When did you start playing ICE rpg's?

Started by Thom @ ICE, January 15, 2011, 11:40:24 PM

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Thom @ ICE

Note - I have only listed the products to help people remember what was being published during each period.  If your introduction to ICE rpg's was RM2, but not until 2004 - then mark it as the HARP era.
Email -    Thom@ironcrown.com


We got the first RM box set on import in the early 80s, never played D&D again :)

You can Vote for rpgRM here: http://www.rpggateway.com/cgi-bin/wyrm/rate.cgi?ID=11535
"White space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background" ...Jan Tschichold


We had a guy blow in to our AD&D group and gave us a run of RM2. We never looked back. It was some time later I bought the RMSS books just prior to ICE tanking.

I also joined these forums a few days after my son was born so I'v been around for about eight and a half years now. It's only recently I've started to come back here and check the forums more regularly, probably more so that there's been a change I guess(and the fact that I've illustrated some of upcoming products).

I no longer play any rpg games, although I always have an eye out here...never know when the urge to play RM again might happen. If I could convince someone to learn the rules and GM I'd play(I should look into RMlite again).

I'm curious to know why this poll has been posted...what information are you after? Anyway, I've said more than asked so I'll stop now :)


I fell in love with RM back when RM1 had been out less than a year.
You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... Traditional Somatic Components
Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang... Traditional Verbal Components
Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog... Traditional Potion Formula

Cormac Doyle

Card-stock RM; MiddleEarthRP; RM2; RMSS, MiddleEarthRP2; RoTG; LoTR; RMFRP, HARP, RMC (helped write it ...)
SM; SM2; Cyberspace; SMP; HARPSF

I own at least one copy of (almost) everything except a couple of the middle earth items, and some of the most recent RMX/datanet pdf items

i started playing in the mid 80's ... and have imported almost everything ... the fact that only OB1 has a more complete collection than me has been difficult to achieve!!!

Thom @ ICE

In regards to what the intent here was, I was cleaning up the old polls and putting them in subject areas.

I found 1 poll that asked how long ou have been playing ICE rpgs. Well, it's not a good way of asking that question because as time goes by your answer changes. Instead I thought to ask the same question, but in a manner which would remain valid over time for the most part. In response to the comments, they are interesting to read and give a good feeling for where some people come from when approaching these systems in this hobby.
Email -    Thom@ironcrown.com


Quote from: Thom @ ICE on January 16, 2011, 08:04:59 AM
In response to the comments, they are interesting to read and give a good feeling for where some people come from when approaching these systems in this hobby.
As for "where I'm coming from", that part is easy. The reason I fell in love with RM back in the day was two things, both of which seemed illustrative of an underlying design principle.

1. Perception as a skill. By that time I already had issues with the idea that a 1st level elf thief was less likely to be surprised than some ancient human fighter who had lived to be ancient by not getting surprised.

2. -25 for no skill. In other words, failing to learn a skill didn't mean you were unable to accomplish that action, it only meant you weren't very likely to succeed. In other words, the age old question of, "Why can't I _____?" now had an answer: "You can try, I just don't think much of your chances."

The design principle I thought I saw illustrated in those mechanics was very simple, but also very fundamental. We the designers don't tell you what a fighter, or mage, or cleric, or etc, is. You the player tell us, and we help you put it into game terms.
You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... Traditional Somatic Components
Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang... Traditional Verbal Components
Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog... Traditional Potion Formula

Erik Youngren

If I may, I've been on these forums since Nov. 2005, but have never really posted (except in the Gamers Seeking Gamers area). But this poll interested me.

I got in to RM between the RM2/SM2 and RMSS eras. My AD&D group from 1992 broke up in late 1994 and so my friend and I started with another group of friends who were using RM2 (and had been since the late 80s). I bought all the books for RM2 at the time (execpt for the ones I was not interested in, one or two of them).

RM2 was the realism I had been looking for in AD&D and had tried to integrate (but failed). I never looked back (nor forward). My friend has the RMSS books, but I've never cared for that system and still use RM2.

