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Offline Eladan

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New Profession: Shaman
« on: December 05, 2020, 11:31:51 AM »
I'm looking at retooling the Shaman as a distinct nature-based magic profession that is separate form the Druid/Animist. While we already have Shamans in RMCII, my group has never used them as the rules and additions around the profession are far too cumbersome and unwieldy. As such, I revamped the base spells with these guiding philosophies:

  • While the Druid/Animist forms a direct connection to living nature, changing shapes, manipulating life, working with flora/fauna, etc. The Shaman deals with the spiritual side of nature, and is much more comfortable in a spiritual leader role.
  • This version is admittedly more heavily influenced by modern gaming interpretations of a Shaman. You will note the totem spells at the end of the base lists are the biggest new addition and are derivative of World of Warcraft effects.
  • Functionality was missing in the old Shamans, and this is meant to make them a more profession to players. Spells deal with using spirits to create real-world effects such as auras and even elemental effects.

Here is a doc to the revised base lists:

At any rate, thoughts? Too unbalancing? Anyone try anything similar? While there will be some variation in development costs, the key thing I am using to differentiate is the spell lists. Obviously this will require some additional fleshing out of spirit types and their roles in the world system, per my last page in the shared doc.
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Offline jdale

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2020, 12:46:53 PM »
Seems fun and interesting.

I think you could probably do something more interesting with the higher levels on Spirit Summons and Spirit Mastery. Even if you just filled in all of those blanks on Spirit Summons with Summon Spirit I, Summon Spirit II, Summon Spirit III, etc, it would be more clear about the level of the spell that is being cast. But for example there could also be spells for controlling spirits on Spirit Summons, or at least influencing their moods. Some other useful effects might be determining that mood, determining a spirit's type and/or power level, repelling a spirit (as a lower level step towards banishment), etc.

On Spirit Trances, some of the information spells are potentially quite potent. I might add some limitations, e.g. for Nature's Eye you might require a minimum size of plant and not permit a tiny bit of moss in a crevice to give a good view.

For Voodoo Magic, what constitutes "one use" of a protection talisman? Is it one attack, or one encounter? The Channeling Companion version of this list says one use lasts 1 minute per PP spent creating the talisman (after the talisman is activated).

I would change the name of Spirit Mastery, simply because that name is already in use for a different spell list.

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Offline Eladan

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2020, 02:12:53 PM »
Even if you just filled in all of those blanks on Spirit Summons with Summon Spirit I
One thing that has always bothered me about RM spell progressions is the excessive power gap with progressive spells (a 15th level caster gets Summon X). The notion behind these "open" lists is to minimize that gap by letting you summon spirits at or near to your own level, or more spirits at a lesser level. I see the spirits in this model as almost like familiars with higher power demands. That being said, I agree, there is definitely room for additional spells that would make the list a little more functional. Honestly, I was worried about overpowering it.

On Spirit Trances, some of the information spells are potentially quite potent. I might add some limitations
Agree on the potential for abuse here. Those limitations would be simple to implement and balancing.

For Voodoo Magic, what constitutes "one use"
I had envisioned one use. I think some of the talisman spells from Channeling Companion and later RMCs are a little too overpowered. I think one use makes it something you want to save for desperate situations since they are replaceable.

The biggest concerns I have on overpowering the Shaman are with the Elemental Hand and Totem Law lists. Elemental Hand seems a little too much like the Warrior Mage lists which essentially gives the best spells from all the Mage lists. I tried to keep the relative power down by essentially limiting the variety of spells. As for the Totem Law, I figured because these totems cost several resources (PPs, spirits from the Shaman's roster, they are stationary and vulnerable) that they were relatively well-balanced.
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Offline Hurin

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2020, 05:29:37 PM »
Seems fun, and I very much like the idea of rehabilitating the Shaman. A few thoughts:

--I would not allow a caster to add his Directed Spells OB to the Fireball attack from Flame Axe. Casters don't normally add their Directed Spells OB to the Fireball chart -- and the chart assumes they don't (that's why it caps out at 125). They just add their ranks in the spell list. I see you've reduced the size of the Fireball to be Small, but even I think it might still be a bit too powerful.  So for something like this, it might be better just to add caster's ranks in this list to the attack.

--I like the overall idea of making this a more viable Shaman. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a buff list (as the Shaman inspires the spirits of his allies), and maybe a curse list (Shaman voodoo), but maybe that's because I've played a Shaman in quite a few videogames!
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Offline Eladan

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2020, 08:21:20 AM »

Flame Axe - Yeah looking at it, I think I originally meant Firebolt attack, with the concept being that you actually have to land a melee attack in order to get a benefit from it. Yes, the Dir Spells bonus on a fireball would break the mechanics of AoE attacks and be highly overpowered. I suppose even just adding a crit to the weapon would be powerful enough and simpler.

Buffs - I actually considered a buff list, but my rationale behind not having a dedicated one was that Totem Law essentially does that, but requires some preparation and situational planning on behalf of the Shaman. I'm hesitant to make it an RMC-style class where they have a bit of everyone's strengths, without some corresponding drawbacks. The last three lists that don't deal with their manipulation of spirits I wanted to make so that they don't have on-the-fly spells to solve all problems.

I always appreciate the perspective you and Jdale offer... I'm trying to get these new professions ready to easily slide into a RMU format.
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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2020, 09:24:52 AM »
That's cool -- you do the lists you want! I was just musing on how I might do it myself.

As for Flame Axe, I think there are various ways you could fine tune it. I would not change it to just being an extra critical, because there are lots of spells that do that, and this could be something unique. You could just change it to Firebolt from Fireball. Or you could just cut out the Directed Spells bonus (and make it ranks in spell list).

Whichever way you do it, though, I think you should adjust the wording. The first sentence says you get a Fireball attack on a successful touch or melee attack. But then the second sentence says if it is just a touch, you just get an 'A' fire crit. I think you need to clarify that, because the first sentence suggests a touch results in the Fireball attack, but the second sentence says a touch just results in the 'A' critical.

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Offline Eladan

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2020, 03:03:39 PM »
Nah, you make a good point about the buffs. I see that as an essential part of their image, no matter what interpretation. With lists like Inner Walls and the versatility of the totems, they bring a lot from the back line.

Love the Firebolt idea using the spell ranks in the list... it simplifies the mechanics without overpowering it, since it’s still dependent on a successful hit. It’s point blank anyway so it should pack a wallop against a single target, but requires being engaged in melee. All about balance.
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Offline netbat

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2020, 05:35:16 PM »
I like the concept and the spells look pretty good.
If I can find the shaman training package list I started a couple of years ago I will try to post it. Unfortunately, the player I had who was interested in the concept dropped out and we never finished it. The only thing I remember was the 1st level spell Totem Aspect, which cost no power points, was required to be cast before any other shaman spell was cast, and changed the appearance of the caster to resemble an aspect of his totem based on the level of the next spell cast(ie a wolf shaman's eyes may change to look like a wolfs for low level spells, but he may look like a large wolf or man/wolf when casting higher level spells.)
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Offline Eladan

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Re: New Profession: Shaman
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2020, 11:06:02 AM »
@ net bat - Appreciate the feedback. I personally like the flavor aspect of the totem having some influence over the Shaman. That is something I would like to integrate when I finalize the Spirit Rules. The rules as written in RMC2 are just too vague. I'd like to see something codified. I never really used training packages because I was a RM2 guy, but I find they are useful for plotting character models when making NPCs.
"And it may be that Eru has set in me a fire greater than thou knowest."