Author Topic: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.  (Read 3917 times)

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Offline Gallowglacht

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Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« on: October 26, 2008, 11:47:17 AM »
This will be a brainstorm thread for converting my current Traveller game to the Spacemaster Privateers setting. The Setting is Traveller New Era. The players are citizens of a small Coalition of worlds, banded by the ideal of bringing back civilisation to the shattered remains of the third Imperium, much to the chagrin of the tin pot dictators ruling over these post-apocalyptic worlds. Anti Coalition propaganda labels them as mercenary raiders and pirates called Star Vikings.
Any comments, questions and criticisms welcome.

Iconic Star Viking stuff;

Body sleeve; This is a ballistic weave bodysuit that also serves as a g-suit, emergency short term vac suit, inner lining for powered armour and effective uniform of Reformation Coalition forces. It has g-bladders, tourniquets and pre measured doses of combat and medical drugs.

How would I stat this out? It is flak, but it isn?t reinforced and covers the whole body?
ATIII? Are there rules for tourniquets? What book and page? If not, I could just say it reduces hits to bleeding by X a round right?

On of the girls wears (laser)Ablative armour over her body sleeve. I was thinking of making this ATIV and reducing laser crits to the body to burn through crits. Sound OK?

CMWS; Coalition Multiple Weapon System.
The Coalition has limited production and transport capabilities, and its forces cover a wide variety of needs and targets. Too many differing weapon types would be difficult to supply in the field and standardise across member worlds. Instead the Coalition produces standardised, interchangeable parts that can be used in a number of configurations. Instead of carrying a variety of rifles, carbines, machineguns etc each trooper gets one CMWS that can be whatever that trooper needs for that mission. The three standard barrels result in differing muzzle energies translated to Privateers as follows. (using stats from TNE FFS, converted to Imperial, compared to AL;F and converted to BL)
Carbine Me 17 (3412ft/lb) = BE 8
Rifle Me 18 (3557ft/lb) = BE 9
MG Me 18 (3702ft/lb) = BE 9

Although the MG barrel ends up with the same BE as the rifle, it can support a higher rate of fire.

The standard Coalition rifle has the same muzzle energy as the CMWS rifle. But the modular nature might result in a less reliable weapon. All these still blow away our poor M-16 who ends up at BE 4.

4mm Gauss Rifle; 4KG
The smaller dart ammo results in smaller muzzle energies. 3500 joules = @2592 ft/lb, which is a ME 15 or BE 8. I am thinking the high RoF, small Gauss darts should cause shrapnel crits like long range, accurate shotguns.

4mm Gauss SAW; 14KG
The heavier Gauss SAW is more powerful. It has a ME of 6250 joules=@4629 ft/lb >> ME 19 which comes to a BE of 9. The end result isn?t that much more lethal than the 10KG less rifle.

The heavier vehicle/ field mounted VRF gun ends up with a BE of 11.
These seem a little high, but Inertial armour gets rid of the crits, and Traveller has a slug weapon bias anyway. High energy weapons will kill more, which is probably why they are generally more tightly controlled in Traveller. Slug weapons will cause hits and knock people out of combat, but can be countered by government forces easier leaving them as OK adventurer weapons.

I don't have a way of converting energy weapons so was just going to take SpaM tech levels, minus 10 to be equivalent to Travellers tech level, and use Blaster law to make an equivalent. A Traveller TL15 plasma gun man portable will be at TL 25 light support Plasma gun. And so on. Blaster will be missing, but powerful slug throwers can take their place.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 12:04:00 PM by Gallowglacht »

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 03:09:32 PM »
AT VIII and VII make good armored vac suits.

Any reflective coating would reduce all laser crits to burn through crits, which are much weaker.  Another coating can reduce blaster crits to burn through.  Only one coating may be worn.

Armor may be assumed to reduce ballistic puncture and ballistic shrapenal crits to ballistic impact, or it could be another coating.  Agin, only one coating should be allowed (so awesome protection against either lasers, blasters or ballistics, but not all three.  The game is set up now to alllow great protection against ballistics AND either laser or blaster fire.

There are many drugs in Tech Companion that could be auto applied by the armor, which includes drugs that stop bleeding.  If a vac suit is punctured, in my game an expanding foam instantly seals the breach, but also incapacitates the area of the body sealed.  Caught is more fun than dead.  Immobilized victims have the option of activating their becons, which will inform everyone with a modern weapon sight they are incapacitaded but also lead any survivor to them, good guy or foe.  Additionally, the armors internal sensors can be set to auto trigger the emergency beacon.  It is considered VERY bad form to trigger your beacon and NOT be either incapacited, helpless or in need of rescue.  Enemy soldiers might feel little need to follow the space marine geneva convention when dealing with such a schmuck.

