tiny tweaks of energy levels.

Go feel your wrist and hand. . . .the feel phantasm will perfectly duplicate the stifness of the bones, the resiliancy of the skin, the brushy feeling of the hair, the firm resistance of the muscle, the play of muscle and the feel of a pulse. . .All of those are far harder to do than mere warm or cold.

Because I should agree with even though you don't have any real supporting argument except that illusions must be heated because else they are not as useful as you like?

As already noted, the people sensing the effect can probably discern the illusion because of one of their other senses, and the illusion has a limited duration. The feel mirage is the most powerful, but it is a 5th level spell (as a comparison a 2nd level closed essence spell will summon a real creature for the same duration).

The feel mirage is more powerful, as it handles far more aspects. . .and you can't attack with it, you need a phantasm or strike for that. . .it's more powerful because it's the most complex of the mirages involved.

I do agree that it is more powerful. That is a very good reason why it should not also heat the object. It should require a separate heat spell just like all other non trivial aspects of the item.

There is a specific limitation that attacks are strikes handled in a particular way. . .and there are specific other factors with seperate mirages, like presence or power. . .or light.

Exactly...light require separate spells, heat and heat radiation is very much an aspect of photons too so it should need extra spells to heat the illusion. There are such spells in Spell Law and even an Illusionist can access them if he purchase a magic item. You say he does not need to since the feel spell fits the bill even though it does not mention heat at all and no example in any of the books refer to it being able to change temperature of an object. I think the spell should say "does heat the object" if it should heat the object.

But unless you want to create a lightning bug or similar light producing creature, or a lantern or light producting fire any and all objects can be convincingly duplicated using illusion/sound/smell/taste/feel 5 part combo. That's not my opinion, that's what it says in the rules:

Again...object does not equal living being. It does not say you can convincingly duplicate everything that exist below the sun or that you can convincingly duplicate processes, it says you can duplicate objects plain and simple. Every passage it totally consistent with the idea that this means normal objects and not living beings.

The only reference that might indicate something more is the discussion in gamemaster law about how much power points is needed to mimic a level 2 summons spell. I don't read that passage as strongly as you do. The illusionary beast is after all quite realistic, the only way you can spot it to be weird if you are personally familar with the excepted body temperature of the beast and get to touch it long enough for you realize that it is too cold. 

The "Feel mirage" is broadly written, the highest level of the core 5 effects, and there is no "warmth mirage" provided. . .warmth/cold is necissary for feel to be convincing, the spell list states clearly, and the notes make multiple references to each of the senses being perfect enough that it's undetectable via the covered sense, requiring a missing sense to detect the fakery, and that with the 5 senses covered the illusion is in fact a temporary but real object. . .which means that any casual non damaging temperature variation necissary to make the feel element work actually exist.

The reason there is no warmth mirage might be the same as why there is no open or closed spell in the essence realm that provide heat of coldness. Creating heat is an effect that is rare in the spell system...IMO for very good reasons.

In truth the illusionary object with five senses is impossible to differ from the real thing...except if you try to mimic something that requires an process to function. Everyone agree the illusionary explosion is not believable even with five senses...the general opinion in this thread seems to be that the same hold true for the illusionary fire and the illusionary bath tube, people argue that the illusionary tent is fair game but the others are not, the question is why.

I say there is a simple line to be drawn by the fact that there is no illusion spell that provide heat. Living beings are borderline cases that in some situations are not believable and in some cases will fool the people the phantasm interact with. You argue this is not enough, you are of course free to suggest other possible limits for your setting, but it is tricky and if not careful you will end with possible loopholes that can be exploited by players.

You cannot create a convincingly real living being using phantasms without warmth, and you cannot create a convincingly real cool pool of water without coolness. . .there's no mention anywhere that "All living beings will be room temperature and thus feel wrong" or "Any object that should have a temperature variation will not, so illusions of living beings or cold objects will be fairly obviously fake if touched". . . .such hugely important matters would not have been ignored while the volumes of material about the complexity of illusions and phantasms were discussed. . .it's not like that would be a minor variation issue, that's a biggie. . .your house ruling makes it impossible to fake up a wide swath of objects using illusions, and essentially makes all living phantasms detectable by touch. . .which is so far off base of what the book says, that I have to conclude that you're simply incorect in your interpretation.

