Author Topic: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?  (Read 3137 times)

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Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« on: January 04, 2008, 04:28:15 AM »
I'm hoping the someone where may enlighten me, because I've never got why Empathy is used for a character's power with the essence realm?
And not another stat, say Reasoning or Memory which is more inline with my idea of a classic mage or alchemist.

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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 05:17:38 AM »
My guess is that it is only for game balance: Memory and Reasoning are development stats, and if Empathy was not associated to Essence, it would have almost no importance at all.

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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 06:30:17 AM »
I like to think that it is because of the magic that is inherent around the character, think "da Force" in Star Wars.  You can tap into this to power a spell, so you need to be able to feel the power around you.

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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 06:36:07 AM »
You can tap into this to power a spell, so you need to be able to feel the power around you.

This is how I see it, too.
Magical energy is not something you can understand with your logic (Reasoning) and you cannot study hoping to memorize all of its patterns (Memory), because it constantly flows and change. You must learn to "feel" it... that's why you use the Empathy stat  :)
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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 08:00:20 AM »
I agree with Arioch completely and instead of going through the whole thing about magic again here are a few threads, which address the subjects broadly.

What is Magic

Science and Belief in a RPG

A "Real' World Fantasy
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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2008, 09:25:04 AM »
I suspect, in the end, a lot is game balance as said above.

Presence as the force of ego driving mentalism makes some sense.

Intuition and Empathy for the other two realms seem vague.

The best argument for Intuition seems to be that it contains to concept of inspiration, which kind of fits the divine-to-mortal logic.

The best argument for Empathy is that it's the "feel for others" stat, including your feel for the world. . .so your Essence user is reaching out to the world to draw power, it uses empathy. It's akin to attunement, but in reverse, rather than matching your aura to an object in order to use it, it's matching your aura to the environment in order to tap into it.

I suspect it relates most to how they draw power, as opposed to how they cast. . .

Mentalist uses their force of will (Presence) to draw power.
Channeler is being inspired/opened (Intuition) to power.
Essence is pulling power from their environment via their aura using a form of attunement (empathy)

Something like reasoning based magic would likely work better if the power draw was unrelated to the caster. . .like if say you had a gameworld where magic power was available in easily used crystals. . .so you could then be a technical, reasoning caster without needing presence, empathy or intuition to draw power. . .magic as reason/logic/technology.
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Re: Why Empathy for Essence PPs?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2008, 09:50:41 AM »
It is possible that it was selected because of game balance, or more correctly, what the designers thought of as game balance at the time.

One thing that it is important to understand is that the development of Rolemaster was not actually a cohesive, outright objective. It is something that developed originally as house rules and then morphed into its own game as things progressed.

Parts of the game were carefully balanced, and other parts were not. This gives Rolemaster a sort of "rough balance", but as some of the guys working on the RMC books can tell you, there are gaping holes and things that sometimes make no sense. It drives them crazy sometimes as they try to extend parts that were not balanced, and have to figure out their own ways of balancing them (i.e. like races).