I've ran several SM games and the combat works great.  Very high ME/BE without armor is short and messy, but the medical tech is good enough almost any wound can be healed.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 12:55:55 AM »
 Just a note on the modular nature of the weapons, this type of design is becoming more common in todays weapon systems so i do not thing that they would be less reliable that any other type systems. In fact they might be better to clean, check for wear and replace from battle damage faster than non modular style weapon systems.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 04:36:35 PM »
Good point.

Another thought. Will the lack of energy shields hurt much? Is there a ball park averge db/level my players will be missing out on. If so I could come with a combat manuver that adds to a players db if they have cover and are aware of an attack. Or should I just "re-fluff" energy shields as ECM, Stealth, Camo,anti-missile point defence, anti-laser aerosols and EMM masking on combat and powered armour?

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 07:47:04 PM »
 I downgraded most weapons to firearms to give the game a more FireFly type setting. But then again I was using the Traveller 4th stuff and the Empire was expanding and scouting worlds.  So I cannot help you a lot there with play experience.

 But IMO if you are going to have energy weapons them IMO you will also need shields or some other way to keep energy weapons from killing the group. You can IMO have a armor coating that gives a DB bonus like reflec or the blaster coating [I cannot remember the name right now].
 On the DB side I use my own house rule that states to get a job you have to have a min skill bonus of 55 in the major areas. So your average cop will have a 55 OB in what ever weapon they use as well as the other major skills. I also told my players that the stat min's for professions were not used and about 70% of the population was the Everyman profession with the other 30% spread around the other professions. I also noted that in some races the % may be a lot higher or lower in some professions. Also the average person is 3rd to 8th level so comepaire that to your PC and plan your actions.
 Also on the power armor side I do not have any play experience to relate to you. But IMO if you are playing in a game that uses such equipment then you have to plan for it and weapons that might or might not breach it. Also I informed my PC's that in general when you land on a planet or a space ststion they search you and your ship. If you have some high tech gizmo they just might take it so it is better to use average to low tech equipment. They did land on some low tech planets via shuttel or air raft so they could aviod the searches and the problems that it might cause.
 Hope that helps.

Note: I also threw in a paranormal or psi twist that the Emperor was searching for more of his "unique" stones in his crown and scepter. The group got a psi fortelling that very bad things would happen if all of them were found and that the group would have the option to recover 4 of the rare stones. The psi forteller also said just because you find the stone first it does not mean that the stone is safe. I also threw in some universe wide stange events that got the players and everyone in the universe a little nervous, on edge and asking what is going on.
 The above gave another point of interest for the group besides the gather info of planets who might join the Empire. 

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 02:20:33 PM »
Got my shiney new books! (shiney in a firefly way)

The Starship combat is just what I was looking for, although it will change the feel of combat. But that is not neccisarily a bad thing. The players lasers double duty as point defence but are linked to fire at enemy ships in pairs. I think I'll split the 4 turrets into 2 laser turrets and the volume of the other 2 into point defence. The lasers turn out very small, unless I ignore a traveller fudge; In Traveller 20 the volume of the turret is not taken out of the ship, as the turret just adds vol to the outside so the 14 cu metres will not be divided by 3 to make a tiny turret. This gives me 14 cu to play with before modifying for the turret. Enough to score crits on comparable ships, but not proper naval ones. This job will fall to their 2 fixed torpedo launchers. Normal ones make warhead attacks and Nukes make Apocalyptic attacks right? Big Traveller spinal weapons like Meson guns and Particle accelerators would also be apocolyptic right? Also would it be OK to add volumes of turrets on large ships together in betteries to count as a larger mount, or is this too big a bonus for combined fire?
The vehicle design has a simplified Fire, Fusion and Steel feel to it, and quick combat stats for ships seem easy to convert. Warships coming out Scary. Scarey enough that I think I'll count the warships dTons as actual Tons, cutting their effective mass by 5. Traveller ones were too big anyway. Having civilian ships with Crysteel hulls and military ones as the more high tech ones gives the Navy enough of an advantage anyway.
I love the point defence and EW rules. The combat seems much better and more inclusive. Hope it plays out that way, although the crew don't get into too many fights. When they do, I want it to kick ass.

One of the lads is printing off a bunch of character sheets, I think I understand the basics but won't start converting until I get the sheets. The training packages are great, full of flavour and a good match for Travellers prior experience in Character generation. Cybernetics and medicine gain much needed detail and the tech has been allowed to modernise, unlike Travellers almost pathological need to have half a dozen versions of the game be identical...Not that I'm bitter and jaded with "canon" and Flamewars.

The Robotics book is a godsend for a campaign with AI being a central theme. Although I'm not using the SpaM setting I'll even get use out of the cultures and races book. Tulgar afterall are based on the same tropes as Vargr, Falenar as Aslan, heck the Oorts may well make a good statistical basis for Hivers, even if they look very different.

