Author Topic: Defensive Bonus Question  (Read 3640 times)

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Offline DavidKlecker

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Defensive Bonus Question
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:13:22 PM »
Let's say I have a level 9 Martial Artist with the following stats

140 OB: Dual Sai using a Style
100 Adrenal Defense part of the style as a Lesser Adrenal Defense
5 Quickness Stat
10 magical DB ring

If I used my style to do a full parry I get the following:

100 Adrenal Defense + 5*3 + 10 which is 125 right now. Because I am using Adrenal Defense lesser I take 30% from my OB and get 98. So now I have 125+98 which is 223.

Now I'm sure this is a correct calculation but here's another question. I'm actually using a full parry for this action so do I get the shield bonus for the Sais. Would I get both sais? I think the shield bonus is +10 or +15? I can't remember.

So I guess the question is, is my DB 253 (+30 for shield bonus with full parry), 238 for just one said shield bonus or no shield bonus at all and there it's 223 or did I calculate this wrong entirely and it's something else?


Offline markc

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 08:28:42 PM »
 IMO I would only allow the use of 1 sai to provide you DB. But if you had a special ability created for your MA style that would allow for the use of both sai then I would give you +15 for the first and +10 for the second. [I do not know of a rule for the second DB bonus]
 Also it has been a little time since I looked at the sai but I seam to remember that sai giving a bonus to disarming maneuver does that also apply to DB?
 Point #2 you might not allways get your AD DB bonus so a GM could rule that you only have your style OB bonus. In my game though a style is all inclusive so if a situation might arise and the PC does not get his AD then I might also reduce his style OB. But again this is just my ruleing and it has no page #, just critical thinking behind it.

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 01:22:43 AM »
One addendum to what marc said; the +15 DB for sai should be applied once, but could be gained against two seperate attacks.
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Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 05:39:46 AM »
The Adrenal Defense is part of the style as a lesser. When I use the style I can also use the AD in conjuction but I need to make sure I apply it to 30% of my action. In this way I don't see how rule-wise one could separate AD with the Parry.

+15 for one sai is better than nothing. I read somewhere that the sai gives a +10 to Disarm Foe as well. However and this is another related question I guess, if the sai is a defensive weapon primarily wouldn't it make sense that using the sai defensively is "better" than using the sai offensively? In HARP a Dual Sai gives +30 if you parry with the weapon. Is there a comparison in Rolemaster?

Offline pastaav

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 06:57:20 AM »
In HARP a Dual Sai gives +30 if you parry with the weapon. Is there a comparison in Rolemaster?

My personal comment would be that the to-hit mechanics is quite different in Armslaw and Harp...this also have some impacts on how DB should stack. A +30 DB bonus with Armslaw is pretty awesome, while it in HARP is reasonably common.
/Pa Staav

Offline vroomfogle

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 08:04:04 AM »
pastaav is right on, +30 DB is very big in RM.

My question would be how does a level 9 martial artist get +100 in Adrenal Defense??

Also, les. Adr Defense is a 30% action.  This does not mean you subtract out 30% of your OB but rather is a straight -30.   This is because if Adr Def takes 30% you are left with 70% of the round to do the melee attack (parry or not).    The penalty for using less then the full % action is a straight minus.  You never need to figure out the % activity to calculate your OB.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 08:09:25 AM by Vroomfogle »

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: Defensive Bonus Question
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 08:34:46 AM »
My question would be how does a level 9 martial artist get +100 in Adrenal Defense??

If you use the Martial Arts Talent worth 30 points you get a +15 to your Special Defenses. If your stats work out you could get a possible +25 but a more reasonable value here is either +15 or +20. Again the Talent everymans one of the skills so we everyman Adrenal Defense. 18 ranks if we rank only one. Some professions I think have this skill setup where you could rank it twice. But 18 ranks is more believable. That 50+16 or 66. 66+15+15 is 96. I just rounded to 100 to make the math easier. As you can see, even using average values a 96 in this skill at level 9 for a "pure" MA is more than reasonable.

EDIT: my fault, there are no applicable stat bonus to this so take away 15 for an 81. But also the Warrior Monk gets a 4/9 in this skill so I COULD rank it twice and get 36 ranks. That's still only a 98.  (15+50+20+10+3)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 08:42:44 AM by Monk »