Author Topic: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?  (Read 2609 times)

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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Im wanting to shake up the current campaign im running by creating an encounter that sends my party of players into a new, unfamiliar location (eg. Magical Vortex) or even a parallel dimension.

Has any used of played in an adventure that uses this idea?

just feels like its time to mix things up and surprise my player with a new setting, even if its only for a series of adventures and then they return to their current location.
I actually like the idea of a parallel universe where rulers and factions are muddled but i do wonder if this might create too much extra work.

Offline jdale

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 05:15:16 PM »
I ran a game inspired by some series of books whose name I forget, in which the players were going from world to world, sealing the gates that were being used by malevolent entities to reach those worlds. Definitely needed to do a lot of world-building for that one. It was genre-spanning, too. Sometimes I used existing settings (they eventually ended up in Cyberpunk 2020), sometimes I made up my own.

In our LARP we ran several sessions where the goodly religion had been subverted by fiends, all the governments and major organizations that opposed fiends were now in their service, while the remaining remnants of good were considered heretical cults. That's easier because you already have names, you just are inverting morality (and maybe decor) and in RM probably swapping spell lists.
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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2018, 12:23:38 AM »
I ran a game inspired by some series of books whose name I forget, in which the players were going from world to world, sealing the gates that were being used by malevolent entities to reach those worlds. Definitely needed to do a lot of world-building for that one. It was genre-spanning, too. Sometimes I used existing settings (they eventually ended up in Cyberpunk 2020), sometimes I made up my own.

In our LARP we ran several sessions where the goodly religion had been subverted by fiends, all the governments and major organizations that opposed fiends were now in their service, while the remaining remnants of good were considered heretical cults. That's easier because you already have names, you just are inverting morality (and maybe decor) and in RM probably swapping spell lists.

pretty want to save myself from too much worldbuilding but i could base thespinoof adventure around a remote island i guess. keep things manageable my end as GM. Just need the hook for the players. there is an evil cult of vampire worshipers who are trying to resurrect an ancient order of vampire lords so stopping the cult in their purpose built temples seems like a plausible motivation.
The party could be sent to the island by accident and then soon discover their true purpose? They know of the cult and one of the temples ready but not the specific locations of the other 5 temples. Each vampire lord is trapped inside an artifact called a Soul Stone. Destroying each of these will be their mission. The ENEMY will send forces to stop them once they are a known threat. Will need the party to find the locations using a master map or perhaps with the help of an NPC with his/her own secret agenda perhaps. Maybe they seek o keep the soul stones and not destroy them or want to harness their power for another purpose.

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 11:26:42 AM »
I ran a game inspired by some series of books whose name I forget, in which the players were going from world to world, sealing the gates that were being used by malevolent entities to reach those worlds.

That sounds like The Morgaine Series by C.J. Cherryh.

I think SahdowWorld has that potential, gates open up and can pull people inside, sending them to the Pales.

Offline jdale

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2018, 04:25:40 PM »
That sounds like The Morgaine Series by C.J. Cherryh.

Yep! That's it. I didn't use any of the details from the books, just that basic concept.
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Offline Nightblade42

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2018, 10:07:56 PM »
Also reminds me (a little bit) of Margaret Weis & Tracey Hickman's Deathgate Cycle, jDale.

Nightblade ->--

Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2018, 12:54:14 AM »
That sounds like The Morgaine Series by C.J. Cherryh.

Yep! That's it. I didn't use any of the details from the books, just that basic concept.
in the books, how were the gates closed? spells?

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2018, 11:07:07 AM »
in the books, how were the gates closed? spells?

By deactivating them with their controls. Although the series has heavy fantasy influences, it's a technically a sci-fi series.

I believe one possible way of closing them was to use Morgaine's sword Changeling on the gate. The sword was made using similar technology, and doing that would have pretty much resulted in the destruction of the gate any everything around it.

Highly recommend the series, and it might give you some ideas.