You reasoning is flawed...if the intention is that heated illusions are possible...why did they then ignore the essential discussion about to what degree illusions can be heated if they thought about the idea of heated illusions? Why did not the spell notes itself clearify this essential aspect of the spell if heated illusions is possilbe?

The absence of such discussion is easy to explain if we go with the literal normal sense meaning of spells...there is simply no way to make heated illusions since illusions mimic objects and not processes. This limitation is built into the spell lists and go without saying and that we in some situations can deduct the person is much to cold is kind of given. The failure to discuss this weak point of illusion can be viewed as a small oversight.

The reverse situation when illusions can be heated at no expense of extra power points the absence of discussions about how much heat that is possible is very hard to explain. There is no way to explain this as any small oversight, with other words there is much that speaks for my interpretation and little for yours.

Various spells state that they "create" matter, you interpret that to mean something other than "create" because you want magic in your world more in line with physics. That's fine, as a house rule. . .Whatever you want to be true is true in your game world, but that doesn't alter what it says in the books.

Get Real Get Rolemaster...if that is not your desire than so be it...but clearly I have not house ruled if I go with the literal effect of the spell but have an explanation that makes the theory of magic more consistent. That you keep insisting this is a house is quite comical.

The books allow for perfectly convincing false objects to be created via illusion, and specifically state that to be true, if you don't like that for your game, feel free to change it, but your claiming that's not what the book says is confusing.

1) Perfect illusionary objects....correct, I can read that in the books.
2)Perfect illusionary processes...nope, it does not say so...and pretty much everyone around seem to agree about it should not be possible.
3)Perfect illusionary living beings...nope, does not say so...the books only say that a level two summon spell is more powerful. To say no to 2 but yes to 3 is strange at best and a severe contradiction at worst...I think it is a contradiction of the severe kind for reasons I have already detailed.
/Pa Staav

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2009, 03:24:43 PM »
1) Illusions/Phantasms cannot and do not radiate/reflect any form of energy (light, heat, cold, etc). See the Note at the bottom

2) The Feel Aspect of an Illusion/Phantasm is on the surface of objects within the Illusion/Phantasm (i.e. a Feel Aspect can make something feel like it is warm (see #4 below), but only the surface of the illusionary object, it cannot be used suffuse an area with that feeling).

3) If an Illusion/Phantasm has Aspects for all five senses, it will essentially be identical to a real version of the object for the duration (this includes being the same temperature as the surrounding air). However, attempts to change the object (i.e. take a bite out of an illusionary apple) will fail.

4) The caster of the Illusion/Phantasm can use a Feel Aspect to make the surface of the Illusion/Phantasm feel as if it is a different temperature. However, this does not, cannot, and will not violate #1 above.

5) An Illusion/Phantasm using a Feel Aspect to the temperature that the object feels like it is the given temperature, but it cannot cause damage to anybody touching it. (i.e. an object could be made to feel like it is freezing cold, but that cold cannot actually cause damage to whoever touches it).

6) A Feel Aspect could be used to do damage to somebody who touches it, but that damage is limited to MA Strikes I, and the critical is the one normally associated with that type of attack (i.e. an object with both a Feel for cold temp and a strike could do damage to a person who touches the illusion/phantasm, but the damage would not and could not be Cold damage, something that would be instantly recognized).

7) Most of the rules and notes regarding Illusions/Phantasms speak in terms of objects. A fire is not an object, it is a chemical reaction, so the ruling listed in #3 above would not normally apply to it.

