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Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« on: September 19, 2008, 09:47:17 PM »
I have an interesting opportunity for a side-adventure in my current game, and I am looking for evil ideas to throw at the players.  Here is the situation:

The party members are all third level.  The party looks like this:

Davvin Del Tarrion:  Half Elf Elemental Warrior.  He is the eldest son of a baron, from the baron's first marriage.  His father remarried and had other children.  (This is a  custom profession that I made up and named before the Combat Companion came out.  It has nothing to do with that profession.  This one specializes in internalizing elemental aspects, like taking on the strength of elemental earth or the speed of elemental light.) 

Benjamin Snyder:  Human Warrior Monk.  He is the son of one of the Baron's guards.  Raised to be a companion and bodyguard to Daavin.

Natkin Krop:  Human Magent.  Bastard son of a noble. His stepmother hates him and keeps trying to arrange accidents for him, as long as they can't be traced back to her. 

Jalal Ironfist:  Dwarf Fighter.  Younger son of a dwarf trading clan.  Sent to college in the Kingdom to learn more about trading with humans. 

Priscila "Hutch" Hutchinson:  Human Dabbler.  Daughter of a stable master and part time blacksmith.  She is just starting to learn to use a little magic. 

The situation is, they were all at the Royal College of Relian for various reasons.  Some in the "servant's finishing school" some to study magic and the gentlemanly arts.  Hutch worked in the stables.  There were a couple assassination attempts focused "near" the party.  One half-elf student at the college was killed.  He looked a lot like Davvin.  The whole party got poisoned, but survived.  They decided to let the world think they poison had killed all of them, and now they are believed to be dead by most people.  Davvin is the actual target, but they aren't quite sure of that yet. 

Leaving behind everything except what they went out to dinner with (in a very upscale restaurant, it was a celebration of sorts), they set out to the far away city where Baron Del Tarrion presides.  Before they travel half a day, they intercept a messenger on the way to the Royal College, and get him talking.  They learn that Baron Del Tarrion has been assassinated, but no details. 

Deciding that riding all the way home is too slow, Davvin (I call him Dave, the player hates that) decides to spend the money for the party to take the train. 

As you might be able to tell, I am using the geography of Shadow world, but the magic and technological progression is different.  The culture is mostly at a Renaissance level of social and technological development.  However, with the addition of magic into the picture, other things become possible.  A simple Heat Solid spell, used to power a steam engine, could be used to move a train.  In this case, some of the major highways have trains running parallel with them.  Only a few of the major trade routes have this as yet, but more are always being built, since it has turned out to be a huge money maker. 

Our party has boarded the train, and they are about halfway through an eight hour trip.  It is an hour or so after sunset, and they have just learned that Davvin's "Rival NPC (Greater)" is also on the train.  He may or may not know the PCs are on the train.  Benjamin went off to discuss the finer points of monastic discipline with a couple young ladies of questionable judgment, and none of the others know where he is.  Natkin is in the dining car getting drunk with a couple dwarves, and is currently passing -10 to all actions, heading for -15...

I was just "winging it" while they traveled, but now I see that this is a great opportunity.  I have never done any kind of encounter on a moving train.  I would like to come up with something truly evil for them for the next time we meet (three weeks from now). 

So, all you Evil Geniuses out there, what would you do?

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 10:38:13 PM »
Pack of hungry Rust Monsters? 

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 04:17:10 PM »
A murder mystery? A train makes a great (temporarily) isolated location where the number of suspects in readily narrowed down and a time limit to solving the mystery provides pressure (in this case, a full police inquiry at the end of the line would reveal characters trying to move covertly).

A train robbery? Once there are trains carrying valuables, there are those who will try to remove those valuables from those trains. There's a lot of ways to vary this scenario, but all of them should end up with the PCs defending their own goods and/or persons, if not those of other innocent victims.

A simple monster fight -- on a moving train? The advantage here is that you can spend most of your effort on figuring out how to use the train environment in interesting ways. The monster(s) could simply be ones that move fast enough to attack a moving train or, my preference, the monster is being transported as a zoological specimen when it escapes its confinement and goes on a rampage through the train.

If at all possible, throw things into darkness by passing through a tunnel at a critical moment.

