Author Topic: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)  (Read 8586 times)

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Offline Wrathchild

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The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« on: July 03, 2007, 03:46:20 PM »
Hi all

This is a thread where I will be musing on the next part of my campaign. The idea is of course for those who feel so inclined to muse along ;)

First some background:

The campaign has run for some years real time now. Some here might remember me posting about a GURPS Shadow World game set mainly in Sel-Kai on the old boards - it's still the same game. The game only runs once a month for 5-6 hours so progress is relatively glacial as a result, but some things have been achieved ;)

The Ultra-short version of the story so far: The characters started out as relative low-lives, staff and hang-arounds at an inn in the Canal Maze, The Lingering Lantern (own invention, not described in canon). From there they worked themselves through battles with the Red Dragon gang (who tried to press a protection racket and push some very odd drugs - no one seems to fully understand what went down there), the corrupt Red Capes (the Sel-Kai police force, where they exposed and helped bring to justice several high-ranking members) and the Alaxatan family (whom they've managed to deal a serious blow, killing the head of the family outright, and leaving the elder son less an arm and in exile with his younger brother, leaving only secondary familiy members to carry on Alaxatan business), and on the way gaining the friendship of Divad Taminger and through him Kyse Pharnese and the Pharnese family, and finally catching the eye of the Prince, who has responded to their deeds by drafting them into princely (special) service. In pratice they have been placed under the auspecies of Koren Maas and his Ministry of Security, have had one extra person placed with them (new player, red.) who is of noble birth, and have been assigned a "controller", who is the person they mostly deal with (they have met Maas only once).

This is where things stand, sans a couple of short little adventures to establish the new 5-man configuration. Now it is time for the next big thing/campaign: The Ardanian Gambit.

Now, the progress of the campaign has so far been that first, things took place only in the Canal Maze of Sel-Kai. Then the whole city became the playground - then the whole state. Now, we move to include the whole region of Silaar.

The Ardanian Gambit will be a campaign that focuses on developing the situation in Silaar.

IMC I haven't exactly followed the published timelines and events. The idea is to make the Lankani aggression vs. Nuyan-Kh?m be at least the initial backdrop.

As should be true about any SW game, there is of course more going on than meets the eye. The primary cause of the PC involvement is Ardanias - and thus ultimately the Ahrenreth's - dissatisfaction and ambition with regard to the region of Silaar.

Unwittingly, the PC's are now, through Maas of course, only few handshakes from the Ahrenreth inner circle, and they are going to be used mercilessly to further the interests of the I?n Shiin, puppeteered by his subordinate, Maas. Through amongst others Maas, Ardania is making a bid for control or at least knowledge and influence over events in Silaar.

In this setup, the thinking of the powers of Ardania is such that they will welcome an attack by the Lankani on Nyan-Kh?m, preferably an atrocious one, to sway Reandor and, more importantly, Sel-Kai, in favor of action against the Lankani. Ultimately, though the exact machinations are yet to unfold, Ardania hope to prosper first in the southern lands, preying on defeated nations, and then turn eyes towards the north, where war will have worn Reandian and Sel-Kai ressoures as well.

In this grand scheme, Maas has been charged with keeping Sel-Kai just enough informed, and with providing some of the basic "firepower" to do some of the tactical dirty work (though it will seem that heroic deeds are performed). It is envisioned that the Sel-Kai involvment should be just enough to ensure that the Lankani pay heavily for defeating Nuyan-Kh?m, and that Sel-Kai should seem in the forefront of the ensuing backlash against the Lankani.

Thus the PC's are destined to be first instumental in providing pseudo-information, then they must live the horror of war by a culture practicing human sacrifice and then they get to be part of defeating this evil enemy - now, who can resist that :D

And of course: Ahead in this lies the Temple of the Three, Sendar and Sendil, the Heart of Agoth etc. - though it will be a while before they get to this.

For starters, Maas wants them in Nuyan-Kh?m, travelling into Lankani territory to gather intelligence. Officially, they will be delivering bicycles to the Hutarn ...

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 03:24:53 AM »
I really like your approach, if you decide to post I'd be glad to read it.
You must feel the thought and think the feeling

Offline mathhatt

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2007, 12:21:17 PM »
In my campaign, the players recently won a significant battle against Lankan?k to protect Reandor. Now Nuyan'Khom (that had been conquered by the Lankani) has been freed also.
The Sendar & Sendil twins fled, and now Ardania is preparing to attack the Lankan?k territory.
"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it."
-- Galadriel, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. --

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2007, 12:36:36 PM »
Ardania is preparing to attack the Lankan?k territory.