Offline jdale

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2018, 05:16:35 PM »
Mine were magic. There was a correct way to use the gates requiring a control item, but the player method was to smash the crystals, resulting in the gate opening to a random linked gate for the last time. They didn't have to go through, but if they didn't they would remain trapped in that world forever. Since they were all from other worlds, they all hoped to get back to their places of origin, and passing through made sense.
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Offline Druss_the_Legend

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2018, 01:51:44 AM »
Epilogue from the 5th season of my rolemaster campaign. Setting is Sanctuary Thieves World.

Setting the Scene: There is a great festival taking place in the city to honor the high priestess of Heqt and celebrate the recent opening of the newly completed Temple Of Heqt. Many hundreds of visitors have flocked to the city of Sanctuary to watch or take part in the festival events (Footrace, Horse Race and Gladiator Tournament).

The players consist of:
Blackfang the assassin, Nightshadow the burglar, Kromm the barbarian, Gerhard bounty hunter and Tal'e'alar the half Elven healer.

Main Plot - An assassins guild has plans to attack the prince governor of the city at the festival. The high priestess of Heqt is the real target for the assassins who have an alliance with a sinister cult called the Bloody Hand. The cult want the high priestess as a sacrifice in a ritual to resurrect their vampire leader.

Sub-plots -
a) The pc burglar is afflicted with a vampire curse (becoming a vampire). The same burglar is being used by the assassins guild as a sleeper agent/spy to further their goals. The burglar is entered in the footrace at the festival.
b) The pc assassin is a member of a rival assassins guild who seek to thwart their rivals plans and overthrow its leader (who has sided with the cult).
c) The pc healer is a Paladin in disguise who has a mission to destroy the cults five strongholds, one of which is in the city of Sanctuary. He is being hunted by the cult and was the latest to join the party.
d) The pc barbarian seeks glory in battle and has entered the gladiator combat at the festival.
e) The pc bounty hunter has been hired to find a rogue magician (who is helping the cult).

The day of the festival arrives! The storm has passed and the sun is shining. Hundreds of visitors who have flocked to the city of Sanctuary over the week now make their way to take up prime positions along the Avenue of Temples and in Vashanka's Square. Some, more eager than the rest have set up the night before in anticipation of the crowds of people that will line the streets.
After some time to rest and recuperate the priest of Shipri assists Alten Stulwig in caring for the wounded Blue Star Magician, Jinn the monk of Heqt and the hawkmasks Lasselle, Cade and Redbeard. Lythande is worst off having suffered horrific torture at the hands of the Cult of Dyareela. When Lythandes robes are removed bloody wounds can be seen carved into his body which signify the symbol of the Bloody Hand. When Jinn the monk is healed, he makes ready to depart for the Guest Embassy and promises to petition Shareese Terryk the High Priestess of Heqt for support with dealing with the Blood Temple in the Maze. Tal'e'alar the half-Elf also accompanies Jinn on this undertaking.

Along the Avenue of Temples and outside the newly completed Temple of Heqt a gathering of entertainers which include drummers, musicians, jugglers, acrobats and fire breathers take their place at the head of the procession. Molin Torcholder the High Priest of Savankala is there as master of ceremonies. Behind the entertainers are the 24 competitors taking part in Thufir's Footrace. Among the runners are Zeedra the slave girl, Rantu the urchin, Hu-ra Khan warrior monk of Heqt, Nightshadow and the favourite Mulac 'The Panther', a local camel traders son. The runners will complete one lap of Sanctuary, starting and finishing outside the Palace.

Behind the runners are the top 8 combatants fighting in the gladiator tournament. These battle-hardened men are introduced to the crowd by name. The living legend Tempus the Hell-hound, Jago Avisar a fighter from the City of Magic, Nikodemus - one of the Sacred Band of Brothers, Zelik Silvermane the Elven swordmaster, Kai-Jin the legendary warrior monk of Heqt and three gladiators from the capital city of Ranke - Verus the Invincible, Kale the Merciless and Tracer Lionheart.

