Author Topic: Autoharp - Architect 1.0  (Read 3426 times)

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Offline DavidKlecker

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Autoharp - Architect 1.0
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:46:46 AM »
I have just been informed that AutoHarp Architect is now available from RPGNow. Architect is a database editor and creator. Included are help files to get you going with the program. If there are additional questions I can answer them here. Please post any questions and bugs here or on the sourceforge site. I would appreciate any positive reviews and feedback for the software on RPGNow. If you are having a negative experience, please let me know through my email or here. Both are given with the application under the Help->About option.


Offline darb

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Re: Autoharp - Architect 1.0
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 09:26:00 PM »
Ok, I have a problem with the way this is being marketed.  Without the ability to modify and add to the database, ie adding training packages, AutoHarp is not completely functional for a normal game.  Now we have to pay $10 more for what seems to me to be something that should be included in basic functionality.  Now this software package, to use the base, martial law, and college of magics, and be able to edit the db, is a $50 product.  The professionalism and function of this product is not commensurate with this price.  The pdfs of these 3 products comes to $47!!!!!!!!!!
I am deeply disappointed in this decision and will not count myself as a customer of any further autoharp products. 

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Autoharp - Architect 1.0
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2015, 06:49:10 PM »
Let me explain, if it will help.

Pricing software can come from the following list.
  • The cost of the man hours to produce the software, from start to finish
  • Potential money the client saves by using the software
  • Cost of any planned support for the software
  • Any other related costs such as installation fees, documentation, training, etc.
The man hours corresponds to the time I had to take out of my schedule to produce this software. Now if I look back and think about the time I think I spent 6 months at an average of 1 hour a day. So that's about 178 hours of work. That's about $7000 dollars if I were to say I'm worth $40 and hour and that's on the cheap. Then you charge on how many units you think you will sell. If 100 people buy it that's still $1000 ($2000 since the full price is $20). I have to sell about 500 to meet the production cost. Fun fact. The most modules I have sold is Harp Fantasy and I only sold 119. This is over the period of 3 years. My point here, is given the demand, I should set the price higher, but I know hobbyists don't have a lot of money. $20 is the standard price it seems for books and companion books. So I just set the price there. I doubt I will ever make my money back, (I haven't even made it back for the other modules, not even close) but I honestly don't think about that. I'm mostly doing this because I can and I want to. Not that this matters but when I was gaming I think I dropped more than a $1000 on stuff, be it books, adventure modules, character models, gaming props, maps, software (mostly amateur), etc. I did it because it was a hobby and I was into it. Again, not the point you were making, I'm sure, but worth stating.

Second bullet point on potential money client saves by using the software. Well, it shouldn't be a surprise that you can use this application to make a database, that includes Martial Law, College of Magics, or whathaveyou. So, taking the above example you used, a person COULD purchase Harp Fantasy and Architect for $40. Then create Martial Law and College of Magics out of Architect, potentially saving themselves $30. More if we start including books I haven't written yet. Now for the record, I really didn't say any of that out loud. It's a secret to everybody.  ;D

Third bullet point. I am providing hands-on support. I am here to fix any problems. If I can't fix I will ask Nick to see about a possible refund. I want people to be satisfied with the product but I think it's fair for people to expect that this kind of software asks for a little in return. I can provide support and software, I just ask for the support so I can continue to do this. I hope that's not a lot to ask.

Point 4 doesn't apply to me. I'm a one pony show. It's just me, which is inconvenient but that's the reality of this right now.

i'm sorry you feel the way you do, but honestly, pricing Architect is not just sensible it's prudent and anyone in the same position would most likely have done the same. I can always talk to Nick about the prices but I really haven't gotten any complaints, save yours. If the price becomes a problem I will look into it. I consult with GCP about the prices before I set them. I can't please everyone unfortunately. I set what I felt was more than a fair price. Currently we are running a sale on it so for a while it's 50% off (originally it was set at $20 but for 3 months from opening day it's $10).

Offline darb

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Re: Autoharp - Architect 1.0
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2015, 11:54:51 PM »
Well, ultimately the market decides.  If your sales are where you want them to be my opinion is irrelevant (it is true what they say about opinions....) 
My expectation was a piece of software that would allow me to create and manage characters for Harp, of which I include CoM and MA.  I also expect to be able to add to those dbs as a matter of course.  You have done that.  But when I compare your price of $50 to other software, such as GURPS character assistant ($15), I just don't think it makes sense, to pay more for the aid than I would for the PDFs....  Basically, I think that Architect is functionality that should have been included in the basic structure of software to do what you set out to do, and that charging more for it seems a bit... not fantastic. 

At the same time, I understand that you have to price it at a point that makes sense for you.  And we are only talking about $10. But you seem only to consider the impact of production on pricing, not the impact of pricing on demand.....

At any rate, I wish you luck. 

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Autoharp - Architect 1.0
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2015, 05:23:50 AM »
I don't think I want to get this into a back and forth thing. It would be better to take this to PM.  However, I do want to publicly clarify one point you made that has an unfair comparison.

Harp Fantasy and Architect is not $50. Right now, the two together is $30. After the promotion the two together will be $40. Buying the PDF and AutoHARP together is $40. Future promotions can certainly lower the price but that's future thinking. The compendiums are extra but GURPS doesn't sell their software including their compendiums either, at least the website isn't clear on this. The website states the software includes the core rules. Grand total for them is also $40 for both PDF and software. So to compare the complete AutoHARP set with all compendiums and Architect to GURPS CA isn't a fair comparison. It's fair to compare only the software + PDF, regardless of expectations. From their website it seems GURPS CA and AutoHARP are comparable in price (PDF + Software) with AutoHARP slightly more.