Author Topic: Slew of Questions, New to HARP (long)  (Read 5849 times)

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Offline NicholasHMCaldwell

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Re: Slew of Questions, New to HARP (long)
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2009, 02:00:10 PM »

2) Adventurer Profession

 I understand that the Rogue is a jack of all trades, but what is the Adventurer profession then? I can explain briefly what each profession's basic concept is, but the Adventurer seems so odd.

The Adventurer is like a Rogue who can fine tune which areas he wishes to focus on, a Fighter with awesome spells (Hammerfist just kicks ass...period), a Mage who can fight really well.
The Adventurer just Owns the Rogue, the Thief, Burglar, whoever..He owns the Fighter as well. Honestly, my group is a Warrior Mage, a Beast Master (WoW guy, he just had to have 'Pets'),and 3 Adventurers.
I love the concept,but the Adventurer is just plain better than any other non-spell user. I really don't see a reason to ever play a Rogue etc...
Storywise, it is also a cool concept. Great Profession, as several of my players, myself included, love the idea of someone identifying as 'An Adventurer!' instead of calling themselves something silly... "Me, I'm the Shadow Blade of the Guild..."
Er...just silly/

Anyways, welcome to the game and to the Forum!


I think the concept of the Adventurer is exactly that - a professional adventurer. Unfortunately it is so good at meeting that concept that it is very unbalanced. I would not allow players to take Adventurer in any HARP fantasy campaign that I GMed.

Best wishes,
Dr Nicholas HM Caldwell
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
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Re: Slew of Questions, New to HARP (long)
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2009, 04:02:10 PM »
I think the concept of the Adventurer is exactly that - a professional adventurer. Unfortunately it is so good at meeting that concept that it is very unbalanced. I would not allow players to take Adventurer in any HARP fantasy campaign that I GMed.

Me too.
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Offline Uriel

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Re: Slew of Questions, New to HARP (long)
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2009, 05:56:50 PM »

I think the concept of the Adventurer is exactly that - a professional adventurer. Unfortunately it is so good at meeting that concept that it is very unbalanced. I would not allow players to take Adventurer in any HARP fantasy campaign that I GMed.

Best wishes,

In case my position was unclear (I think that it was...), I am the GM in the game. I agree that the Adventurer is over-powered. The first guy took the Prof, because he couldn't really decide on anything else. I suggested it, and he said 'Sure, I'll play-test it.'
You must all realize, I haven't been playing HARP as long as yourselves, and the balance issues weren't as evident to me/us.

I don't think I am going to put the Adventurer off limits. Instead, I think I am going to utilize something from my Homebrew RPG (That I designed back in 93, when I found myself sick of RM's 5 hour character gen).

I had designed a Level-less, Class-less system, where players instead had a Primary, Secondary and Tertiary area of Focus.

One could choose to make a WarriorMage type of character with good stealth skills: Combat-Magic-Stealth. It was that easy, and with (IIRC, the stuff is in a box somewhere) 16 areas, of Focus, there were a lot of options.

Each Focus area came with a number of Combat Maneuver Points, Spell Acquisition Points or Contact Points.

It is to the concept of Contacts that I am looking.

Stealth, Knowledge,Social, etc... each area allowed you(The Player) to develop a Contact, with the points assigned to him/her outlining the Contacts sphere of influence, prestige/power in their field and attitude towards the PC.

I think that the HARP Rogue and Thief need a boost, something to make them Unique. I think that (In my Campaign, at least) I have an answer.

Perhaps I'll submit it to the Guild of something at some point.


Offline Witchking20k

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Re: Slew of Questions, New to HARP (long)
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2009, 08:00:31 AM »
I have a similar system that I use in HARP.  Primary Skills you get 2 skill groups that cost 2/rank & max out at 3+3xLevel for number of ranks, 2 secondary skill groups + General Skills that cost 3/rank and max out at 3+2xLevel, and all the rest are Tertiary skills costing 4/rank and max out at 3+1xLevel.  I have also moved some skills around and renamed a catagory or two.....I can just never leave a game alone....

I think I mentioned the rank maximums earlier...

Anyway Players can "upgrade" a secondary skill to a primary skill for 20 DPs aftet they have accumulated 20 ranks in the catagory of skills (so for Athletics, it would require a total of 20 ranks in Climb, Swim, acrobatics etc...), and the same process can be used to upgrade from Tertiary to Secondary.

It seems very unfriendly cost wise to Players...but I use Temp/Pot stats and stat gain rolls, so they don't pay for Stats, and award Talent Points as they progress Levels.....20@1st, 5 for 2-4, 10 @ by the time a PC reaches level 4 they have already banked enough Talent Points to upgrade a Skill Set.  They can also use the intial 20 Talent Point to upgrade without the ranks requirement during character creation.

So a Warrior Mage for example might begin with Combat & Magic as Primary skills, Physical, Athletic & General as Secondary.....or pay the initial 20 DPs and begin with Combat, Magic, & level 1 the skill rank maximums are
6/5/4 @ 2 9/7/5 etc...

Anyway to summarize players are much more specialized to start and can generalize over time......
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