Truly evil is the "bridge is out" scenario. The train cannot stop in time on its braking system alone. The players must come up with a way to save the train or at least themselves (they can try jumping off a moving train, but without magical protection, that's likely to hurt).
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 04:32:23 PM »
Flow Storm that sends the train through a portal into a parallel dimension; simple version, just reverse everything.  A neat opening for this would be for those nobles that currently support the PC to show up, except in this universe they are the assassins.

Rampaging natives; a score of monsters led by a minor dragon, baskilisk or whatnot seek to end the train running through their territory.

Airship raid; with the trains being able to dominate the transport of goods in bulk, a group of airship captains leads/funds/directs attacks against the rail line.  A one shot adventure or one that could unfold over several adventures.

Disapearing tracks; some monster (rust monster?) or group has stolen the rails to use in their own forages. 

Abduction; a group kidnaps someone from the train.  In your game, I might make the abductors a group allied with the party in an indirect way, limiting their response or creating a nice moral conundrum.

Seriously though, trains are made of iron, so are the tracks.  What a time for a Rust Monster, a really MASSIVE one grown to rediculious size from gorging on a few miles of iron tracks, or if a smart rust monster, the last train to pass by (leaving the tracks intact so another moving happy meal will roll through).
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 05:37:51 PM »
"Snakes on a Train!"  Sorry, couldn't resist...
Brent Knorr...
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2008, 11:42:51 PM »
Oooh.  I like some of these. You guys are truyly evil geniuses. 

How about a robbery where the villians have a nice high-level spell on a scroll, like a wall-form Cancel True (using the Spell Shaping list)?  All the magic in the train gets turned off, the train coasts to a stop, and not only do our heroes have to defend their loot, they must help the train get going again.

Then the next sub-plot would be to figure out where they got that spell...

OR, I could have someone murder the guy driving or powering the train.  Then they are both stuck in the middle of nowhere and the middle of a murder mystery...

I suppose I could go for the rust monster idea, but really, any railroad would have some serious rust-monster interdiction programs.   ::)

But either way I go, now that Brent mentioned it, there will have to be snakes.   ;D
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Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 01:38:58 AM »
If you murder the engineer, don't have the train stop. Have the boiler on automatic and the engineer has to stop it when they reach the destination or...

You can stick a party in the middle of nowhere anytime, but the only way to be on a runaway train is to be on a runaway train!

Also, people on a long journey get bored and need to entertain themselves, so its a good time for those with good social or entertaining skills (e.g., Bards) to employ those. This could result in chances to drop clues for future adventures.

Annoy them with an ill-behaved child.

Any really, really big birds of prey in your world? One might mistake a train for a tasty snake.

You *must* have a fight on top of the train. It's in the rules somewhere.
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2008, 02:40:26 AM »
I like the train robbery idea, only make the robbers charismatic and cool, not vile and cruel. That way the PCs could have fun encouters with witty dialogue and it can be more than just a combat encounter. Perhaps the robber is like a Robin Hood-type character, or has some other moral reason for doing what s/he is doing.....
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2008, 02:44:58 AM »
Of course, there could be an attempt on the life of Natkin Krop that escalates into possibly killing everyone on the train unless the PCs stop it. (Remember, she doesn't want it to look like Krop was the target, with everyone dead/injured who could figure out the target - especially if the person sabatoging the train doesn't know who they are trying to kill...)
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2008, 03:08:10 AM »
 How about a magic induced dream sequence brought on by a drug in the food. The dealer had to stash it because of some "cop" types searching the train for contraband. The magic drug pulls everyone who has taken it into a special dream world where various things can happen based on the laws of magic and peoples subconscious.
 From there you can have a murder, brawl, fight to defend the train or even a death sequence that will/might make the PC's a little more cautious. This also can let the GM set up another scene after the train trip. So the PC's have seen the sot they are going to be ambushed at, might know who is behind it or some other crazy good stuff.

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2008, 04:51:38 AM »
Extraordinary spell failure for the mage operating the engine, train passes into another plain of existence, coming to rest in the middle of a forest, their are polar bears and a big mine shaft.....of and the back half of the train with Benjamin on it is missing....

they are now LOST....

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2008, 04:52:08 AM »
- The train suddenly stop and the air becomes chilling (if you prefer, train keeps moving)... Dementors are on the train!  ;D
Who/what are they looking for? Who've sent them? Maybe one of the party members seem to draw their attentions...

