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Offline Walt

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History of U-Lyshak
« on: February 21, 2008, 01:30:52 AM »
Hello at all.

Still working on U-Lyshak I found again two questions:

in 6046 TE King Halek was slain and Prince Kier dissapeared. He was 14 years old.
6050 TE, at the start of the Sea-Drake campaign, he reappered. Did anybody address this question where Kier ?s been hiding this 4 years in his own group and find a smart idea? I?m not fine with my own solution about hiding at the place of some loyal subject of the familiy Ianis in U-Lyshak while a Level 40 High-Priest (Aeryk) is screening the area intensely with his powers. Also the ever present possibility "Gryphon College" is too easy and too often used. Anybody some idea?

published in Jaiman (1989) U-Lyshak breaks 6201 SE into 2 lands, the western part ruled by Aeryk who institutes human sacrifice as part of a new religion. 6210 SE the capital of Cynar is sacked. (p 11)
In Powers of Light and Darkness (2003) in 6201 SE Aeryk coordinates the split of U-Lyshak, Cynar is sacked. The northern part, Su-Lyak, institutes human sacrifice under the rule of Aeryk. Ulyas, the southern part, is held by an indirect heir. Then in 6203 an army led by an Ordainer overruns much of Ulyas and lays waste to the southern region. In 6210 SE the same Ordainer (by the way, has this near demigod a name?) assaults the capital city and home of the king of Su-lyak (p 7,8)
In the Master Atlas, 4th Edition (2003) in 6201 SE there is civil war in U-Lyshak and the northern part remains loyal to Prince Selacarn (who is slain afterwards) and the southern lords seek independence. In 6210 SE Cynar is sacked by an army led by an Ordainer. (p18,19)

It?s for sure good to have the different stories because different historians will write different history. But what happened really between 6201 and 6210 SE?

Thanks for the help,


Offline Vince

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 07:09:58 AM »
In our game , the group of players helped Kier to recover all the items. One of the first things where travel to Nomikos to investigate and visit Andraax's tomb (and get SeaDrake Sword from it). Soon after that in a ship travelin north the group was caught by a Essaence Storm and teleported to another world without magic.

We played a few games in this world, searching for a way to exit this world and come back to SW. We followed the path of a man that had lived in this world decades away. His name was Andraax. We suspected (obviously) that this man was in fact our Andraax, and follwing his path we found a Portal back to SW. Then we had to travel back to Jaiman.

Order of the Iron Crown

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Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 12:42:55 PM »
Hi Vince,

so please tell, when did you start with your campaign? 6050TE or earlier?

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 04:38:02 PM »
I can't remember... was a few years ago, but surely Kier was older than 14. I believe must be 6049, because our GM put us an encounter with messengers to fit with the timeline of FALL 6049:

Loremasters detect agents of the Priest of Yaarth as far east as the Grey Mountains , they are seeking Prince Kier

And we had been caught in the Storm before this entrance:

Priest of Yaarth annonces that Prince Kier is dead.

Hope it helps

Order of the Iron Crown

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 01:05:22 AM »
Hi Vince,

okay, so your GM had the same approach like me. Did nobody of your group wonder what Kier did the 4 years in between the death of King Halek and the reappearance of Kier?

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 02:18:04 AM »
Nop, sorry. In our game Kier only said that he had been studying in Lethys and Haalkitaine all he can found about the Jaiman Crowns and items. In the moment we met him ( i belive it was in Norek) he wanted from us to help him reach Nomikos to continue his quest.

Order of the Iron Crown

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 05:59:49 AM »
Yeahh, no worries. if got the problem that a new player joined or group and I had to hand him over Kier Ianis. So he pesters me with questions where he?s been this 4 years between 6046 TE and 6050 TE.

And as it looks like so far nobody had a such a mistrusting and inquiring player group that this question would have been of concern.

But Lethys for sure is a good idea. Haalkitaine? Direct under the eyes of Faslurin? Could also be a nice setting i?ve to think about.

The night of the flight of Kier I wrote already some time ago. Probably I?ve got to write some story. And probably, because Kier isn?t to dumb, he was sensible enough to leave for some time Jaiman and got under cover somewhere else in Emer. (or Vog Mur - hmm, on this I have to think...)

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 07:41:09 AM »
Mayhap he was studying at the Gryphon College? Under a false name.....

Offline Vince

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 11:56:52 AM »
In Haalkitaine Book there is an order callled (mmm i can't remember it now, maybe the Grey Wolf, or Grey Rangers?). Well, this is a special order because they don't depend directly from Emperor, they work for the Loremaster. It seems this order is the legacy of an order that existed a lot of years ago in cooperation Kings-Loremaster to look after the good work of The Crowns of Jaiman. It seems there where one branch of each kingdom (Jaiman, Tanara, Zor, etc)

It says that still people that works in this order. Maybe people of this order, but from Ulyshaak can help Kier to move, and give him hospedage meanwhile this years. They are nomads so, they can appear periodically if the players are lost, and have good connections with Loremasters.

