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Offline dutch206

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HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« on: February 01, 2008, 07:57:51 PM »
From Emer 2:  The Northeast

In general, women are considered second-class citizens,
useful primarily as servants and wombs to grow more men.

All of the sudden I want to send an Amazon from Sarnak to Lankanok.  ;D
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Offline yammahoper

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 08:12:56 AM »
Seriously, I have two female players, and one just cannot stand to roleplay a medeival-esque role as a woman.  In fact, she will specifically flaunt her power(s) and abilities and openly challenge the male hiarchy.  Note she makes paladins and spell users, often with the proper talents, to possess great authority.  This has resulted in some nasty in game moments to be sure.

I have to agree such portrayals, even in a game, are unfair.  We do not have to assume these traditional roles just cause we can.  Yet, IMO, if we went truely realistic, local authorities would be far less from happy to have a group of well armed and magically equiped murdererd running around unchecked and doing as they pleased.  Since we tend to suspend that unpleasent truth, then why no the second class aspect of female citizens?

Well, cause the women I know do not play that often.  And when they do, they prefer a superhero, vampire or other game set in modern times.  Or, if fantasy, then a fantasy setting were they and they alone do not have to deal with "woman, get in the kitchen and cook us some pot pie" mentality.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2008, 10:08:14 AM »
In our games we have had numerous female players over the years.  It has been pretty much split between them being the leaders and the followers.  My wife always plays a spell caster just because of the variety of abilities.  The other now playing always wants to be the paladin who charges into the fight beating the crap out of the male enemies.

Offline Guillaume

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2008, 01:11:19 PM »
From Emer 2:  The Northeast

In general, women are considered second-class citizens,
useful primarily as servants and wombs to grow more men.

All of the sudden I want to send an Amazon from Sarnak to Lankanok.  ;D

I didn't miss it, being a Kultheaholic.... Reading from cover to cover the books as soon as I get them. It's not the only weird thing on Kulthea. But it's a great moment of fun when you have female characters ( with female players, it's even better... as a guy playing a lass cannot get as volcanic as a lass playing a lass on some subjects ) and all the males in the group tries to explain in polite terms how things are going to be.

And you know, it could be really worse.... ( Note: no way I'd consider a female that way, even in my dreams, it's just a statement of possibilities ) they could be considered as chattel.... to use whenever you want.
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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2008, 03:12:13 PM »
One of our players played female characters, but he did it very poor.
He also wanted "to provide" realistic stats for women; he wants to give them lesser strenght, lesser agility and quickness (because he witnessed his mother and sister) etc.
My comment, that in return he might give them greater constituion, better memory and (special look at him) "of course a higher intelligence", wasn't understood.

With him I was guest-playing in a C&S (Cilvery & Sorcery) game. We rolled for nobility: He was of noble blood (with the right of 20 men bodyguard of knights), I was of a simple class; the others were in between. And we adventure together. :P

C&S tried to provide a realistic medieval world, but couldn't handle it.

It told my friend to command me around "carry my stuff", "take care for my horse", etc.
It was fun to watch the reactions of the C&S players.

Offline DonMoody

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2008, 05:03:08 PM »
In fantasy worlds, where there *are* gods and magic *does* work, I generally have - all other factors beign equal, which they seldom are - the societies that oppress a significant portion of their population (whether it is based on gender, race, or some other factor) be less powerful/well to do than those socieities that don't.

Of course, it is always 'interesting' when the players go to an area where one of the party members would be considered a second (or worse) class citizen ...


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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2008, 11:57:14 PM »
I find few players are willing to deal with the rigid social realities of a medieval world.
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Offline Fornitus

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2008, 03:25:51 AM »
 My players realize that a midevil society is unjust. Then they dea; with it......(bar killings/running from the law they were working for/turning on employer beacuse of a comment in passing....) ;D
 2 of my players are female 8)

or did we?

Offline munchy

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 03:04:57 PM »
We never really followed those rules of "real" medieval society. H?rn seems to be the world and setting for that but we only wanted the "feel" of that time, the romanticised idea plus the magic of a fantasy setting (which makes any "real" image obsolete anyway, way more possibilites) and have so far really enjoyed it.