BTW, got started in gaming itself in 1983 when I was 12. Got the Basic D&D set for my birthday that year and have never stopped gaming since.
Erik Youngren
Wandering Monk Rolemaster Forums

Viktyr Gehrig

I got into ICE games starting with HARP and then branching out into Rolemaster.


Started playing in 1989 with RM2.  The gaming was fun.  Personalities in the real world were not.  Our group disowned each other in '91 and basically stopped talking to each other for 10 years.  Never got to try RMSS with them.
* No good deed goes unpunished


 I played Not-RM in the early to mid 80's, Had RM but never played it in the mid 80's, played a couple games of SM in the late 80's and then played RM2 in the late 90's, switching to RMSS when I decided to buy my own books in the late 90's.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Cory Magel

In the mid 80's we started modifying D&D, eventually integrating some RM products (Arms & Claw Law for example) into it.  After revamping a pretty sizable portion of AD&D we got tired of the persistent problems that really required a complete overhaul.  Around the early 90's two of us actually started looking for a game system to replace D&D and, separately, came up with MERP/RM without even realizing at first that it was where some of the materials we had used with D&D had come from.  We started with MERP because it was really an intro into RM, played one campaign using it, then switched over to RM the very next campaign.  That change over coincided with the publishing of RMSS.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

Marc R

Played D&D then AD&D in grade school, added Star Frontiers, Boot Hill and Gamma world, then segued to RM add ons, then RM all out. . . .eventually RM for fantasy, SM for sci fi, and HERO for supers.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com

Cory Magel

We played more games than I can remember.  The D&D variations, like Gamma World.  Star Frontiers, Shadowrun, BattleTech/Mechwarrior, Primal Order, Car Wars, GURPS... loads of stuff.  But the primary two were D&D and RM when it comes down to it.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


We started with D&D, then DSA (a German FRPG game), then ME RP in the 80s, and from that game came to RM in about '87. In the mid 90s we then switched to RMSS/RMFRP.


A game or three of MERP in the late about '85...then a full-time RM2 group in about '88 when introduced to it by a friend...we alternated AD&D 2e and RM2 for the next four years, and I have been running RM2 since about '91...no urge to change RM systems to RMSS/FRP/X/etc...

Take my love, take my land, Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free - you can't take the sky from me.


As stated in my sig, I'm an old hand... I fell into RM with the Games Workshop edition of Not-RM... ( somewhere around 82/84 )  and never left since then.

I was there in alt.frp.* and rec.games.rpg before http meant anything.
I was there in the RM ( and Not-RM ) mailing list when all the spinoff lists where created ( SW, SM, Silent-death ).
I was there in the first instance of the forums.
I'm still around, even if I'm much less visible than I used to be.
514 to see, 416 to lock, 614 to shot...Target downed...Ask the marines to pick up the pieces.

RM, RM2, RMSS, RMFRP, HARP,  MERP, Cyberspace, SM, SM2, SM:P, Star Strike, Armored Assault, SD , SD : The Next Millenium, Bladestorm, Battle of the Five Armies .... Collecting ICE production since the epoch...


If I had a dollar for every time this topic emrges, flairs, dies and goes away them emerges and flares again, I'd have a nice dinner at the Wok House, from the menu, not the buffet.

That would include a six ragoon appitizer, hot tea and a margarita.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

Marc R

I actually like the difference of this version, in the fact It won't shift, so I won't need to change my vote on my birthday. . .I think this is the first time it's been benchmarked to dates, rather than "20 years ago" "10 years ago".
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


First introduction to RM I was in 6th-7th grade, in the mid-80s, and my brother and his friends (4 years older) had me join the RM game.    We all awoke on a beach, chained together, with amnesia.   As the game progressed and did more things we found out more and more about what are skills and stats were.   It was a fun intro to RM, which I immediately switched to.   

Stopped playing D&D for the most part, and other games, and it was exclusively RM for 20+ years.   It actually wasn't until the last couple years that I started branching out and playing other RPGs.