I do! Please explain this wizardry to me!
Using the button to roll the [skill/save or rr/attribute/ect...] do so. If it is one of those that has a dialog box pop up for extra mods, don't put anything there and just do the roll. Now, in the chat window (the blank box just below where your roll showed up) click in there like you are going to type a message. Now, hit the up arrow on your keyboard. A big equation should magically appear. (If it doesn't, go back through the steps and try again.) Now, highlight the full equation and either copy or cut* it. Next, go to the Attributes & Ability tab of the charsheet. On the right hand/Abilities side is where you put the macros. Hit the button marked +Add and a "New Ability" will appear below. If you hover your mouse pointer over it 3 icons will appear, the pencil one is the one for editing the macro, so click it to open the macro box. Paste your copied/cut formula into the box, type in the name of the [skill/save or rr/attribute/ect...] and hit the check mark (which is where the pencil icon was, and will be again). You will see an option called "Show as Token Action" click that. You are done. Once you do it a few times, it will become quick and natural - I was able to add >10 token actions to my MERP character in a couple of minutes (tops).
The actions will naturally be listed in alphabetical order, so figure out how you want them listed and number them, like so: 01, 02, 03, etc... because it will put 11 between 1 and 2, 22 between 2 and 3, etc... otherwise. Of course, you should probably have a maximum of 10-15 token actions because they will begin to take over the screen - though they are still better than having your character sheet open and blocking the whole screen.
*I use Cut because you should make sure that the dialog box is empty before doing it again. You don't want to mix the macros.
Let me know if you have other questions, if I can answer them I will - it helps me remember it better too, so I like doing it.