At the rear of the procession are the horses - some led by their riders and others led by animal handlers or servants. Among the riders are Chakra Munakami, a nomad tribesman from the Grey Wastes, Hanse Shadowspawn, Shurrash Charkuz a Raggah horse whisperer and Arik Khaleed of the House of the Phoenix who is the favourite to win. The riders will complete three laps of Sanctuary.

Much of the talk on the street is about the gladiator tournament, in particular the pairings for the first round. Competitors names were drawn and posted in Vashanka's Square in the morning. Tempus will fight one of the gladiators from Ranke - Verus the Invincible. Kai-Jinn will fight another of the gladiators from Ranke - Tracer Lionheart. Kai-Jinn and Tempus are expected to meet in the final. The combat will be the last event of the day but even now, odds are being offered and money is being wagered on the outcome.

Gerhard the Bounty Hunter and Blackfang the Assassin are there taking in the proceedings and paying particular attention to the surrounding buildings and rooftops - likely positions from where an assassin with a crossbow could strike.

At last Shareese Terryk the High Priestess emerges from the Temple of Heqt. The assembled crowds cheer loudly. The High Priestess is flanked by two bodyguards dressed in ceremonial green and silver armour. One bodyguard is Tal'e'alar the half Elven healer of Heqt and the other is the Heqt monk Jinn, son of Kai-Jinn. Four Hellhounds, led by Zalbar push forward and take up positions around the High Priestess. As additional security city guards line the street facing the crowd scanning for signs of trouble.

Trumpets sound and the High Priestess raises her hand waiting patiently for silence. She is wearing the finest silk robe - gold thread encrusted with emeralds which sparkle in the sunlight. Shareese Terryk removes her hood and the onlookers hush immediately, spell-bound by her stunning beauty.
"Citizens of Sanctuary! Hear me! All of the gods are smiling upon us this day! One of them especially!" She raises her arms skyward and then gestures towards the Temple of Heqt.
"I hereby bless this event in the name of Heqt Goddess of Life and Fertility! Let the festival begin!"

Trumpets sound once more and the crowd erupts into even louder cheers. The drummers start and the procession head off, marching slowly north along the avenue towards Vashanka's Square with onlookers waiving and cheering as they pass by. The first event, Thufir's Foot Race will start within the hour.
Suddenly Zalbar's keen eyes spots something in the crowd. He signals a guard who quickly snatches up a nearby urchin and drags him over to the Captain of the Hell-hounds. Zalbar reaches down and takes something from the urchins grasp. The Hellhound drops the item on the ground and crushes it under his heavy boot.
"My flute!" cries the urchin.
Unrepentant, Zalbar ignores the boy and marches onward towards Vashanka's Square.

Offline Ruffie

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2019, 03:01:17 AM »
I've actually been playing with the same idea for a while now but I don't think my players have the right level yet. We do play RMSS but set in Middel Earth (400 years after the war of the Ring)

Now I want to break free from this setting for a while by having the BBEG get rid of the party in a trap which sends them to ShadowWorld. I have a great deal of books from that setting and have been dying to use them.

Offline Spectre771

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Re: Not your average adventure story arc, have you tried these before?
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2019, 05:36:47 AM »
We've had similar themes in different game systems.  It can work, it's easily doable if you go with a parallel universe theme.  The world is already built, you're just changing up how the NPCs interact and what those reactions would be to the players.  The PCs trying to figure things out will open up story arcs for the GM to use.  A good amount of material will write itself as they explore and find out the NPCs aren't reacting the way the PCs expected.

When our group switched from playtesting D&D Beta to Pathfinder, we used our PCs from D&Db in Pathfinder, the DM had us find 'ourselves' and fight them.  Our D&Db PCs became the Pathfinder NPCs.

Anytime we play Vampire, it is a parallel universe as it takes place in current time in our current city and I use news events from the paper and news and twist them into some sort result of vampiric activity.

If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!