Like the idea of an amazon being stranded in lankanok, definitely the place to get rid of some aggressions! :gnash:
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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2008, 03:59:34 PM »
I have to agree such portrayals, even in a game, are unfair.  We do not have to assume these traditional roles just cause we can.  Yet, IMO, if we went truely realistic, local authorities would be far less from happy to have a group of well armed and magically equiped murdererd running around unchecked and doing as they pleased.  Since we tend to suspend that unpleasent truth, then why no the second class aspect of female citizens?

It depends on what you want to do with the game you play.  If exploring sexism is one of the things you want to do, it's got to be there to explore.  If not, it's easy to take out -- just as it's easy to ignore the themes in Shadow World around homophobia that Terry put in there because that's something he was (is?) interested in exploring.  Credit to Terry also for designing Shadow World such that the sexual dynamics are sufficiently varied geographicly that one can center a campaign such that the dynamics are what you want them to be.

Offline Elrik

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny - Long and rambling!
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2008, 11:44:18 PM »
Hey everyone,

Just finally read the forums after a 4 month hiatus and I couldn't pass up this post.

This is a delicious topic that has lead to a volume of hours arguing and snipping, even hurt feelings. Some of my players feel that since this is a magical game most of our "Reality" does not play in. Others feel that it only make sense. Please accept my humble 2 cents.

Something I love to throw out is that Canadian Women did not get the vote till 1916. That is an Embarrassment!

Any society that thrives on superstition has a tendency to place one sex below the other. Usually the weaker. IE: The Weaker Sex. Societies that focus on Warriors tend to focus on the Strong. Women never seem to fit into that large, muscle bulging monster of a being. In most Warrior cultures the Women takes a second place role. Japan for instance. They had/have several classes, and even the Noble Women were more for breeding then anything else. China, has been an philosophy seeking society for centuries and they are still accused of female infanticide. Then we look at the Celts and Norse. Women could still buy a sword, learn how it worked but in 'most' cases they were expected to stay at home. Not many women went 'A Viking', but they did own their house and property.

So now we (I) have to twist that into a Fantasy setting were magic adds a new level of complexity. Noble society was/is strife with feuds, because a Gentle was put on the wrong side and/or too far away from the Host (IE: King or Duke or Great Lord). Throwing Wizards, Priests, Elementalists, etc, onto the Heralds plate... That makes for some serious confusion. Now make that Herald a part of a Misogynistic society, and you have the start of an adventure.

I think Terry even mentions that problem in one of his stories. Then again, you read a bit of history and you realize just how important, putting the right person in the right chair was. To be misplaced was a slight so disastrous it started wars.   

In a fantasy setting, to have all societies take on an Enlightened Rule of Thought, is honestly silly. Society is still decided by the Strongest; they have more money, more swords, better horses or can shoot more fireballs then the other guy. Those leaders are still only Human (usually) and still suffer from Human foibles. Read the news and you hear horrible stories about well educated Liberal Professors working at prominent Universities being charged with beating their Wives/Kids.

Also, in most cases, creating Women as a secondary citizen is usually Cultural in origin. Some cleaver person tries to turn the religion around to his way of thinking. There are a large number of real World examples of this, takes about 5 minutes of searching the web to find perfectly good (ignorant!) examples.

In my games I do limit the penetration of the Woman Hating Society. Usually I scatter them around; a single city here, remote communities, a cluster of communities dominated by a controlling Male Figure and so on. Although not rare it is not the norm. I try not to drive the few women I have in my games away. I still have nightmares of the first few games with girls I went to elementary school with. I watched the guys go after then, rape and misery became the stuff of two games... I will be honest, at first I really didn't understand. That was my failing. The girls never came back and I put up with this group till grade seven when I was able to get a new crew. It was much better. 

Sorry, sort of blathered there...

Ying & Yang... There are different facets to every society. Just because you live in an enlightened society doesn't stop Zealots and Extremists. Just because you live in a society tormented by terrible Gawds, doesn't mean you believe in slavery and thralls. To live too far to one side is not really a Society but an Illusion.

I am reminded about a Moral Quiz I read (Dragon?), it was years ago and I was quite young, as I am an old bitter man now. A paladin and his team kill a pair of werewolves. While searching the den after the battle the team comes upon the pups. Five in total. What was the Lawful good Paladin to do? The pups are innocent and have committed no crimes other then being cute. Yet, to let them live is to let them possibly survive and do exactly what their parents had done; murder cattle, farmers and take children.

