Author Topic: Gifts using RMFRP Character Law in RMC?  (Read 2890 times)

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Offline thrud

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Gifts using RMFRP Character Law in RMC?
« on: February 11, 2009, 10:43:18 AM »
Just toying with an idea.
I like the suggested Gifts introduced in EA2 & EA11.
I also have a couple of Character Laws lying around.
Could there be a way to use the RMFRP talents (from CL) as gifts described in the EA's
Of course you have to modify the talents to fit RMC.

  • No background options.
  • 20 DP's at character creation
  • +5 DP's each level

How would you price the "new" gifts?
  • Keep the costs from CL?
  • Double/Triple/4x/5x... all the costs?
  • Add +5/10/15/20... to all the costs?
  • Make a suggesion?

Offline Rasyr-Mjolnir

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Re: Gifts using RMFRP Character Law in RMC?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2009, 12:00:47 PM »
When creating the Gifts for EA#11, I did use the Talents and their costs from RMFRP Character Law as the starting point for many of them. However, I then tweaked things, adjusting the costs for the basis of the power levels of the gifts, trying to balance them against one another.

So, if you are going to create/add new Gifts, you should use the existing ones from EA #11 as your starting point, and determine the costs accordingly based on how they stack up against new Gifts.

And keep in mind that if it it is something that everybody is likely to get, then upping the cost a bit more is maybe a good idea.

Offline thrud

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Re: Gifts using RMFRP Character Law in RMC?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2009, 03:30:10 PM »
Ok, deal with it on an individual basis then.