Author Topic: Re-Developing Belynar characters  (Read 1672 times)

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Re-Developing Belynar characters
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:20:27 PM »
I am in the process of re-developing the characters in the free intro adventure to Belynar called "Cleaning House" and I have run into a few problems. So far I have only developed two of the characters in the first book, Alahia (human Monk) and Gilgaron Gray (Human Fighter). I was under the assumption that these pre-gen characters were developed  prior to the enhanced rules that came out a couple of years ago. The problem is that so far both of the characters I have developed would have gone over their DP limit of 100 DP's (1st level only) if I decided to keep all the skills and talents they already have. Alahia would have gone over like 5 points or so, but the fighter is way beyond the updated DP expenditure and he was developed using the old rules of which he would have had less DP's to spend. In just doing his normal skills I ran into a cost of 44 DP's. I still hadn't added the 2 ranks in Arcane Lore, the 2 ranks in PP development, and  the 2 ranks for the guess spell. All  together that would normally cost 24 DP's! But since he had 5 free skill ranks as a human I could give that I hadn't used yet and I could spend 4 points for the final rank and all would have been good with 2 DP's left over. Then I noticed he had "Instinctive Defense" which is a 30 point talent that fighters do not get for free. That may have had a different cost before but even at a 5 DP cost he still would have went over the limit in the new system, but as I said earlier I believe these characters were developed under the old system. OTOH Alahia at 2nd level seemed to have been underdeveloped as far as DP expenditure goes.
I was going to redevelop these characters and  send them to ICE to use in the rehash of the Belynar starting adventures but now it looks like I am going to have to completely redevelop these characters. I'm not sure if that will be acceptable for ICE in the starting adventures for Belynar.

As a side note I will say that there were some bad choices in the skill development for 1st level on at least these first two characters. So I think re-development is in hand anyway.

Anyone else want to chime in on this?

ICE do you think you could still use these characters?

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Offline Bruce

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 10:00:07 PM »
Ok, little error up there. When I was talking about the fighter and mentioned after doing his "normal skills I ran into a cost of 44 DP's".... It was supposed to read 88 DP's. Apologies.

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Offline WoeRie

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2014, 01:38:08 AM »
I just rebuild Gilgaron Gray with my old Excel sheet and it came up that he used 80 DP to create the character (using the old rules). The problem is that the character would only have 72DP in first Level (2x 36DP), but it was common usage at this time to use a flat 40DP instead of dynamic stat depending DP. If this house rule was used during creation the character is build correctly.

EDIT: Maybe you forgot the Tarahiri cultural skills?

Offline WoeRie

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2014, 02:05:50 AM »
I just rebuild Gilgaron Gray with my old Excel sheet and it came up that he used 80 DP to create the character (using the old rules). The problem is that the character would only have 72DP in first Level (2x 36DP), but it was common usage at this time to use a flat 40DP instead of dynamic stat depending DP. If this house rule was used during creation the character is build correctly.

EDIT: Maybe you forgot the Tarahiri cultural skills?

Strange to Quote myself, but I can't edit the text a second time... so here we go...

I have found out that in addition to the above ranks the character has one rank for each Resistance, which I had overseen. So, this Comes up to an additional 6 DP, summing to 86DP. This, of course is wrong.

Offline Bruce

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 09:05:52 PM »
I just rebuild Gilgaron Gray with my old Excel sheet and it came up that he used 80 DP to create the character (using the old rules). The problem is that the character would only have 72DP in first Level (2x 36DP), but it was common usage at this time to use a flat 40DP instead of dynamic stat depending DP. If this house rule was used during creation the character is build correctly.

EDIT: Maybe you forgot the Tarahiri cultural skills?
What do you mean the Tarahiri cultural skills?
If you mean they are different than the core books cultural skills then I didn't know they had them. I was matching the culture in the little info they gave to the best one I could match in the HARP core book. If so what page are they on in the Cyradon core book?

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Offline WoeRie

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 12:45:40 AM »
What do you mean the Tarahiri cultural skills?
If you mean they are different than the core books cultural skills then I didn't know they had them. I was matching the culture in the little info they gave to the best one I could match in the HARP core book. If so what page are they on in the Cyradon core book?


Cyradon Book page 83 - Adolescent Skill Ranks Table: Tarahiri

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Re: Re-Developing Belynar characters
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 05:57:51 PM »
Thanks, I had found it before hand I just forgot to post that here. I haven't "re-started re-making" the Cyradon characters yet because I had to tweak my PDF character generator a little more. I added the stuff from the Cyradon book (skills, races, etc) and am adding a set of fields that will calculate how many points are being spent on the skills, that way I can't mess it up by just adding the numbers up in my head. Hopefully I can work on them this week.

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