AutoHARP3 - Beta

Started by DavidKlecker, July 18, 2023, 08:49:40 AM

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Good Morning! I am hoping this topic can help with the introduction and eventual migration process for AutoHARP3. Currently I have AutoHARP3 in a beta format. That means that it could be ready for public publishing however I still want to get it to a few people who can help me make sure that its ready for public publishing. Volunteers for beta testing are getting Harp Fantasy, Martial Law, and College of Magics as a bundle. If you are interested you can email me at

I have a youtube video that shows a demo of AutoHARP3 found here

In my signature contains an area where you can post discussion questions, watch demos and tutorials. I will also open up to questions here, or any feedback, suggestions.

Currently AutoHARP3 is a single installation: application and database. Therefore it works out of the box once installed as a full product, no demo mode or anything like that. Martial Law and College of Magics are separate database entities and therefore installed separately, however we are certainly looking into bundling.


Hmmm... I do not see a way to edit my previous post and i see that the youtube link is not clickable. So here is a clickable link


Have not been on the forums in quite a bit, and decided today to take a peek at what might be new from the AutoHARP front and look at what I find, a new post from today no less about AutoHARP3! Can't wait to check it out, hope HARPSF gets the AutoHARP3 treatment! If you want me to play test, let me know, happy to do it.


Quote from: joel.lovell on July 18, 2023, 01:42:56 PM
Have not been on the forums in quite a bit, and decided today to take a peek at what might be new from the AutoHARP front and look at what I find, a new post from today no less about AutoHARP3! Can't wait to check it out, hope HARPSF gets the AutoHARP3 treatment! If you want me to play test, let me know, happy to do it.

Thank you! You can send me an email at and I can send you a link. Harp SF is most certainly getting the same treatment. I am currently working on it now. In the process of working on it I realized I dropped the ball in the previous version and forgot to completely include Miniature devices and combined devices as part of the equipment. I will be making that a part of the application. Same with many features from the book that I never touched upon. Harp SF needs time so my guess is end of year at the earliest.

With the new AutoHARP3 application users can use BattleRunes with Martial Law and Create new spells with College of Magics. Combat got a huge upgrade as well. All combat actions can be used with the combat application. It is fully integrated which means you can start combat, leave it and do all kinds of character updates, and come back to the combat right where you left off with the new character updates included.


I understand there are a lot of requests to fix issues in AutoHARP2. AutoHARP3 addresses many if not all of the issues that I see here in this forum. It is my plan to migrate everyone over to AutoHARP3 as a means to address these issues. Please be patient as I work through the beta period.


I am still looking for anyone who would like an early release of AutoHARP3 - Harp Fantasy as a Beta Tester for the application. You will receive AutoHARP3, Martial Law and College of Magics as a download package. If you use Harp Fantasy for campaigns, please consider trying AutoHARP3. If you purchased AutoHARP in the past, please consider volunteering for an early copy of the software. :D




I have 4 to 5 now on the BETA team! This is great great news. Excited for the feedback.



Are you still looking for any more beta testers, sorry I'm late to the party but real life got in the way of gaming!



Thank you so much for the inquiry. I'm basically ready with an Release Candidate 1 at this point and now I am just waiting for ICE to confirm and ready for publish version 3.0. I will eventually be looking for beta testers for Harp Sci Fi here at the end of the year. So if you are still interested in testing for the Sci Fi side of things, that will be available.



I unfortunately have learned something today for Mac Users concerning AutoHARP3. There is just no way going forward for this work natively on a mac. Mac is going to cut Visual Studio in 2024, the Mac I have is incapable of running the version I need to compile an executable, and it seems I would need to buy a new mac to get Version 13. I currently have version 10. There is no option to upgrade. I'm sorry to report this but AutoHARP3 going forward seems to be Windows only. This is not by my choice, but just the way circumstances have forced.

I still plan to go forward to MAUI when I can which means this could work for an iPad tablet. That's about as close as I will be able to get and right now any MAUI update is years away for me. I still need to finish Harp Sci Fi, Architect, Monsters, Loot, and Folkways, and that still doesn't include a VTT option which is definitely priority. MAUI is just not a priority right now but it might be in 2025.


Yay! I read in the latest Director's Briefing that AutoHARP3 is now ready! Do you have any idea when it'll show up on DriveThruRPG?


Quote from: enoch on February 07, 2024, 01:57:22 PM
Yay! I read in the latest Director's Briefing that AutoHARP3 is now ready! Do you have any idea when it'll show up on DriveThruRPG?

I have been checking and I have no idea. Hopefully soon. It's not in my control, but with ICE right now.