Note: In regards to #1 above, the visual portions of an illusion/phantasm act as if they are reflecting light, even when they are not. This means that if you make an illusion of a chair in a room that is completely dark, the chair will be visible even to those with no sort of special vision because it acts as if it reflecting light.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 08:07:06 PM by Rasyr, Reason: Added ref to note in #1 »

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #67 on: December 06, 2009, 06:26:14 PM »
Thanks for the clarification.
A few topics for discussion..
Note: In regards to #1 above, the visual portions of an illusion/phantasm act as if they are reflecting light, even when they are not. This means that if you make an illusion of a chair in a room that is completely dark, the chair will be visible even to those with no sort of special vision because it acts as if it reflecting light

Just trying to picture this, so I can better explain it. The chair seems to (not glow..) be lit from within/gentle spotlight.. with a nice gel filter.
Unless, of course, if you're concentrating on changing/updating your illusion as light conditions progress.
Maybe then you'd need initiative.. you could possibly change the chair's lighting before/after the lights come on. Which may look funny if not in sync. :)

Or a wall,tree, etc. could be made dark, of course, to hide behind at night.

Finally, can you make an illusion of a working mirror? Not to reflect lasers or anything, just to ..... put on your make up? Or look around the corner of a wall?
I wouldn't say it could be used to start a fire.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2009, 07:07:56 PM »
 Another question: Do people with special vision such as dark vision and night vision receive a bonus to detect illusions do to its unusual reflective properties?
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2009, 07:24:34 PM »
Another question: Do people with special vision such as dark vision and night vision receive a bonus to detect illusions do to its unusual reflective properties?

That would depends upon the actual conditions, and how you define how those vision capabilities to work.

Personally, I wouldn't give them any special bonuses. Considering the fact that the illusion/phantasm is visible like it was in a lit room when in a completely dark room, that should be a big hint right there.  :D

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #70 on: December 06, 2009, 10:27:30 PM »
You could always tell the Star Wars holograms because they were blue.. :)

1) Illusions/Phantasms cannot and do not radiate/reflect any form of energy (light, heat, cold, etc). See the Note at the bottom.

OK, Illusions/Phantasms are completely black. And incredible heat sinks. Gotcha.
But now my party is probably make an atomic pile covered, almost completely, with an illusion so it won't radiate heat. Except the small bit not covered by the illusion. Which they'll probably use to turn a generator... (sigh).

3) If an Illusion/Phantasm has Aspects for all five senses, it will essentially be identical to a real version of the object for the duration (this includes being the same temperature as the surrounding air). However, attempts to change the object (i.e. take a bite out of an illusionary apple) will fail.

Unless the spell allows the caster to concentrate to maintain/alter the spell; right?

4) The caster of the Illusion/Phantasm can use a Feel Aspect to make the surface of the Illusion/Phantasm feel as if it is a different temperature. However, this does not, cannot, and will not violate #1 above.

If it feels like "it", but is not "it", then it is in the subjects' head and more of a AD&D illusion and not, as I'm reminded, a RM illusion which actually creates...something that can only deal with a minimal amount of force before the soap bubble field is over whelmed and it pops.   

Well, strike can dish out 1 MA attack. The Illusion "could" hold a comparable amount of "damage worth" of weight/sudden movement. If you like rolls.. the caster rolls damage as a strike and this could be a bonus to the MM to cross the illusiory bridge, for example. Or they could spell master it to be able to support less weight/round if they want to have it disappear while the bad guys are half way across.

Pastaav, I'll bet you could run the numbers for us to get a tighter formula. Sincerely. But that's my off the cuff thoughts.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2009, 11:33:42 PM »
That official ruling seems to resolve the issue, but I may be misunderstanding #1 and the note.

My chief objection to the no heat argument was it offered a simple litmus test to detect illusions in violation of the "you can't see through an illusion / You cannot feel through a feel mirage" in making it rather easy to feel through the feel effect of any objects at temperatures other than ambient, or any phantasm of a living being for the same reasons.

I worry that your note would raise the same issue, in that you could then detect illusions simply by killing the lights and looking for the non glowing yet seemingly bright apparition in the dark room.

The whole issue of a full 5-sense illusion being a "real, but temporary and fragile object" would seem to mean that it does indeed reflect/block light as if it were real.

Some for instances:

if there's an illusion of a wall in a dungeon to conceal a doorway, it seems strange that dousing the lights would cause the illusion panel to be revealed as still brightly lit. . .

If there's a light behind an illusion, will the light pour through the non reflecting object?

An illusion in a one light area would need to have one bright side, and one shadow side, or it'll seem really strange. . .the shadow side because the illusion blocks light, a bright side because it reflects light. . .

For that matter, is the illusion then set to one light level? If you cast the illusion of a wall over the front door of your house at dawn when it's in shadow, will it look like a glowing wall at night, and a strangely shadowed section of wall at dusk when the sun is directly on that side and the rest of the wall is directly/brightly lit?

Your note would seem to make illusions easily spotted in the dark for being strangely lit even when not, and would be easily spotted in the light, due to their failing to reflect light on the lit side. . .which would seem to contradict the "you can't see through an illusion" wording. . .it would seem simpler just to say that the illusion looks like the object it's imitating in all light levels and conditions. (i.e. that it reflects and blocks light as if it were "Real", just as it's a "real but temporary object" when a full 5 sense illusion is used.) I can't really see any exploits or powergamer maneuvers that are made available by just following the text as is and letting illusions behave visually as if they are real.
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #72 on: December 07, 2009, 12:01:08 AM »
Yeah, I think I'm going to go the KISS route on this one. Anything to better help the spirit of the game, instead of the letter of the rules.

If someone is running down a maze and casts an illusion of the wall to make a hiding place, I'd be happy to say that it acts just like the intended image in the caster's mind (for general images). This illusionary wall will benefit from ambient light just the same as the real walls. It's dark when it's dark and shadowed when it's supposed to be. Pending duration. Because that's what the caster intended.

If they're making an image of the very specific shrubbery that comprises the maze, then they may need a Flora Lore/Artistic Topiary to get those berries just right. But that only applies to someone who would/could notice anyway. Same thing for hiding in front of a tapestry. Simple weave is an easy chance to hide.

For me, these spells can help out casters exactly like the skin of an octopus. It could be possible to crawl right over them and not know it. Possible. :)
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #73 on: December 07, 2009, 07:39:16 AM »
The latest proposed ruling has some strong merits...on the other hand it is big nest of additional rulings. If the only concern is LMs "you should be able to touch illusions of living beings without realize something is fishy" then there are a more simple solutions.

You could make a spell note similar to the following:

Essence Illusions with feels always adjust to the temperature of the environment, and can thus not work as heat sources. Heat is an active process that is not part of the basic illusion enchantments that can duplicate objects but only mimic processes. Only if the illusionist has access to specific spells that adjust heat can he change the real temperature of the illusion.

On the other hand the illusionist control all aspects of the illusion including if it transmit heat or not. If the illusionist makes the illusion feel totally unable to transmit heat it will reflect any heat and persons touching the illusion will believe the illusion have the same temperature as they do. If the illusion is made to transmit some heat it will feel somewhere between the temperature of the room and the temperature of the person touching the illusion.

This suggested spell note will give the illusions with feels the option to be a total insulator...on the other hand extreme insulation is already possible if the feel magic holds layers of isolating air between the caster and the environment so it is a small price to pay to avoid lots of complicated rulings about how illusions are warm but not behave like warm objects.
/Pa Staav

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #74 on: December 07, 2009, 11:49:49 AM »
Pas, is the wording on this radically different in the FRP book? (At work, only have the RMC PDF here).

RMC SL Page 173, Illusion mastery:

1. Smell Mirage – Fills the area of effect with a set of immobile smells. The smells are real (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally only be accomplished through spells or the use of a sense other than smell.

. . .

5. Feel Mirage I – As Smell Mirage, except all the objects and surfaces in a 10'R can be made to feel differently than they really are.
Striking an object or surface will cancel the spell for that object or surface only.

If you replace the "As Smell Mirage" with the actual text, you'd get:

5. Feel Mirage I – All the objects and surfaces in a 10'R can be made to feel differently than they really are. The feels are real (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally only be accomplished through spells or the use of a sense other than touch.
Striking an object or surface will cancel the spell for that object or surface only.

The text refers to the illusions being real, and minus the specific provisos about generating light, their fragility to strikes (and weight if you use GM law) and that illusions cannot inflict any damage at all there's nothing to make them not real to the senses used at all and temperature is an element of the touch/feel sense. . .in fact it states over and over "real" to the point of GM law refering to a 5 sense illusion as a temporary but real object.

Phantasms are a seperate case, in that they can move and potentially cause damage, but that damage must be MA strikes Tier I. . .an illusion of a person would be a statue, it wouldn't move at all, while a phantasm of one could move around based on the caster's control. . .same with other things, an illusion of a wall couldn't move, if you banged on it enough you'd break the feel, but you couldn't push it over. . .as a phantasm, the caster could allow it to be pushed over, or make it fall over for no apparent reason.

Is the text radically different in SS/FRP (I don't recall it being different)?
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #75 on: December 07, 2009, 07:04:39 PM »
Doesn't #1 contradict spell law 7.1.27 where it says the physical element of the illusion is actually created implying something is created that actually radiates energy?(for a light mirage, something is radiating or reflecting photons of the appropriate wavelengths to create the image)

I also disagree a bit with the interpretation in #6 that a cold and strike illusion would be noticeably not cold damage. the strike will cause pain and the cold will feel cold which the mind and body will interpret as cold damage. As an example, show someone a brand you have turned red hot with a blowtorch, place it near their skin on their back where the can't see it but can feel the heat radiating, then touch them with a different brand you have had out of sight on a block of ice or in the freezer. I guarantee they will be convinced they have been "branded" by the hot iron. The important thing is that the pressure, pain and temperature sensory nerves are stimulated.

I do agree that visible effects of heat or cold damage (ie charred flesh, blackened skin or open sores) can't be created, but redness, swelling and other responses should require some kind of routine/light diagnostics or firstaid maneuver to figure out it is not consistent with the attack type.(this should probably go for any damage from the strike aspect.)
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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #76 on: December 08, 2009, 10:39:06 AM »
Pas, is the wording on this radically different in the FRP book? (At work, only have the RMC PDF here).

The wording for illusions is the same as far as I know.

Our disagreement is very much about stuff like if heat is an object or an chemical/physical process and not about what the wording of the spell and the spell notes are.

BTW I would be very interested to hear what you think of the proposed spell note I wrote in my previous post. As far as I can see it both satisfy being more consistent with physics and give you a way to make it harder to notice it is an illusion without making it too easy to make engines powered by illusions.
/Pa Staav

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #77 on: December 08, 2009, 10:57:51 AM »
I think the physics angle is overthinking this a bit, I suspect sticking with the rules as is, with perhaps some clarification to resolve issues raised. At my table, I'd likely boil the rule down to:

1) Illusions/Phantasms are real to the senses they cover to the limit of their duration.
     a) Visual illusions/phantasms look real, and respond to light as if real, creating both reflections and shadows as appropriate. You cannot determine that they are illusions by visual observation alone.
     b) Sound illusions/phantasms smell real, and respond to local accoustic conditions as appropriate, creating echos or being blocked by solid barriers. You cannot determine that they are illusions by auditory observation alone.
     c) Smell illusions/phantasms smell real, and respond to air flow as if real, drifting down wind as appropriate. You cannot determine that they are illusions by olfactory observation alone.
     d) Taste illusions/phantasms taste real. You cannot determine that they are illusions by taste observation alone.
     e) Feel illusions/phantasms feel real, and respond to touch as if real, with appropriate structure, texture and temperature. You cannot determine that they are illusions by tactile observation alone. (See 3 and 4)
     f) Light mirages create actual light, and will illuminate or create shadows on line of sight to the appropriate ranges as if they were real light, and are blocked by anything that would block light.
     g) The non tangible mirages like presence, power, etc all create effects detectable by the appropriate special abilities or magical effects. They appear to be real vs the corresponding ability/spell and cannot be determined to be fake via the covered metaphysical sense.

3) Illusions cannot cause damage

4) Strikes & Phantasms can only cause damage as MA Strikes Tier 1 attacks.

As long as they cannot cause damage, I still fail to see how a warm/cool illusion or phantasm could be abused in game to cause effects over their power level. Game balance, and keeping it simple and clear seem to me to be far more imporant than tying the game logic to obeying the laws of physics for any active magical effect. . .it's magic, it's active with a duration, therefore it's paranormal and can be non scientific in it's logic . . . I see no problem there.

Do you see some sort of exploit/powergaming method made available to the fact that an illusion could be cool or warm? If so, could you explain?
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #78 on: December 08, 2009, 01:13:29 PM »
Pas, is the wording on this radically different in the FRP book? (At work, only have the RMC PDF here).

RMC SL Page 173, Illusion mastery:

1. Smell Mirage – Fills the area of effect with a set of immobile smells. The smells are real (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally only be accomplished through spells or the use of a sense other than smell.

. . .

5. Feel Mirage I – As Smell Mirage, except all the objects and surfaces in a 10'R can be made to feel differently than they really are.
Striking an object or surface will cancel the spell for that object or surface only.

If you replace the "As Smell Mirage" with the actual text, you'd get:

5. Feel Mirage I – All the objects and surfaces in a 10'R can be made to feel differently than they really are. The feels are real (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally only be accomplished through spells or the use of a sense other than touch.
Striking an object or surface will cancel the spell for that object or surface only.

The text refers to the illusions being real, and minus the specific provisos about generating light, their fragility to strikes (and weight if you use GM law) and that illusions cannot inflict any damage at all there's nothing to make them not real to the senses used at all and temperature is an element of the touch/feel sense. . .in fact it states over and over "real" to the point of GM law refering to a 5 sense illusion as a temporary but real object.

Phantasms are a seperate case, in that they can move and potentially cause damage, but that damage must be MA strikes Tier I. . .an illusion of a person would be a statue, it wouldn't move at all, while a phantasm of one could move around based on the caster's control. . .same with other things, an illusion of a wall couldn't move, if you banged on it enough you'd break the feel, but you couldn't push it over. . .as a phantasm, the caster could allow it to be pushed over, or make it fall over for no apparent reason.

Is the text radically different in SS/FRP (I don't recall it being different)?

 The spell list in RMSS Spell Law 1995 is the Feel-Taste-Smell List and not the Illusion Mastery list. It is on page 93 of the book. Your quotes are the same for both versions.

 This is a quote from page 95 of the Illusion Mastery Spell List:
" 3) The sense aspects of the illusion (or phantasm) are actually
created (no RR) and detecting that is it an illusion can
normally be accomplished only through spells or through the
use of a conflicting sense. Even after the illusion is detected,
it still exists (but the detector knows that it is not real)."
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 01:22:25 PM by markc »
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
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Offline markc

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Re: Illusion question for RM -- any version
« Reply #79 on: December 08, 2009, 01:31:09 PM »
 From RMSS Spell Law 7.1.27 under the illusions section page 232;
"Option: A GM may require an open-ended d100 roll
for each illusion to determine how accurately it is
rendered by the spell. This roll would be modified by
the caster's skill bonus for the list that the spell comes
from and by a standard difficulty modification (i.e.,
+10 for Light, -10 for Hard, etc.) based on the
intricacy and unusualness of the illusion.
Then he can allow each target that senses the
illusion to make a Perception roll to “discover” the
illusion (see above). Such a Perception roll is modified
by subtracting the caster's modified roll. For
example, if a caster's modified roll for an illusion is
+75, then all such Perception rolls would be modified
by -75."

 The main problem I have with illusions is again how do you know how real the illusion looks, acts, feels and smells? Is this automatically provided by the spell or do you use RMSS Spell Artistry Skill to help fill in the blanks? Or how about another relevant skill or skills relating to the illusion? Or do you have the PC start listing all the unusual stuff they see and can now use as an illusion?
 The above questions are important to me because they break the rules above that you cannot use a sense that is being fooled to dispel and illusion. So if a mage that has never seen or felt a fish creates a fish with the touch illusion and a fisherman touches it. The fisherman should have a very good chance of seeing through the illusion because of the way it feels.
 Does that make sense?

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.