Author Topic: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)  (Read 8590 times)

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2007, 08:02:06 AM »
Second session played. A bit amputated due to cancellations. Notes here:

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2007, 05:17:01 AM »
Well, the cavalry charged and was creamed. This group has some real power now. They allowed the traitors to escape though. Bad form.

Then they went to the court of the Hutarn and witnessed the fallout from this fateful attack. The Jhyan clan leader paid with his head. They made a kind of friends with the Hutarn, though. He really liked the bicycles ;)

I was finally able to make the connections of the horses/no horses thing. It has to do with the horse plagues yeas and years ago. The Lankani have adobted Shrill, while it seems the Nuyani have just adjusted to not relying on horses that much, exept the guardians of the west, the Jhyan. Well, at least it is so IMC now ;-). Thanks to the Nomikos Library, Wroom!

But! What can you tell me of Ar?l, people - specifically, are there any mention of what the three ruins marked out there are (referring to the large-scale Emer II map)? The smaller maps in Emer II indicate that there are a couple of oasis' there, and a Lankani Temple Complex, but those locations do not seem to quite line up with the ruin markings ... I'd like to put some Thanor or Emerian Empire ruins there, but I don't know if there's any canon on the subject ...

And what the bleedin' hell happened to Corinn???? - one of the Emerian Empire cities. I supposedly lies at the northern tip of the Rust Mountains, but on current maps that place is just empty. In TE1617 it is still a sizeable and functioning city, but I can find no mention of it since. There a later mentions of Aldari fleeing, and of the Imperial capital being sacked ... but no specifics on Corinn that I have seen.

What happened?

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2008, 04:54:46 PM »
Well, that question still needs to be answered ;-)

But anyhow, the game has progressed as the group has travelled into the Ar?l no-mans land, helped by a corrupt Lankani Trader.

They had a run-in with the new Jhyan Tarn, but that turned out better than they feared (I made up a tradition that the son of a slain father must confront the killer, even if it's mostly for show, on account of honour. Some tense moments there until they figured it out and _didn't_ kill the new Tarn ;-)). It came out rather friendly in the end, and they gained some insight into the internal Nuyani conflicts between the traditionalist/purist/facist Jhyan clan and the cosmopolitan Hutarn.

Then they travelled some ways inland. The trader had a quite outlandish payment to extract. He wanted them to enter a weird dungeonlike place that had unveiled itself below a now drained oasis - but on that had functioned just days/weeks before. Much weirdness ensued as they ventured down into an aaaaaaancient K'taaavir bio-research station that had lain semi-functional but buried for countless milennia until a powerful Earth-demon han materialized in the vicinity and burrowed into it. No match for the diamondoid robot caretaker, the demon summoned minions that tunnneled the area looking fo a way out - and they found it through the bottom of the oasis, while furthermore disrupting a delicate water flow system that contributed to the water prescence (yeah, hogwash - it's fantasy, ok ;))

The research station was also inhabited by a powerful AI, actually the mind of a K'taavir that had been uploaded at the time of his death. It was a battered mind in many ways, confused and memories in disarray, but it had magical powers, and went on to learn the earth magic needed to reestablish the area around the station and awaken the oasis again. Then it vowed to take the station "out of time and place" again. They did learn some things about the world of old, but not in a way that made much sense to either players or PC's. They did know they had encountered something very significant though. They also came away with a handful of diamond repair rods that the AI and the robot gifted them with. Half of these went to the Lankani trader in payment for his services.

Then they travelled further opting to turn south and leave the trader as they came down from the Ar?l highlands, on the northern side of the region. The travelled to the oasis to the south, and found serious Lankani troop buildups, and further travelled back into Ar?l to find a new temple complex that seemed to serve as a forward base also.

Next they travelled further south, towards K?ru Kal. This is where they will take off next time.

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2009, 10:16:17 AM »
Jees! Looong time since any update here.

The latest move has been sending them in to capture a high-ranking priest from a major Lakani city. Almost got them killed, but the Order of the Silver Sword played the role of the rescuing cavalry in another fine manipulation by the agents of evil.

Next up I'm thinking that they might as well be used to get the dirty secrets of the central Lankani leadership. To this end the evil agents might begin to utilize those rogue/false Navigators ... whattheirname ... and I'm thinking that this might actually lead to some conflict involving the Navigators proper down the line - that would be a subtle indication that they are slipping to the wrong side of the equation.

More details in the thread metioned elsewhere.

Yeah, still alive ... it's five years since we began. Had a session on the exact birthday of the game in January. People were shocked. We're getting old - 40th birthdays all around ;)

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2009, 01:50:24 PM »
And then the end came. A glorious one, battling Sendar and Sendil inside the Pyramid of the Sun for the prize that is the Heart of Agoth. Actually, the Ardanians again came to the rescue, though inadvertently, as they blasted their way into the pyramid, bent on the same prize, but ending up drawing the fire of the twins and enabling the intrepid party to escape in the confusion, back to the invading Sel-Kaian airborne fleet used to draw attention away from the surgical strike team.

Wild stuff, but pretty good for a campaign finale ;)

Thanks to everyone here for the help over the years. My next RPG endeavours take me away from SW, but it'll remain part of my arsenal and I will follow things here for sure.

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2009, 10:06:56 AM »
My players confronted Sendar and Sendil during a military campaign in Nuyan-Khom. But they were unable to kill them, they just forced them to retreat. Then they managed to get in the pyramid of the sun to get the Heart before Sendar and Sendil could get it and flee :)
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