- PCs suddenly awake, cannot remember how did they fall asleep. Everyone around them is sleeping very hard and cannot be awoken.
What happened? Maybe a group of evil-doers/robbers have put the whole train to sleep with magic/gas and changed the train route...

- At midnight another train suddenly appears on the same rail of the one the PCs are on, but heading in the opposite direction! The trains are too fast and too close, they'll surely collide!
Give the PCs a couple of rounds to try everything they came up with to save themselves/stop the train, but at the end of the second round the two trains collide in any case!
Suddenly PCs find themselves on the other train, which they discover being a ghost train! They also find a big black clock in their cabin, pointing 11.00pm... They now have one hour to find out how to stop it (putting the spirits on it to rest) before it collides with their own train!

- You could also steal some nice ideas from CoC's Horror on the Orient Express campaing modules

I suppose a magician might, he admitted, but a gentleman never could.

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2008, 03:32:23 PM »
You can stick a party in the middle of nowhere anytime, but the only way to be on a runaway train is to be on a runaway train!

I really like this idea.  Don't know why I didn't think of it.  Not evil enough, I guess.  No matter what else happens, the train is going to be a runaway. 

Annoy them with an ill-behaved child.

I know I said "evil" but c'mon.  Sticking them on a train with a bratty kid, that's just mean.   ;D

Suddenly PCs find themselves on the other train, which they discover being a ghost train!
{evil grin}  This one is perfect.  This could be a reenactment of a tragedy from the early days of passenger trains.  Steal elements from the Titanic, since rail travel is still for the wealthy.  (The actual disaster, not the movie.  Although, I suppose the bratty kid could be named Leonardo...)  The PCs could have a chance to have more knowledge of the event with a successful "History" skill roll.  Davvin could know a bit more, since his family was involved in the original construction of the railroads.  Perhaps the ghost train steals them this time because of his family connection...

Oh, yeah.  I?m definitely going with the ghost train idea.  And THEN, if they solve the mystery, and save the souls, the train can stop and let them off, after which the town will vanish and they will be in the middle of nowhere, with the real train speeding away...

The next question, of course, is what do they need to do to save the train?  Perhaps the train cannot be saved and the PCs need to do something for the ghosts.  Or the PCs must learn something about the disaster that nobody ever discovered.  Some dark secret about the train that caused the accident.  Shoddy construction that was covered up, an evil curse placed on the train, or something to that effect. 

But how to generate a fight on the roof of the train?  That must happen sometime.  I agree, it?s in the rules.  I just can?t find the page?
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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2008, 09:29:31 PM »
I like the ghost train idea, or perhaps have it stop at a ghost station....anyone remember Saphire and Steel....?

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2008, 11:11:38 PM »
Ghost Train, uh?  Probably one of the most interesting stage in the Final Fantasy series ;D

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2008, 06:24:11 AM »
as well as a murder mystery, the confined space could be ideal for spreading disease quickly (be it a real disease or just hysteria)

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2008, 07:47:54 AM »
I think "stopping the trains" scenarios has been done to death...

Better if ghosts appears that insist on that the train must continue past the upcoming station if their own fate should be avoided. Something really big-bad hunts the neighborhood at certain times and will catch up with the train if it stops, but the ghosts are unable to tell how or what that will happen. Meanwhile some afraid-of-trains person recall about a train accident that happened because the train had to much speed on a bridge.

The passengers of the train must decide if they believe the ghosts died because of big-bad catched up with them or if they died because the train had too much speed on the train.

While the people argue the players are approached by a mysterious woman who claim that she can send the players soul out on the spiritual plane to look for clues of big-bad's existence.
/Pa Staav

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2008, 09:56:55 AM »
Perhaps the trains engine is not a steam engine, but a soul engine.  Several of the caabins on the train have bunk frames enrunes with a soul trapping spell.  One of the PC's freinds doesn't wake up, but the haunting begins.  Eventually free souls from engine...
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2008, 03:06:43 PM »
also remember that airplane desaster movie with some evil spirit in the hold, that could be an interesting option....

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Re: Wanted: Advice from an Evil Genius
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2008, 04:58:46 PM »
"Murder on the Orient Express" and "The Great Train Robbery" are the two movies that pop into my head almost immediately.  Also, there are dozens of westerns that involve trains as plot elements.  I would suggest you spend some quality time at the internet movie site of your choice.
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