Free Hex Map Download

Started by gamerprinter, March 01, 2011, 06:12:54 PM

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I have just opened Free RPG Maps website and community forum - it's a site dedicated to a productline of map tiles I call Endless Terrain Battlemaps (most oldest and most popular product). ETB's are sets for 4 each, double side printed 11 x 17 inch photorealistic terrain maps with geomorphic edges so any tile can be placed adjacent to another for hundreds of unique terrain layouts. Map tile sets come available as 1 inch square grid, hex grid or no grid.

Each month I will offer a new Endless Terrain Battlemap set, with the first offering for Heavy Woods, though I have plans for arctic, desert, jungle, cavern, alleyways and more.

In order to drive traffic to the site and forum (free to join but requires sign up), I am offering 2 free map downloads in the forum site, a new map each 2 weeks. Right now I have Heavy Woods - Rocky Hill as the freebie.

Here's a thumbnail:

There are several downloads available, make sure you select the PDF with the Hex Grid, or the JPG (no grid) for use with Virtual Terrain applications.

I hope you check out my new site.

Michael "GP" Tumey
Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting and adventure arcs.

RPG Map Printing service


Looks great! And affordable. :)
"The Lore spell assaults your senses- Roll on the spontaneous human combustion table; twice!"


Now available a digital only Virtual Terrain Application version of the map tile set by subscription, for only $1.95 per month.

This is the full 8 map tile set + two bonus maps included (10 in total).

You must select image resolution from the drop down menu in the Subscibe button: 30 ppi, 50 ppi, or 100 ppi

Check out the site and download your free map today!

Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting and adventure arcs.

RPG Map Printing service


That is a pretty awesome deal!  I'll be joining your forum and participating.  I really like the map.  Did you intend for the map to have a lot of difficult terrain? 
Burn It Down.


March 10, 2011, 11:14:34 AM #4 Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 11:22:19 AM by gamerprinter
The basic Endless Terrain Battlemap sets are fairly generic without excessive high or low ground. However, the bonus maps are intended to be slightly less generic, featuring a more interesting location as a possible encounter site within the same theme as the monthly map tile set.

So, yes, Heavy Woods - Rocky Hill the first free bonus map is rough terrain.

We just added 10 free map objects as more free downloads each month and plan to create 10 objects every month.

While I certainly intend to create 2 free map downloads and 10 objects each month - this is just an incentive to get viewers to visit once every 2 weeks. My goal of course is to sell map tile subscriptions, and soon single map tile set purchases (without subscription).

This is supposed to be a money-making venture.

Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting and adventure arcs.

RPG Map Printing service


Several potential customers have asked for a single purchase alternative to signing up to ongoing subscription fees. With the added new product lines in map objects and virtual terrain versions of our tiles and objects, rather than add a dozen 'Buy Now' buttons across the site, I have opted to create an online shopping cart store to handle single product purchases.

One glitch, the shopping cart software didn't offer multiple flat rate shipping options, so I've created an additional Store Category called 'Shipping Outside US/CA', where I add a $5 price increase on products to accomodate the extra shipping charges for customers in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Visit my Free RPG Maps Online Store today!

Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting and adventure arcs.

RPG Map Printing service


The next free map download is available: Forest Pond

Visit: Free RPG Maps Community Forum to download...

Here's a thumbnail:

Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting and adventure arcs.

RPG Map Printing service