Author Topic: Help requested - editing the Rolemaster Character Sheet Utility-Sean Wijbrandus  (Read 4870 times)

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Offline craggles

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Hi All,

I'm after some help with editing the character sheet created by Sean Wijbrandus. I've been editing it for use in our game. Well, I say 'editing' but what I really mean is colouring in cells and changing borders and perhaps moving little elements here and there. 

The only advanced editing that I've done is create a new sheet, added all the skills we're using (but the name and the bonus only) as links back to the current skill sheet so when I change the skills sheet, it updates in my small skills sheet printed out for gaming. The benefit of this is that using 3 columns of skills per page, it only takes 2 skill pages to print off per character nstead of the legion.

I'm not after any uber technical stuff (as my Excel knowledge is only like the average office worker so I'd not understand most of it) - but I'm wanting to add more races to the 'races' sheet.
(The Dark Elves and RockTrolls to be precise) :P

Adding the 2 races at the bottom of the list of the 'Races' sheet doesn't seem to help and they're not available in the 'race' drop-down menu on the 'main sheet'. I'm sure if I type over some of the existing races, it'll work - but I don't want to loose any of those (except the gnome!!!). I imagine that the drop-down menu is calling the info from the start of the rows to the current end. I'm using the Mac version of Excel and I don't seem to be able to edit the drop-down menu (although that maybe just my lack of Excel knowledge).   ???

There is another question that I have - I also have 'Numbers' (from Apple's iWork which does some of the spreadsheet functionality in their 'work' suite ...well, sort of) and opening the character sheet in that shows that there are several extra sheets available yet they don't appear when the Character Sheet is opened in Excel. Is there a way to edit those extra sheets (after making them visible)?
(I had noticed that there are several formulas referencing sheets that aren't available for editing and had wondered how to edit them - and opening the file in 'Numbers' has confirmed that they are loitering around).

Also, I've noticed that there are quite a few references to Sean Wijbrandus' Character Sheet in the vault yet they all seem to be the same file when I download them even though the descriptions are different. The same can be said of Jonathan Dale's Character Sheet as well. Is there a definitive newest version of either of their sheets available?

Thanks for the help! :)
(And sorry for such a long post)
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Offline craggles

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Well I've managed to unhide the sheets! (Yay me!)

and my brother in-law has helped in setting parameters for the dropdown menu and we've successfully added the extra race to the dropdown...

BUT, the race appears but none of the racial bonuses populate the character sheet. :S

There's something called 'Race_Options' that I don;t seem to be able to get at (with my limited ability) so it's just this final step left. Any help would be appreciated (and showered with thanks!).

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Offline markc

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 From what I know of some Excel sheets is that they are password protected to protect ICE's material. Also I assume you have tried to find the creator of the sheet without any luck but if you have not I would ask around and see if someone has his contact info.
 Also from what I have heard sometimes the Apple version of Office has some problems with PC Excel workbooks. Also sometimes there is an easy work around and at other times you can do nothing about it.

Good Luck
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Hi Markc

The annoying thing is that the Race Data is there and beckoning me to add to it.

I can edit the contents there - so I could write over the Gnomes or one of the hobbit races (which there are 4 of them. I assume the 4 hobbit races were in the RMSS or in the RMFRP 'Races and Cultures' book that I don't have) so it's not the end of the world replacing some of the data.

But in an ideal world, I'd be able to add to it instead.

Who needs 4 Hobbit races anyway!? :)
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Offline markc

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 BTW, I also dislike gnomes and hobbits but I also realize other like them.

 One thing that really changed some of my players minds about playing gnomes or hobbits was the article in the Guild Companion that gave strength values needed to use weapons as well as penalties if you did not have the required ST. Their was an exodus on small race PC's as most could not use short swords in combat without semi-large penalties.

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Offline craggles

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With that against them, you'd think that players would be forced to play a magic user as one instead of a fighter!

...but then you find out that they're very resistant to magic - as a bonus to RRs but it also counts against them at being magic users themselves!

The only humane way to deal with this is to give the Orcs free-reign of the hobbit's territories. Wipe them all out!! It's for their own good after all! :)

As to the Excel sheet, I'm guessing the 4 hobbit races were for the RMSS as opposed to the RMFRP that I'm using?

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Wow - I've managed to fiddle with the excel sheet some more!

I've unhidden the other sheets, I've discovered (and added to) the various 'groups' of info and I've just put in the master costs for TPs (from the errata section of the vault). Along with that, I've added all the other TPs from the master list too - and then I realised that I've got to go through ALL the TPs in many books to add the info needed... so I've stopped that for now. I maybe stubborn and have used far too many hours on the sheet than I should have, but there's a whole lot more to do again! As I've not got half way through, I'm stopping that for a while! :P

After all that, we've started our game (and adventure from the vault - thank you Tim de Groot a.k.a. ttsgosadow) and I've purchased the Urban adventures from 0one games (the campaign setting and all the adventures) as well as a multitude of blueprints so ideally, my job as GM has got a whole lot easier!! :)

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Offline BlkTemplar

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my apologies for the necro-post, i stumbled across this posting by accident thru a random google search.  That being said, as the one who created this character sheet, I can help you out if you are still having any challenges.  It has been many years since I have touched it, but still have the files (and possibly a bit more updated ones), and can certainly walk you thru all the hidden sections.

of course, being that this post is nearly 9 years old, you may have moved on as well :)

Offline craggles

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I'm still here.   ;D

I'm trying to remember how far I went with the sheet, I think I may have finished the editing. I definitely added in the Training Packages and all the Shadow World races from the Master Atlas 4 as well as lots of little bits from the RM2 companions and Guild Companion. Off the top of my head, it was things like how far/high characters can jump, how long they can hold their breath, how well they can forage in certain areas, how fast their horse is, how well they can ride similar mounts based on their horse riding skill (and other random little things that I'd never be able to find on the night - so added all those equations on the sheet too) and I also used the Combat Companion's 'Armour by the Piece' which I recall being very proud of.  :P

There may have been a few things that I fudged in the end but I think I managed to customize it to my desires. I really did copy and paste EVERYTHING into the excel sheet once I'd managed to unhide all the sheets and figured how the Lookup tables worked! I remember it took quite a lot of time but I was very pleased in the end.  8)

I'm going to be starting a Shadow World campaign sometime next year and I'm leaning towards the Rolemaster ERA software as it handles combat as well as a character sheet. Obviously, that'll restrict me to the old ATs which will be a shame and the character creation will take a little longer as it doesn't seem to auto-populate the Training Packages and I'm not sure about the Talents and Flaws either.  Hmmm, I'm kind of talking my way out of using ERA now...   :o
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