1st lvl Shield Spell Questions

Started by providence13, August 12, 2011, 12:37:59 PM

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Thanks for the reference rdanhenry.
A-4.18 Spells Skill Categories
Pg 126 RMFRP is almost word for word;

Spell Casting Static Maneuver Roll =
1d100 (open-ended)
+ caster's skill bonus for the spell's list
+ mods from Spell Casting Modifications Table T-4.6

The +50 was added to the chart for RMFRP, but is essentially the same.
Noticeably absent is a mention of the General Modifiers listed on p. 140. This is case against using them.

As with all things RM, there's room for argument. Have fun with the version you use. :)

Back to Shield Spells,
The Arcane spell Shielding from the Arcane Shield List is odd.
1. Shielding--- ....word for word Shield spell except Duration is "C".
Then at 3rd lvl, the standard Shield spell with 1 min/lvl Duration.

If you can get Shield effects, (functions as a normal shield...-25...no hand.. can't use "real" shield) and be required to Concentrate (50%Act), then it probably does not require %Act to actually use the shield created from the spell. Also, you probably can't use it to attack/bash because that would require %Act...
"The Lore spell assaults your senses- Roll on the spontaneous human combustion table; twice!"


Quote from: providence13 on October 20, 2011, 11:24:16 PM
Back to Shield Spells,
The Arcane spell Shielding from the Arcane Shield List is odd.
1. Shielding--- ....word for word Shield spell except Duration is "C".
Then at 3rd lvl, the standard Shield spell with 1 min/lvl Duration.

If you can get Shield effects, (functions as a normal shield...-25...no hand.. can't use "real" shield) and be required to Concentrate (50%Act), then it probably does not require %Act to actually use the shield created from the spell. Also, you probably can't use it to attack/bash because that would require %Act...

Very good point.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
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