Better the devil I know.  The Lankanites are scary, but the idea of being under the rule of Shrek, well, that is a nightmare.  Go Klysus!

Imagine a vision were some goody two shoe priest sees the conquest of Lankan as a wave of darkness that will herald an age of the religion orders its paladins a holy warriors to crusade against the Ardania and support the priest/army/rulers of Lankan...ah, religion.  The perfect seed for WTF?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2007, 12:52:17 PM »
In my campaign, the players recently won a significant battle against Lankan?k to protect Reandor. Now Nuyan'Khom (that had been conquered by the Lankani) has been freed also.
The Sendar & Sendil twins fled, and now Ardania is preparing to attack the Lankan?k territory.

Yeah, I remember that we talked a bit about your campaign a while ago - going well is it? :)

There's bound to be some similarities.

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 10:31:47 AM »
Now, this is a musings thread, and all sorts of things may crop up. GURPS conversions of magic items eg. Here's one: The Yarkbalkas of the Ahn sye Nokora.

[for the GURPS savvy: The campaign operates on the premise that S&S enchantment is 10 times faster than the standard GURPS Magic enchantment rules. No Q&D enchantment however. It is thus somewhat easier to create somewhat more powerful magic items]

These notes are based on the description from Emer II: The Northeast (that description seems to be a toned down version of earlier stats, especially the Fireblade effects).

Common Yarkbalka
GURPS Thrusting Bastard Sword of Fine quality (+1 basic damage, ie. strikes as a 2-hander ;))
Graceful Weapon for ease of use one-handed.
Loyal Sword for returning to the hand of attuned owner (though not exactly the same effect).
Puissance +1 for even more Oomph (+1 basic damage).
Accuracy +1 - just because! (+1 skill - may affect defence rolls also)
Limit - magics only active when used by an Ahn sye Nokora Guardian (for others it is just a mundane fine thrusting bastard sword).

Superior Yarkbalka
GURPS Thrusting Bastard Sword of Very Fine Quality (+2 basic damage, as above)
Graceful Weapon for ease of use one-handed.
Loyal Sword for returning to the hand of attuned owner (though not exactly the same effect).
Puissance +2.
Accuracy +2.
Limit - magics only active when used by an Ahn sye Nokora High Guardian (for others it is just a mundane fine thrusting bastard sword).

So far so good - but then there is the Fireblade effect. The easy way would be to say that they were enchanted with the Flaming Weapon enchantment, but that +2 damage is rather dull. Now, letting the sword be able to activate a 2-yard Flame Jet from the hilt, aligned with the sword, so that the jet moves and strikes with the sword - that would be the thing, wouldn't it? That's +2d damage (even if the opponents armour counts against each attack separately). Let's call it a new spell, Fireblade, with Flame Jet and Flaming weapon as prerequisites, that lets a sword do that - reach and fatigue as Flame Jet. Add Power 2 and the 2-point version is free to be maintained indefinately. Thus we add:

Power 2

« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 02:12:56 AM by Wrathchild »

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2007, 04:20:24 AM »
This specific post will be edited often. It will contain the framework for events in the campaign. I'll try to use a "Part", "Chapter" and "Appendix" form, and while some linearity of progress should be assumed, it does not mean that the sequence is set in stone - far from it.

[tabular type=2 caption="Adventure/Encounter Notes for The Ardanian Gambit"]
[row][data]Part 1: The State of the Enemy[/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]Journey to Nuyan-Kh?m[/data][data colspan=3]This is basically the Adventure 5: "I've got a job for you ..." from the Eidolon module. Lead-in is only slightly different, as the PC's are charged by their handler Traderas (TRA-de-ras) with getting to Nuyan-Kh?m themselves.[/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]The Court of the Hutarn[/data][data colspan=3]To get an idea of what the Nuyani are about. Reading the materials in Emer II, the model seem similar to feudal Japan[/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]Travels in Nuyan-Kh?m/The Invisible Bandit Lord[/data][data colspan=3]This could be an idea for a little adventure of the "You scratch my back I scratch yours" variety. To introduce the concept of Invisibles, it might be fun to have an Invisible former knight refuse to lie down and take it but rather set up shop as a bandit, bullying others into working form him (making them "see" him ;) ) The Tarn plagued by this might see the PC's as an opprtunity to deal with  something few will on principle of honour.[/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]Crossing the Border[/data][data colspan=3]Well, they have to go in to get the intelligence - and they have to decide how to do it ... maybe an alliance with some trader, like the one mentioned somewhere in Eidolon ...[/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]Seeing the truth[/data][data colspan=3]Everyone can run around and see what happens - they should do more than that: Extract info from knowledegeable officers, get close to magical/technological items etc.[/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data]Getting out[/data][data colspan=3]A little chasing to end the excursion, hehe.[/data][/row]
[row][data]Part 2: The Rage of Lankan?k[/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data]Part 3: Battle for Freedom[/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data]Appendix: Ardania[/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data]Appendix: Reandor[/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
[row][data][/data][data][/data][data colspan=3][/data][/row]
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 02:06:51 AM by Wrathchild »

