Soulcleave has died

Started by EltonJ, October 20, 2024, 03:14:16 PM

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Hey everyone!

I just learned that Soulcleave, my cousin, has died.  He died of massive infection, and he died last night (I think). So he turned 50 this year. When I found out, I was just having lunch. It's his wish that he left his RPG library to me.  So, again, I have a lot to read.


I'm very sorry to hear that, EltonJ, and sorry you've lost your cousin. I hope that you have good memories of him when you're looking through the RPG stuff he left you.
We ask the hard questions here, because they keep us too busy to worry about the hard questions in the real world, and we can go with the answers we like the best.


Well, yeah.  I'll have some good memories, to be sure, I was best friend.  Thanks, Jengada.


I'm sad to hear that terrible news.  You and your family have our sympathies.
If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!