Terry also gived info about old towers in the frontiers, and someone can be a place to hide sometimes and related to the work of the Grey Rangers.

Order of the Iron Crown

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Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 12:28:34 PM »
Beautiful, that fits. Sad Kier: saved by Thev O Erlini on instruction of Logarlis hinself, betrayed by a friend of his father, survived as beggar and at the end hidden in a lone tower by a lost order. Now that?s a charakter-forming history.

Thanks for the hint on the Grey Ranger, I will check it. Can?t remember anything about them.

Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 05:55:32 AM »
Mayhap he was studying at the Gryphon College? Under a false name.....

Or even he has been hiding in Castle Sykara? I never found it on some map, even so it?s mentioned in Master Atlas 4. It must be really some secret place...

Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2008, 12:30:08 PM »
In Haalkitaine Book there is an order callled (mmm i can't remember it now, maybe the Grey Wolf, or Grey Rangers?). Well, this is a special order because they don't depend directly from Emperor, they work for the Loremaster. It seems this order is the legacy of an order that existed a lot of years ago in cooperation Kings-Loremaster to look after the good work of The Crowns of Jaiman. It seems there where one branch of each kingdom (Jaiman, Tanara, Zor, etc)

It says that still people that works in this order. Maybe people of this order, but from Ulyshaak can help Kier to move, and give him hospedage meanwhile this years. They are nomads so, they can appear periodically if the players are lost, and have good connections with Loremasters.

Terry also gived info about old towers in the frontiers, and someone can be a place to hide sometimes and related to the work of the Grey Rangers.

Vince, could it be that you speak about the "Grey Ring" in Eidolon? Couldn?t find anything in the Haalkitaine Book.

Offline Vince

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2008, 04:14:00 PM »
No no, Grey Ring is another thing.

I will give you the page in 1 .

EDIT: Finally the name is Order of Grey Rangers, in Page 44 (haalkitaine book) is one of the Orders of Knighthood. There is not too much info. We have added a few things of our own in our games : A tatoo of a leaf , some contacts ( most of them are Bards, or Loremaster, Rangers, etc).
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 04:19:28 PM by Vince »

Order of the Iron Crown

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Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2008, 12:08:58 AM »
Found it!
And it fits to an Elite order of Helyssa I created for Helyssa - the Rangers of the Drake.
That?s (in our story) the only unit of the Helyssian military which completely refused the regentship of the Highpriest of Yarth and got banned. Under the comman of one of the few surviving cousins of Kier Ianis.

So probably the story of Kier goes like this: King Halek slain on his hunting trip by messengers, Kier rescued the same night by Thev O Erlini on behalf of Logarlis, some adventours surviving on his own, betrayed by one friend or the other, (perhabs leaving for Emer some time) picked up by the Rangers of the Drake and passed on under false name to the Grey rangers, and after some time there moving into Gryphon College.

Offline Vince

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2008, 06:14:16 AM »
Another interesting character can be Thule, The Storm Wizard. He and his Heralds can help him during his travel to Emer or even Jaiman (remember the powerful strom), since the Storm Wizard seems very interested in fight to help things goes into ORDER. The crowns seems a good system to mantain peace , and maybe the Storm Wizard wants to help Kier in his Quest (specially if the other side is an Arnak Priest....)

Ideas ideas ideas   ;D ::)

Order of the Iron Crown

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 06:19:29 AM »
In my game it started in 6048, all the players were 3-4 years older than Kier and they were students of the Gryphon College. Kier had been in the College too until he was 14 when he came back to Cynar.

Kier flees and finds haven in Remiraith for 1 year, when he leaves the wood realm he's decided to recover the kingdom and goes to Gryphon College, but he has to cross a country torn by civil war and his trip is quite slow, when he arrives to the College he finds his friends and ask their help. In this point he was not aware of the artifacts but the Pendant that had been the symbol of Helyssa's rule, and he thinks the Pendant must be in the Tower of Yarth.

After a looonnnng trip to the Tower of Yarth, they enter and fail in their mission but they got some treasure anyway. Also they discover that Helyssa's army is being reinforced with man monsters coming from the other side of the isthmus. They go to Norek, because Helyssa is no longer safe and they know Boshkar of Vorn is not a better option.

They go to the city with a huge army behind (Lorgalis' forces) and after 2 days the siege starts, they left the city with a boat and entered Remiraith, a bard called Hernae joined them for a few days and told them that if the Pendant was not an option, maybe they could try to find the sword and the Crown, they had no idea of these artifacts so they told them to go to Nomikos to search.

And that's the poing where everything started going seriouus, the rest of the story follows more or less the plot as shown in Jaiman book plus a trip to Sel-Kai and a long stop in Wuliris white the Storm Wizard makes the winter a hell.

We retired the characters when Kier I was ruling U-Lyshak, with the characters being:

  • The Duke of the Towers and constable of the kingdom, the third in the line after the King and the Chancellor.
  • The Wizard of the King, Count of something
  • The Royal Engineer and Architect, Lord of Pelyar

In my game I used Syrkara as a duchy, and the second family of the Kingdom, being also able to claim the Artifacts if Kier dies. The current Duke and Royal Chancellor is Lorant Syrkara, he's in his 200 and the duchy is managed by his son Pelyabon 'Pel' Syrkara, a magician of skill and close friend of Kier.

