Author Topic: Running a SW game with remote players  (Read 7786 times)

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Offline bennis1980

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Re: Running a SW game with remote players
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2013, 09:12:47 AM »
Terry, have you tried to set anything up on FG yet? Let me know if you hit any walls. When I get back from my holiday I'm going to start setting up a new campaign so the process should be fresh in my mind when I'm in the swing of things.

Offline bennis1980

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Re: Running a SW game with remote players
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2013, 09:22:21 AM »
Hey Terry - I know I'm a little late to this thread, but I'd like to throw my two cents in for G+ hangouts.  I run three or four online games a week (including a Rolemaster Classic Shadow World game) using just G+ hangouts, and Twidla.  There is almost zero learning curve, and everything is completely free. I find that I get too hung up on the software with heavy interfaces like Fantasy Grounds, or even Roll20.  In reality, I don't need all the bells and whistles.  Twidla ( is a fee whiteboard program that also has a die roller and document editing capabilities. G+ also has an amazing RPG community, and a huge pool of players from all over the world.

We did play a game through G+ hangouts for a while and it was good fun. Eventually the GM wanted more features and automation so we moved the game to FG. The feel of rolling the 3D dice were what really sold him.

It is always great to see free options available, but it is encouraging to see Fantasy Grounds fully supported by ICE and to have a strong and growing RM community on the site (and not be overwhelmed by D&D players and their issues :D )