All in all, it looks like I have made the right choice. I have to run it to be certain, but so far, good work ICE in general and Defendi in particular.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2008, 04:17:04 PM »
 Also a side note: The new Traveller Navy book has new starship construction rules that are easier than FF&S. I have not had a chance to take a look at them but some have said they work well.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2008, 10:59:37 AM »
Does it have many stats? I don't think I'll convert the large naval ships wholesale. Too much effort for behemoths better left as plot devices anyway, but I'm thinking of a quick and dirt conversion, like my firearms one. Basically basing the AT on the tech level, and starting with 5 armour belts for a System Defence Boat minus 1 for every jump number the ship has, counting spinal guns as apocalyptic weapons and organising turrets into batteries.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2008, 09:31:03 PM »
Does it have many stats? I don't think I'll convert the large naval ships wholesale. Too much effort for behemoths better left as plot devices anyway, but I'm thinking of a quick and dirt conversion, like my firearms one. Basically basing the AT on the tech level, and starting with 5 armour belts for a System Defence Boat minus 1 for every jump number the ship has, counting spinal guns as apocalyptic weapons and organising turrets into batteries.

 I really do not know much about it. You can go over to the publisher and take a look at their PDF previews. But I do know that the stuff I saw was very different than FF&S. But again I think you said you were using the d20 Traveller stuff and it might be the exact same thing as in that product.
 I only talked about it  because one quote I heard was that is was going to be new and streamlined.
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2009, 01:36:14 PM »
I must make a confession. I was defeated by character generation "by the book". I found it was too much effort for too little gain. So I made my own, based of that of a rolemaster related game, ending in -E.R.P. and whose intelectual property is owned by a bunch of jerks. Made my own skill list and character sheet. And my game goes ahead, mostly based on Blaster Law and the 3 Tech Law books.

And it was just what I needed to re-invigorate combat in my game. The combat was fast paced, detailed, felt life threatening, but with the presence of the doctor actualy isn't game-endingly lethal. Combatants didn't take hit points in damage, they had limbs torn off by fully automatic, short range gauss-rifle fire, an Alien had the top of its head ripped of by point blank laser fire and the doctor was first stuck to a bulkhead by an adhesive gun then gutted by a circular saw armed robot. It ran as fast as d20, but was far more visceral, descriptive, dangerous and most importantly, fun.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2009, 03:35:19 PM »
Glad it worked for you.
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2009, 08:56:13 AM »
I hope this is related,

Has anyone done Traveller:2300 for SpaM or SpaM:P?

I liked the setting; a bit less tech than Traveller.

"Anticipation" tech instead of sci-fi.
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 02:05:41 PM »
I have T2300 and like it also but at the time I picked it up my players did not want to play in a game like that. I used the material for another system and it worked fine.
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2009, 11:08:03 AM »
I think SpaM is even better suited to T2300 than it is to Traveller. The Aliens in 2300 are more alien and the added detail in SpaM might be usefull for making them. Inertial armour is like SpaM's kinetic.
Also GDW gave muzzle velocities and bullet size in the info on guns. With these you can get the muzzle energy that you can convert into SpaM terms. Blaster Law has the conversion chart in Imperial and I posted a metric one in another thread.

In fact as I was reading through SpaM, I instantly thought of running T2300 with it.

EDIT; here is that metric chart;
Here is a quick and dirty convertion for the BE rating of slugthrowers, based on Muzzle energy in Joules.

Be 1   <128joules
Be 2   129-506j
Be 3   507-1283j
Be 4   1284-1890j
Be 5   1891-2565j
Be 6   2566-3105j
Be 7   3106-3645j
Be 8   3646-4725j
Be 9   4726-7223j
Be 10   7224-8370j
Be 11   8371-9855j
Be 12    9856-16200j
Be 13   16201+j   

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2009, 02:45:04 PM »
Thanks for the chart I will copy it and place it in my SM:P and AL:FA binders.
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2009, 09:47:52 AM »
The different tech levels for different races would also be easy to convert with Spacemaster settings.

Ebers at the top; but an "Ashes of the Old Empire" setting, where everything has rusted down to a primitive/gunpowder level.

Humans with the most expansion/best available tech. With some minor mods, Cyberspace is all ready for cut and paste into the setting.

Sung would be right @ C-space levels... Don't discount the benefit of  solar sails/sleeper ships on society.

What were the tree people's name... Klaxun (had to look it up). I always pictured them moving like starfish

Well, you have given me an excuse to start thinking of a new Spacemaster game. Now, about those Pentapods...
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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2009, 11:41:07 AM »
Been working a bit more on this.

Careers are becoming Training packages and professions aren't so hard to port.
Weapons are taking a bit more; but Blaster Law is a big help there.

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Re: Traveller conversion WIP. Help welcomed.
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2009, 05:19:48 AM »
Anything you want to share?
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