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 04:26:52 AM »
Just for the purpose of overview, I went and created a little map that shows the positions of clan lands in Nuyan-Kh?m. I post it here unless someone objects.

I've based the placements on the descriptions in Emer II. If anyone disagrees or sees an error, say so :)

Offline Lomli

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 08:57:05 AM »
This is the image I have done of Nuyan Khom a while back. I colored in the the areas I thought they covered. You can notice a little overlap with some of the clan boundries. These areas are in contention between the clans.

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 11:32:00 AM »
Super map - thnx!  ;D

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 11:59:20 AM »
I have a larger one that includes all the way up to northern Silaar if you want it.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 01:41:56 PM by Lomli, Reason: different link for the image. »

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 03:21:34 PM »
Great! More goodies there ? ;)

Just kidding. What is that domian about? Were/are you running something Kh?m-based?

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 03:26:23 PM »
I am currently running a game in Nuyan. I decided I am going to start trying to put some of my game materials up on the web. I just got the domain last week so I do not have anything there at the moment. I just decided to move the map from my work servers to my domain.


I hope to start getting stuff put up this weekend.

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 03:44:13 PM »
Hmm ... inconsistency discovery (bad Terry ;))

Emer II: The Jhyan clan at least are horseriders

Premise for Eidolon adventure 5: The Kh?mi do not use horses!

Anyone care to muse on that one ? ;). Of course, I think that Emer II should be given precedent, and the Jhyan should probably be seen as living on a frontier ...

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 03:45:06 PM »
I am currently running a game in Nuyan. I decided I am going to start trying to put some of my game materials up on the web. I just got the domain last week so I do not have anything there at the moment. I just decided to move the map from my work servers to my domain.


I hope to start getting stuff put up this weekend.

Cool. Good luck with all of it!

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2007, 09:36:03 AM »
does anyone have an image or good representation of the butterfly scepter? I am wanting to use it in my game.

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2007, 05:02:58 AM »
Just for the purpose of overview, I went and created a little map that shows the positions of clan lands in Nuyan-Kh?m. I post it here unless someone objects.

I've made a map of Reandor for my campaign, if you want to use it here it is : (low res .jpg) (high res .png)

There are a few other maps if you want in the same directory :
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Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2007, 01:24:08 AM »
Supercool - thanks :D

Offline Wrathchild

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2007, 03:59:20 AM »
Night of the first session under this new storyline. We'll see how it goes ;)

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Re: The Ardanian Gambit (spoiler-filled thread - beware)
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2007, 11:10:15 AM »
OK - we're underways with the "I've got a job for you"-part (small adventure in Eidolon, red.) of getting to Nuyan-Kh?m. The characters have foiled a couple of attempts to destroy the cargo (Byron's bicycles), including a fire by sea and a setup to loose the cargo into the water during offloading. The session ended with the introduction of what seems to be the third attempt - a charge by 15 masked Nuyani knights on horseback. Yes, there is quite some significance in that.

The fact that the party are Sel-Kai agents acting under cover as hired escorts, and that the three Nuyani representatives are traitors, really, but still official emmisaries, created quite som tension, discussion and fine roleplaying. Basically is was clear almost at once who was to blame (but that was expected, as the party is quite powerful, and they have a priest with powerful knowledge-generating powers), but the diplomatic ramifications quickly stayed the party's hands, and they're playing it Machiavelli style at the moment ... exept for the next encounter, of course ;).

The session also included a lot of "education" of the PC's on the situation in southern Silaar by their handlers.

We'll pick it up from the charge of the light cavalry ...