Author Topic: New professions  (Read 10162 times)

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Offline thrud

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Re: New professions
« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2009, 07:27:01 AM »
In a previous post I sugested a PC would get 5 pts to modify the skill costs. He could gain another 5 pts (at most) by raising some skill costs.
In the left most column I entered the original base cost for the skill to have it's cost modified.
Then we have the other colums corresponding to the number of points spent to modify the cost.
Does that make more sense? It's all clear in my head but it's sometimes difficult to explain in a good way.

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Re: New professions
« Reply #61 on: August 28, 2009, 07:30:22 AM »
I see :) sound reasonable and looking good.

Any chance you would make a line up of which spell lists you woul offer the various semi spell users?

Offline thrud

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Re: New professions
« Reply #62 on: August 28, 2009, 07:42:08 AM »
Sorry but I don't see that happening, no. 8)
However there is a reason for this.
The realms are generic and each GM decides what "profession" the pc can choose.
Let me give you an example.
A pc decides to go with the Essence/Subterfuge realm.
Still he feels that he's schooled as a monk.
Thus he gets the skill costs for essence/subterfuge and spell lists as a monk.
Skill costs as Essence/Discipline and base spells as a Magician.
He will never be as good a magic user as a pure essence caster but he can still be schooled as a magician, just not as good at it.

It's up to the GM to decide what fits in his world. Anything goes as long as the GM is ok by it.

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Re: New professions
« Reply #63 on: August 28, 2009, 07:44:44 AM »
well you may not have posted a list of whats what but you still told me what I needed to know :)

Offline OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

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Re: New professions
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2009, 01:07:47 PM »
Nyah, I got some little free time~

As written previously, "there are a few RM2 professions whose concept I like but whose actual implementation bothered me, wherewith I altered them to fit my own vision." The RoCoIII's Moon Mage is one of them. On the paper, I found the concept fascinating, to have a spellcaster whose power would be a function of the moon phases (even more since there are three moons in my world at the time most of my stories happen). Reading the profession, now was another matter since many choices about it didn't make sense to me, and I found his base list rather... useless. So, I decided to make my own.

--> skill costs:
  • For primary costs:
    Weapon skills3/7, 5, 6, 6, 9, 15
    Manoeuvring in ArmourMagical Skills
    Soft Leather2/*Spell Lists4/*
    Rigid Leather2/*Runes3/7
    Directed Spells2/5
    Special SkillsGeneral Skills
    Adrenal Moves3/7Riding3
    Adrenal Defense20Disarming Traps6
    Martial Arts3/9Picking Locks8
    Body Development3/5Stalk & Hide4
  • For secondary skills, same as Ranger, except Academic as Astrologer, and:
    Animal Skills      Concentration Skills
    Animal Handling2/7      Body Damage Stabilize2/6
    Animal Training3Dowsing2/7
    Beast Mastery3/5Evaluation Skills
    Herding2/5Metal Evaluation3/6
    Loading2/6Stone Evaluation3/6

--> profession bonus: +1 arms law/combat, +1 base spell casting, +2 academic, +1 social, +1 body development, +2 directed spells, +2 magical,

--> mandatory base spell lists:
  • Moon Madness, from the RoCoIII (Moon Mage base list),
  • Moon Mastery, from the RoCoIII (Moon Mage base list), with these additional spells:
    • 9) Moon Blade I: special, 1 min/lvl, 10f. After he casts this spell on a liquid surface (usually water) on which the moon is reflected, caster may plunge his hand on the moon reflection and extract from the liquid a bladed weapon of his choice. Weapon is imbued with moon essence, shines faintly and is indestructible without the aid of magic. It adds +35 to OB but acts otherwise like a normal weapon of its kind,
    • 12) Moon Blade II: as Moon blade I but blade will cut through anything that does not have a magical aura. Thus all non-magical armour type are treated as the equivalent armour type 1-4,
    • 25) Moon Blade III: as Moon blade I but blade will cut through anything. Thus all non-magical armour and magical armour that fails its RRs vs this 25th spell are treated as the equivalent armour type 1-4.
    Also, double the effects indicated in Note 1, p54, RoCoIII (so a Light Moon Mage is at x2 under a full moon).
--> optional base spell lists: a Moon Mage can choose 3 additional base lists out of a list that depends on his type.
  • Light-based Moon Mage:
    • As indicated in RoCoIII, p12,
    • Light Creations, from the RoCoV (Arcane),
    • Aura Magic, from the RoCoV (Arcane),
    • Light Forms, from the RoCoVII (Elementalist base list), with these additional spells:
      • 5) Aura Shroud I: as on Aura Magic (RoCoV, p71) #4,
      • 11) Aura Store I: as on Aura Magic (RoCoV, p72) #11,
      • 16) Aura Shroud II: as on Aura Magic (RoCoV, p72) #15,
      • 18) Aura Spread: as on Aura Magic (RoCoV, p72) #19,
      • 19) Aura Store II: as on Aura Magic (RoCoV, p72) #20,
    • Mirroring,
    • Darkslayer.
  • Grey-based Moon Mage:
    • As indicated in RoCoIII, p12,
  • Dark-based Moon Mage:
    • As indicated in RoCoIII, p12,
    • Dark Forms, from the RoCoVII (Elementalist base list), with these additional spells:
      • 6) Cloak of Darkness I: as Fire Cloak I (Fire Forms, RoCoVII, Elementalist base list) but inflicts depression critical strikes,
      • 9) Cloak of Darkness II: as Fire Cloak II but inflicts depression critical strikes,
      • 16) Cloak of Darkness III: as Fire Cloak III but inflicts depression critical strikes,
      • 17) Sword of Darkness I: 1 krm/lvl, self. Creates an one-handed weapon of choice of caster made of pure darkness. This +20 weapon strikes on the Lightning Bolt table, with depression, cold and electrical critical strikes and uses casterfs appropriate directed spell skill. Caster can parry with weapon,
      • 19) Sword of Darkness II: as Sword of Darkness I but weapon is two-handed, +35 OB, and attacks on the Plasma Bolt table at damage x 2. Caster uses the same directed spell skill as for Sword of Darkness I,
    • Dark Ways,
    • Lightslayer.

This post is becoming quite long, so I shall post the reasoning behind each change in another post.
The world was then consumed by darkness, and mankind was devoured alive and cast into hell, led by a jubilant 紗羽. She rejoiced in being able to continue serving the gods, thus perpetuating her travels across worlds to destroy them. She looked at her doll and, remembering their promises, told her: "You see, my dear, we succeeded! We've become legends! We've become villains! We've become witches!" She then laughed with a joyful, childlike laughter, just as she kept doing for all of eternity.

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Re: New professions
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2009, 02:32:12 PM »
Looks great Olf

Offline OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

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Re: New professions
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2009, 02:40:40 PM »
Reasoning for the skill cost.

Basically, I switched the cost of the primary weapon, martial arts and directed spell, and lowered the armour costs. Looking at the original costs, one could see that the authors apparently wanted to base the Moon Mage on the Dervish. However, while they give it a low cost for martial arts, and high costs for armours, they give it a huge cost for adrenal defence! Which is the very reason why Monks or Dervish have so high armour costs: because they rely on unarmoured combat! Also, they forgot the Dervish doesn't have elemental attack spells (thus directed spell skills to develop) in their base lists! As a result, the Moon Mage was a semi-user, oriented in combat (it has prof. bonus in weapon skills), yet unable to wear armours, but without a high adrenal defence, and with expensive directed spell skills to boot!

Anyone who played a martial artist knows that, while it has some advantages, it's a DP expensive-choice, since a martial artist has to develop at least 4 martial art skills and adrenal defence, hardly compatible with developing at the same time directed spell skills, weapon skills and armour skills. Since the Moon Mage has elemental attack spells in his base list, I chose not to give him a focus in martial arts. As such, I switched his primary weapon, martial arts and directed spell costs to give the directed spell skills the lowest cost, and martial arts the highest cost.

Comparing then the resulting Moon Mage to all the other semi-spell users, I noticed his huge armour costs, resulting from his previous Dervish base. Since I removed him such a link, I consequently altered these costs as well. My original idea was to give him the Ranger's costs (see reasoning later) but I eventually gave him a slightly higher costs (the Bard's) because the Ranger should logically be a bit more melee-combat oriented since the Moon Mage has elemental attack spells.

Now, as for the secondary skill costs, basing the Moon Mage on the Dervish just doesn't make IMO sense. I mean, so the Dervish is a profession focused on physical expression (dance!) and one urban-focused since it makes sense for such a profession to go wherever a lot of people gather. OTOH, the Moon Mage is a profession focused on the observation of the moon, therefore one more susceptible to live in desert places in the middle of nature, where he would be able to calmly and alone watch the moon (and the stars), without the interference of city lights or buildings. So, why base the latter on the former?

The way I imagine him, a Moon Mage would be closer to the Ranger, with his love of nature and the wild. Except as far as the star-gazing stuff was concerned, which is why I based him on the Astrologer as far as academic skills are concerned, since observation and academic knowledge of nature would fit IMO the Moon Mage.

Reasoning for the skill bonuses.

The original Moon Mage is good at everything, meaning at nothing. Once again, it felt as if the original authors didn't have a clear idea of what they wanted. I gave the Moon Mage a +1 in combat and body dev. since he was still combat-oriented IMO (he's a semi, after all), +1 to base spell casting as usual for semi-spell users, and +1 to social because, despite his lonely nature, the Moon Mage has a people-manipulating focus (i.e. his Moon Madness spell list). As for the +2 in academic, it's obviously because of the "observation and academic knowledge of nature" aspect while the +2 to magic and directed spell skills because I wanted his main focus to be in magic.

Reasoning for the spell lists.

Metamorphose is useless. No, really. Or, rather, it doesn't fit the semi-spell user aspect of the Moon Mage, being more suitable to an Alchemist, or Sorcerer type of profession. Moon Madness has potential, but suffers from being in the end just different versions of three same spells. As for Moon Mastery, while being the best list, it suffers from its prerequisites: it only works when the caster is outside at night and the moon is "up" (so, mayhap about 40% of a day) AND they're at 100% power only at the caster's "moon of power" (about 20% of nights). In a nutshell, the caster may use a list, whose spells are in equal power level to most other spell lists (i.e. they're not so awfully powerful you can understand the limitation), at full power only about 8% of time! So, I removed Metamorphose and doubled the power of Moon Mastery (so that at least the moon phases' influences balance each other; it's still quite limited in scope but good enough IMO).

The Moon Blade spell came from an idea and an observation. The observation was how useless the level 25 spell, Moon Child, was since it was so impractical and implied so much (e.g. existence of a Moon Mage society in which the caster was born, requirement for the spell to be cast in order to become a Moon Mage, ceremony spell fitting more a cleric-like pure magic user than a semi-caster such as the Moon Mage, etc.). The idea was how fascinating it'd be to have a Moon Mage plunge his hand into the reflection of the Moon and draw out his weapon from it. So, there. As a note, I kept the Moon Child spell, but changed its range to self, so that the Moon Mage could cast it on himself once he's able to cast the spell (it's still a level 25, so I feel it alright).

Now, the additional lists.

Looking at the list suggestions, one can but raise a brow at how the light-based and dark-based Moon Mages only have 6 suggested lists whereas the grey-based version has 14! Looking at the list more carefully makes it even worse since five of the suggested lists for the light-based Moon Mage are merely variants of each other! So I gave him 5 more. With 11 possible choices, it may seem a lot but in fact it's not, because so many lists are similar that they pretty much exclude each other from being chosen altogether. Mirroring is a list I got somewhere, from someone who didn't "sign" his list (so, it's not mine); while more illusion-based, it's about visual illusion, so fit with the light aspect of the light-based Moon Mage (heh, he does have Light Molding suggested :P). Of course, all the spells are in fact just the same one but, let's say that it fit Moon Madness. ;) Light Creations, Aura Magic and Light Forms were obvious 'light' lists, that would probably have been suggested if they weren't published after the RoCoIII was (the additional spells in Light Forms were to fill in the blanks). As for Darkslayer, it fits the channeling aspect of the Moon Mage, its combat focus and some other spells I gave him (such as the Moon Blade or the Sword of Darkness) while being light-based, so I felt it was very appropriate.

To be honest, while having 14 choices, the grey-based Moon Mage has also a lot of variants of the same list, so in truth he's now pretty much equal to the light-based version with his 11 choices.

Though he also only has 6 choices, the dark-based Moon Mage gets more different variants than his light-based counterpart, so giving him the three lists I gave him makes him pretty equivalent to the others. As in the light-based Moon Mage's case, the Dark Forms and Lightslayer spell list felt as appropriate. As for Dark Ways, the list I created for the Water Mage, it's a mix between Dark Law and Dark Forms, now both choices for the dark-based Moon Mage, so it felt like a good alternative as well. As for Light Forms, I created the additional spells in Dark Forms to fill in the blanks; the Sword of Darkness may feel a bit more powerful (than equivalent spells) but remember they're respectively level 17 and level 19 spells!

Anyway, there. I hope you'll enjoy my version of the Moon Mage.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 02:47:28 PM by OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol »
The world was then consumed by darkness, and mankind was devoured alive and cast into hell, led by a jubilant 紗羽. She rejoiced in being able to continue serving the gods, thus perpetuating her travels across worlds to destroy them. She looked at her doll and, remembering their promises, told her: "You see, my dear, we succeeded! We've become legends! We've become villains! We've become witches!" She then laughed with a joyful, childlike laughter, just as she kept doing for all of eternity.

Offline OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

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Re: New professions
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2009, 02:44:05 PM »
Looks great Olf
And very time-consuming to post: putting list of list of list and table inside table is a pain!
The world was then consumed by darkness, and mankind was devoured alive and cast into hell, led by a jubilant 紗羽. She rejoiced in being able to continue serving the gods, thus perpetuating her travels across worlds to destroy them. She looked at her doll and, remembering their promises, told her: "You see, my dear, we succeeded! We've become legends! We've become villains! We've become witches!" She then laughed with a joyful, childlike laughter, just as she kept doing for all of eternity.

Offline OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol

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Re: New professions
« Reply #68 on: October 12, 2009, 02:37:43 PM »
So, a few years after I made her, the NPC for whom I created the Forest Mage at last came into play (and the crowd goes wild~)! While playing her, what has always bothered me about the profession became truly... annoying. So much that I set it straight.

You see, my problem with my Forest Mage is that, despite being focused on the element of wood --to which is directly associated air and wind, and derives electricity and thunder-- the profession only has one list based on plants... and two on notions not associated with wood: cloud and mist. Of course, I had a reason: I was lazy and, well, though there are several RM2 lists dealing with plants, they're all fundamentally the same one. Mixing them into something more unique allowed me to create Wood Mastery but that was the limit of what I could do with the basic lists.
Going from "wind + thunder" to "cloud" not being such a foreign concept (even more since Cloud Mastery indeed includes spells dealing with electricity or wind), I adopted the list; and from there, Smoke and Mist. It was a farer leap from wood to mist (which would be more associatd with water, I guess) but I couldn't find a better list so I stuck with it.

But it was still bothering me.

Now that I was at last using the profession (and probably because my Forest Mage is a cute girl and that bothers me even more to see her with lists I feel are inadequate to my concept of her), I felt I had to do something about the matter. So, there, a list manipulating plants, and replacing Smoke and Mist as a base list for the Forest Mage: Forest Law. With two lists manipulating plants, two manipulating air/wind, manipulating electricity/thunder and one manipulating air/wind/electricity/thunder/clouds, I now feel my Forest Mage matches my concept of what such a character should be.

Note: you can freely adjust the poison modifiers to suit your game better. While I personally dislike level-based poison (and only use constitution and luck-based ones), you can change the ones I suggest by poisons of a level equal to the spell's level.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 02:48:03 PM by OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol »
The world was then consumed by darkness, and mankind was devoured alive and cast into hell, led by a jubilant 紗羽. She rejoiced in being able to continue serving the gods, thus perpetuating her travels across worlds to destroy them. She looked at her doll and, remembering their promises, told her: "You see, my dear, we succeeded! We've become legends! We've become villains! We've become witches!" She then laughed with a joyful, childlike laughter, just as she kept doing for all of eternity.

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Re: New professions
« Reply #69 on: October 19, 2009, 04:21:00 PM »
Does anybody have new professions or revisions of existing professions ? Those who use spell lists should be covered in Spell Law only or totally new spell Lists/spells ? For those of us that don't have easy access to the companions or CC book. I'm trying to come up with additional professions that might fit my fantasy world or my P-A setting.
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Re: New professions
« Reply #70 on: October 19, 2009, 07:13:44 PM »
Does anybody have new professions or revisions of existing professions ? Those who use spell lists should be covered in Spell Law only or totally new spell Lists/spells ? For those of us that don't have easy access to the companions or CC book. I'm trying to come up with additional professions that might fit my fantasy world or my P-A setting.
I would do a search in the archives as many professions and profession adjustments have been talked about in the past.
 You might also be able to reconstruct some professions from some old RM2 PC gen programs or find some on someones gaming web page. [I mainly use RMSS so I do not have any for you.]
 You can also check the and see what they might have in that area also.

Good Luck.
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