If I come back to this characters probably will be a diplomatic adventure, I was thinking that Kier needs a seaport in the Nea Bay and recover Norek is not realistic, so he wants to send a messenger to Plasidar and ask the Duke to leave piracy and accept the rule of U-Lyshak. The duke could accept because he knows that the Faslurin want to get rid of the Pirate Elves and now there is no rebellion that can hold the empire. But several dyar would not agree with Kalon.

One of my longest post, I think  ;D
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Offline Walt

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 11:54:34 AM »
One of my longest post, I think  ;D

And the best post I so far read about U-Lyshak and the Sea Drake campaign.

Had you ever to adress the problem with the different informations about the break up of U-Lyshak in 2 different realms?
And how did your players manage to creep into the tower?

Offline Vince

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2008, 12:33:44 PM »
, a bard called Hernae

Hernae the loremaster /Thalan?

Order of the Iron Crown

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2008, 05:09:22 AM »
Had you ever to adress the problem with the different informations about the break up of U-Lyshak in 2 different realms?

For me it's not very different, my players looked at that and learned more or less the info from Jaiman, making a mix could be something like that:

All dates are Second Era (SE)

6201 U-Lyshak breaks into 2 lands, Aeryk coordinates the split of U-Lyshak, the king dies and the Prince Selcarnen is killed, Cynar falls into chaos when supporters of different pretenders fight in the city. The northern (western?) part, Su-Lyak, institutes human sacrifice under the rule of Aeryk.  Ulyas, the southern part, is held by an indirect heir that claims Cynar as the royal seat.
6203 An Ordainer overruns much of Ulyas and lays waste to the southern region.
6210 Cynar is sacked by the same Ordainer (Could it be the one that later moved to Saralis?) joint with forces from Su-Lyak.

After the Wars of Dominion both kingdoms are destroyed.

And how did your players manage to creep into the tower?

They used the tunnel network connected to the tower, it was almost empty of Lugrokis because all the army was meeting Lorgalis' forces in the Alunn river to attack Norek. They found the Tower very easy to enter and quite difficult to leave.

Hernae the loremaster /Thalan?

Yes, I used Hernae because I wanted somebody powerful. The attack to Norek was leaded by a Herald of Night sent by Lorgalis, and Nitire "Thev O'Erlin Ni", had destroyed several of the deffenses in the walls, they also had  a naval block by the Messengers of Gorath. Usually Norek should have been taken after a few weeks so a Deus Ex Machina was suitable.

A Mind Break after the Herald was a babbling idiot, if was so sudden that the invaders' morale suffered. Hernae did not want to try again a move that could atract Lorgalis or Aeryk.

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Re: History of U-Lyshak
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 06:33:45 PM »
Hello at all.

published in Jaiman (1989) U-Lyshak breaks 6201 SE into 2 lands, the western part ruled by Aeryk who institutes human sacrifice as part of a new religion. 6210 SE the capital of Cynar is sacked. (p 11)
In Powers of Light and Darkness (2003) in 6201 SE Aeryk coordinates the split of U-Lyshak, Cynar is sacked. The northern part, Su-Lyak, institutes human sacrifice under the rule of Aeryk. Ulyas, the southern part, is held by an indirect heir. Then in 6203 an army led by an Ordainer overruns much of Ulyas and lays waste to the southern region. In 6210 SE the same Ordainer (by the way, has this near demigod a name?) assaults the capital city and home of the king of Su-lyak (p 7,8)
In the Master Atlas, 4th Edition (2003) in 6201 SE there is civil war in U-Lyshak and the northern part remains loyal to Prince Selacarn (who is slain afterwards) and the southern lords seek independence. In 6210 SE Cynar is sacked by an army led by an Ordainer. (p18,19)

It?s for sure good to have the different stories because different historians will write different history. But what happened really between 6201 and 6210 SE?

Hi Walt,

Sorry to take so long to reply, but I've been kind of preoccupied with this module I'm working on...

Anyway, I think the confusion comes partly from the way some of the entries were written (and at least one error on my part). Also, I'm not sure where the 'western' reference came from. So here we go: After Halek died, many of the independent-minded southern nobility threated to break off. Selcarnen, desperate to unite the realm, decided to put on the crown and the White Mage killed Selcarnen (all within months after Halek died, all in 6201). The unnamed indirect heir (perhaps one of the southern nobles) claims the throne, but Aeryk (already an established and respected priest, working for the White Mage) denies his claim and assumes power as regent. The kingdom splits. There is rioting in Cynar. Then beginning in 6203, the rebellious nobles are destroyed. By 6210, the Ordainer takes Cynar, which is still the capital of the north. (Remember the Priests Arnak seek destruction, not dominance: Aeryk is happy to see this realm he ruled be wiped out.

Does that help?

Terry K. Amthor
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