In a blaze I gave that challenge to my Paladin. This was a 15 year old I might add. It took him just over two hours to weight the decision. He knew to let the pups be, would only lead to problems later on. To kill the pups would be murder. He actually surprised me. "To a Paladin, there is no Lesser Evil", he killed the pups and took the punishment. He had to explain his reasoning to his Gawd, lost a level and lost all spell casting abilities for three levels. He accepted his punishment and actually became a better Player for it.

So where am I going with this disjointed essay?
Fantasy games are usually a brutal reminder of our failings, and the struggle to overcome terrible odds. Magic, supernatural creatures and Gawds (both Good and Evil) magnify those odds as our PC's navigate the moral sewer. Just because a PC is an Elf with magic and a brilliant education and high mental states doesn't mean he doesn't kill small animals in the dark of his lab. On the flip side, that despot warrior, who has killed thousands on spikes and flays his political decriers, and sacrifices 30 virgins/virgin like girls on the full moon to his smoking armoured Gawd, yet he allows a large group of "good" priests to create orphanages to care for all the children he has made homeless with his conquest.

These sexist and bigoted societies breath reality into games. Why do PC's have to be comfortable? I can't tell you how many boring games I have run because my team wasn't up to a complex adventure.

Why does an magical society have to be Enlightened? Why do barbarians have to be mad men/women that thrive on blood and gore? Can a society dominated by men, respect and admire a rare women that shows her talents as an artist; singer, carver, actress, painter, dancer? Yes, I think it can.

By avoiding the nastiness of Human behaviour or focusing on a few elements, is a disservice to gaming.

Well I think I have been stomping on my soap box for long enough... My goal is to not so much offend as it is to encourage people to use the ugly parts all the time. I have been in games where their was no flavour; no social interaction, no real sense of society, I found it a bit dry. The GM had a tendency to tell you about the environment, but not about the people. We knew what they wore, but not how they acted. When I asked questions about such things he actually got annoyed and accused me of "bogging" the game down with unimportant things. I have not been invited back, although is players have all contacted me asking about gaming. I declined as I have been in the middle of Party struggles... and I might add, my first High School group was "stolen". That was almost 25 years ago and they guy is still angry at me. (whiny little b@%*h)

Again, this is my $0.02 and if I end up projecting, I apologize now.

And thanks for reading my long winded rant!

Elrik the mouthy Bastard.

I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
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I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Offline RandalThor

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 03:55:40 AM »
Actually, I think you make some good points and I find it always* helpful as a player to know the people my character comes from and who he will be interacting with. I will be a better player for it.

I do understand many people's reluctance to deal with it though - just a normal part of human nature to shy away from that which you don't like.

*This coming from someone who doesn't like to make definative statements.
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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 09:56:51 AM »
I love defiant statements! I just don't want to offend everyone in one sweeping blob of opinion.

I live waaaaayyyy up north and have been watching the younger generation game... and I am certain this is a symptom of age but, most of the games, even of the late teens and early 20's, are pretty base. It is like no one wants to bite into a complex challenge. My buddy and I have games from when we where 16 that I would put any 35 year old against. A fair bit of it is the cultural element that adds a sense of the "unwinable". You can win the battle, but never the war... and that is a reality in most games.

How many people have followed up with the Dragon Killings? Your PC's somehow manage to kill an middle or aged dragon, salivate over their rewards and on the way home are decimated by five dragons, this assassination ordered by a Dragon Lord. Now My PC's have to swim the briny seas of Dragon Politics and Lust and Desire. Eventually the PC's will grow strong enough to fight and be fast enough to get to safety. But in the mean time, villages survive on the Diplomats talent.

Again, a culture that must be dealt with. That is why I love Shadow World. In D&D my PC's would do as they wished, feeling no remorse or sense of urgency or even loyalty to each other or the game. In Terry's World, they return to certain villages every few years just to visit the NPC's!

Perhaps I have watched to many Robotech episodes when I was young. Yet the root of all evil is Culture!

I will have to dig those old VHS tapes out and watch those cartoons again.

thanks everyone.


