Author Topic: RMSS Questions  (Read 4281 times)

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Offline residuetiger

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RMSS Questions
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:49:30 PM »
Hello all,

This is my first post on the forums after lurking for a while!!  I've just recently moved to a new apartment and in the process, stumbled upon my Rolemaster books; fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, I've begun reading them again, and itching to try to get a campaign together.  I have some questions though, which are no doubt simple, so I'm hoping you folks can help me.

First, are realm stat bonuses tripled for spell list cat. bonuses?  This has always confused me.

Second, in combat is Spell Lore(a skill) used to identify an incoming spell or Identify Casting, which is itself a spell from the Spell Reins Closed Essense list if I'm not mistaken?  There may actually be another possible spell as well, but it escapes me at the moment.  I'm basically trying to get a handle on how a magic user can counter an enemy magic user during a combat.

For Everyman, Restricted, and Occupational skills, are the ranks gained in adolescence/hobby development phases effected, or only during development point allocation?

How do you handle things such as Promotions in the Training Packages(i.e. Soldier in this case)?  I haven't been able to find anything definite on this.

Ok, that should just about take care of my questions for today, though I cannot promise there won't be more.   :P

I appreciate any assistance you folks can supply.


Offline RandalThor

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 07:21:57 PM »
Hello all,

This is my first post on the forums after lurking for a while!!  I've just recently moved to a new apartment and in the process, stumbled upon my Rolemaster books; fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, I've begun reading them again, and itching to try to get a campaign together.  I have some questions though, which are no doubt simple, so I'm hoping you folks can help me.


First, are realm stat bonuses tripled for spell list cat. bonuses?  This has always confused me.

No they are not.

Second, in combat is Spell Lore(a skill) used to identify an incoming spell or Identify Casting, which is itself a spell from the Spell Reins Closed Essense list if I'm not mistaken?  There may actually be another possible spell as well, but it escapes me at the moment.  I'm basically trying to get a handle on how a magic user can counter an enemy magic user during a combat.

The skill would entail a skill check, which could fail - but doesn't entail casting a spell of your own. While the spell is mostlikely to succeed, it means you are casting a spell. I have to admit this has always been a bit of a problem for me as well. The only way that it seems to be done is in preperation for a situation you would cast a spell that has a duration and can tell you what they are casting, but the limitation is that you have to know ahead of time that you are going into a situation. Hopefully someone can shed some more light on this one......

For Everyman, Restricted, and Occupational skills, are the ranks gained in adolescence/hobby development phases effected, or only during development point allocation?


How do you handle things such as Promotions in the Training Packages(i.e. Soldier in this case)?  I haven't been able to find anything definite on this.

This depends upon the world you are running and what it means within that framework. For example: the fighter gets a bunch of promotions and is a guard-sergeant (you determine) - what does that mean to the civilization you made? Is he in charge of some men? Does he have a better place to live than most? Is he going to be called up to duty? These are things only you can say. They are there for "completeness" sake (as some would say).

Ok, that should just about take care of my questions for today, though I cannot promise there won't be more.   :P

I appreciate any assistance you folks can supply.


Again, welcome.
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Offline markc

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 08:39:47 PM »
 I would like to second the welcome.

RandalThor game the answers i would give to your questions.

 Spell Countering is also one of my week areas and I do not have my books here to give you a page number. But I mostly use spell lore for allowing a caster that is trying to dispell a spell get a bonus to the action. Or if they can see the aura of a magic item they can make a spell lore roll to see if they can read the aura and get a bonus on attunement.
 For the things you gain on a training package outside of skills, quite a few people just do not give the PC anything. I tend to like the flavor they give to a PC but I drop the bonuses for some items or add or subtract stuff that does not fit in my game world. As for just what a promation means that is game world info that a GM has to create. You might check out ranks on a online wiki or some others GM crafted worlds info page. I use some old books I have from varous games both fantasy and sci-fi.

O and have fun.
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Offline rdanhenry

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 09:20:48 PM »
Identify Casting is an instantaneous spell, so unless your target does not need any prep rounds, you can still try casting something to counter it next round. Even if he'll finish this round, you can try other actions in response.
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Offline residuetiger

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 09:49:28 PM »
OK, thanks for responding guys, your answers pretty much match with my thinking.  The magic especially, I got to thinking about it when I was making up a magician and, in going through the Open and Closed Essence spell lists I noticed the number of detection and cancellation spells, which I think really spices up the magic aspect of the game. 

I haven't GM'd in a long time and I'm re-familiarizing myself with the system.   :-\

While I'm thinking about it, will I have any problems integrating Character Law and Races and Cultures with my older RMSS books(Standard Rules, Gamemaster Law, Spell and Arms Law)?


Offline markc

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 11:08:13 PM »
 RMSS and RMFRP are practically identical in information but RMFRP has cleaned up some information. RMFRP has spread the info into more books than RMSS does. For example RMSS core book has most if not all of the professions from RMFRP Character Law and the 3 ..of books [Channeling, Essence, Mentalism]. Spell Law should also have all of info that are spread in the 3 ...of books, so IMO you do not need to get those.   
 The main books I think that are important are the Channeling Comp, Essence Comp and Mentalism Companion as those had a lot of info that help me in world creation. The information can be a lot to take in but I tend to like most all of the rules to help me create a fun setting. Another book I think is important would be the RMC Combat Companion as weapon styles and martial arts are very important for non-heavy magic users. The book can be used with both systems but slightly more of it for RMC. If you have the RMSS Martial Arts Companion then that can take the place of the Combat Companion but you still might want to include some of the options from the Combat Companion when designing styles from the MAC.
 Another point I would like to make is that PDF's can be a huge help to a GM. I print my players profession sheets, spell sheets, weapon sheets and any other thing I think they need from the PDF. If a player wants a lot of stuff I take my PDF to his house and print the info on his printer or I charge him a printing fee. [Sometimes a player will take 1 spell on 20 lists and printing can eat up $ if you do not have the right equipment. I bought a printer a short time ago that prints black and white 5% of page for 1/2 cent a page. It has saved me lots of $].
 Also in the vault there are links to people who have designed spreed sheet PC generators, some have more of the professions then others and some can be unlocked and modified by a GM to customize to his or her game. But at the same time the best way I feel to learn is the old pen and paper method. Also for your players try and get them 1 on 1 to create thier PC so you can help them without distractions the first couple of times.
 A game rule I also have is that PC's start at higher levels than in the book. I start pure spell casters off at 5th level, semi-spell casters at 4th level and pure arms at 3rd level. This is because it allows the PC's to be able to do more stuff. If you look at the skill resolution chart you see and easy task gets a bonus of +50 or 60 [I think] so to get a success on a non open end low roll [ie an 06 roll on d100] they need a skill of 45 to 55 to not fail. So in my view to be compatent at a entry level job they need skills in the 45-55 range for easy tasks. This also means that most NPC's anf average people will probably be of a higher level than 1. In my game the average level varies but in general is 3rd to 9th level with the occasional 10th to 20th.       

 Sorry for the my house rules speech but I have found that players can get frustrated coming from other systems and playing a 1st level PC.But your group may be different.
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Offline Langthorne

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 09:27:45 AM »
As far as I can tell, very few of the posters on the forums use the Experience Point System in RMSS. I do, and I think it works very well. 10000 experience points per session is certainly achievable (ie 1 level per session for the 1st 5 levels).

As an example, I have been playing in a new campaign and have gained 2 levels in 2 sessions (as has at least one other party member, with the rest quite close to third level after the two sessions). My character is a rogue, and has only made two "kills" (a spider and a demon-spider worshiping Hillman). Most of his experience comes from successful skill rolls (and in the last session, suffering a succession of E Krush criticals from an angry tree/ent - NOT an advisable way of gaining experience points). My point is that we have found that the experience system in RMSS does reward all types of (useful) character actions and does not necessarily favor combat over anything else. It also has the advantage of being non-subjective, and (with more experienced groups) allows for any of the players to record the experience points throughout the session.

Whilst Markc's idea of starting character's at slightly higher levels will mean they are more competent with many things, I think the development of a character from 1st level is more satisfying.


Offline residuetiger

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 11:55:41 AM »
Can't comment on the exp system since I haven't run a full fledged campaign yet.  I'm still trying to decide on a campaign setting; I'm looking closely at Shadow World of course.


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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 03:04:52 PM »
 Shasow World is design for RM2 but with a few tweeks It can be used with RMSS very easily. Also IMO SW is one setting in which RM shines the brightest as the world was designed with the RM rule set instead of making the RM rule set fit a setting. There is a lot of info for SW also and the forums are a great place to pick up info.

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Offline vroomfogle

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2008, 08:34:33 PM »
I'm still trying to decide on a campaign setting; I'm looking closely at Shadow World of course.

Shadow World is made of awesome.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2008, 11:26:37 PM »
Yes, I too like Shadow World - even if I just use the map!
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Offline residuetiger

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2008, 11:27:27 PM »
Shasow World is design for RM2 but with a few tweeks It can be used with RMSS very easily.

Is there a lot of tweaking involved, or is relatively minor?


Offline ob1knorrb

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2008, 11:39:00 PM »
The fourth Edition Master Atlas has RMSS/RMFRP stats and there is a PDF of RMSS/RMFRP stats for Powers of Light and Darkness as well.  The other products can be adjusted with relatively minor tweaking I think.
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Offline markc

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2008, 12:14:54 AM »
Shasow World is design for RM2 but with a few tweeks It can be used with RMSS very easily.

Is there a lot of tweaking involved, or is relatively minor?


 IMO up untill 10th level there are very minor changes. After 10th I would use the NPC sheet in RMSS as a guide or create your own and just level him up. IMO again the biggest difference is the level bonus that if I remember right can be as high as +60. I also seem to remember that in RM2 can you can have a higher rank bonus as the rank per level is slightly different. But I will have to get back to you on the rank bonus chart.

 I think that after you run a few games you can wing it on what the NPC's of a published advanture. But remember the golden rule that as a GM you can change anything or eyverything, just because it says so in the adventure you do not have to run your game that way. I tend to want to take my PC's along for a story line and not just combat, experience and magic item advances. But I do like to have my PCs to have some unique magic items or special piece of tec.

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Offline vroomfogle

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2008, 07:30:08 AM »
Shasow World is design for RM2 but with a few tweeks It can be used with RMSS very easily.

Is there a lot of tweaking involved, or is relatively minor?


This thread has a useful discussion as to the power level differences between the two systems:

Offline markc

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2008, 01:38:21 PM »
 Also I forget to say that my game experience may differ fom yours but I try an be as unbiased as possible when answering questions.

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Offline residuetiger

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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2008, 11:14:52 PM »
Also I forget to say that my game experience may differ fom yours but I try an be as unbiased as possible when answering questions.


It's cool, I value your input, and btw, i appreciate folks for jumping in here, any help I can get is good, hehe.  I've made up a few characters(level 1-2) and getting ready to run them through some scenarios to get a better feel for the rules, I forgot how complex RM is, but dammit, it makes so much sense! I love it!!  :D

And I'm very anxious to take a look at Shadow World.


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Re: RMSS Questions
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2008, 11:37:30 PM »
Also I forget to say that my game experience may differ fom yours but I try an be as unbiased as possible when answering questions.


It's cool, I value your input, and btw, i appreciate folks for jumping in here, any help I can get is good, hehe.  I've made up a few characters(level 1-2) and getting ready to run them through some scenarios to get a better feel for the rules, I forgot how complex RM is, but dammit, it makes so much sense! I love it!!  :D

And I'm very anxious to take a look at Shadow World.


 I first saw RM back in 85 and our group was running a far out system then and RM just did not fit. But when I played in a game in the last 90's I loved the character creation and depth. I dropped my custom Rune Quest system and never looked back. IMO it is just so versatile I can convert other rules to it as it is d100 based and add just about any house rules I need for a custom universe.
 I should also give a plug to R. Defendi who has his own world called the Echoes of Heaven that is stated for RM. Here is his website url: .
 The thing I also like is that if SW is your cup of tea you can get some of the old products on PDF here from ICE. I have also found that there is usually a brisk trade of SW products of ebay type sites or sometimes you can find hidden gems if you have a game store that buys older products or has an invintory of older stuff.   

 I also think that you will find out or have found out that most of us here are very good natured and more than willing to help out. So post away and we will get you back into RM in no time.
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