Elrik: Hey, that shinny sword, what does it do.
Sword Salesman: That sword sir?
Elrik: Yea that one.
Sword Salesman: You don't want that one sir, very demanding.
Elrik: Yea, I'll take that one.

The start of the Fall of Elrik the Mouthy.

I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2008, 09:05:23 AM »
I have to agree with Elrik here, I too have been in too many games with "no flavour; no social interaction, no real sense of society". The only thing we did was travel from one special place to another (read dungeons) with some far off idea of saving the world from some big Evel. Now repeat that for ten years, and it gets a bit dull  ;D

The best stories I been involved with had an detailed culture. I seen players portrait the young woman out to prove herself equal to any men (hard to do in Forgotten Realms where all are equal regardless of race and sex). Halfelves struggle with their mixed heirtage, and so forth. Conflict is good for gaming, but as with everything else it has to be balanced. The tenth time you play the story with the young woman, it gets dull too.

On the other hand, there is nothing for a fantasy setting to be "enlightened". Especially one grown up with magic where the measurement of power wasn?t physical might but magical might. In such a case sex wouldn?t be important and the culture could reflect that.

IMO its best if there is a mix of cultures, and it doesn?t hurt to shake up conventions a bit. Maybe dwarves don?t have to be grumpy, aleswirling, and golddigging scotsmen deadly afraid of water. Take something people can respond to and reconize and then give it a twist to make it seem fresh/unique.
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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2008, 03:22:06 PM »
I remember those days ... Adventure to adventure to adventure, all of them scattered across a non-existent land. One day you are in a sandy waste land and the next hunting a lost city on the Plains. The closest we came to a setting was the Temple of Elemental Evil. My GM created a village that we could function in. That was about as close as we got to a city. That was the last time we played D&D of any kind.


I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Offline yammahoper

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2008, 04:44:43 PM »
I remember those days ... Adventure to adventure to adventure, all of them scattered across a non-existent land. One day you are in a sandy waste land and the next hunting a lost city on the Plains. The closest we came to a setting was the Temple of Elemental Evil. My GM created a village that we could function in. That was about as close as we got to a city. That was the last time we played D&D of any kind.


Hmm?  Was the village named HOMLET by chance?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

Offline Elrik

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2008, 07:24:48 PM »
Could have been. That was over 20 years ago so my memories are fuzzy with the blue haze.
I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2008, 07:48:09 PM »
Good call Lynn, I call my buddy and he says Hommlet, and no he didn't create the village, then insulted me for my bad memory.  ;)
I'm told it's my duty to fight against the law
That wizardry's my trade and I was born to wade through gore
I just want to be a lover, not a red-eyed screaming ghoul
I wish it'd picked another to be it's killing tool

Offline yammahoper

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2008, 10:50:07 PM »
Good call Lynn, I call my buddy and he says Hommlet, and no he didn't create the village, then insulted me for my bad memory.  ;)

I remember Hommlet very well.  Was the base for our party too, and the orgins of my first female character, Gwen, a half elf fighter thief.  Gwen was designed around the new comliness rule in Unearthed Arcanna (Com of 20), which stated that anyone with a wis score of half the comliness was auto fascinated.  She was a hussy and a thief.  She was also the side kick of my Paladin Garn, his cousin he saved from the streets and was teaching an honest profession and living.  Except the darn Paladin kept getting killed, and after his fifth death i lost him forever.  Gwen became my main character, and that is how I ended up running a female PC.  She retired a level 14 fighter/ level 19 thief, after making it through ToEE, the Giants series AND the drow series.  Every other PC I made found a way to stay dead in that game.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

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Re: HeHeHe...OMG is this funny
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2008, 12:55:17 AM »
She retired a level 14 fighter/ level 19 thief, after making it through ToEE, the Giants series AND the drow series.  Every other PC I made found a way to stay dead in that game.

That was, to many people, the classic D&D campaign - Temple, Giants, Drow, Demonweb Pits.  :) I know I've certainly run several groups through that sequence. Or, if I wanted to really really nasty, substitute Tomb of Horrors for Demonweb Pits. Never had a party actually complete that adventure. A few of them ran away, but no-one ever killed Acererak   :laugh1:
