Author Topic: The World of Terra Syn  (Read 530 times)

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The World of Terra Syn
« on: June 05, 2022, 07:33:41 PM »
In the beginning the world was made by the hand of the Father.  Fashioned in a red dwarf star, the world was made according to a hexagonal grid pattern.  The reason why the world was made was simply because the Father wanted a place for his children to dwell.  The world was made from the six elements. Light, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Ice.  From these six elements were made the materials for the world.  The Father made a place for the oceans, and made a place for the Land.  And Father was grateful.

Soon, the world was ejected from the sun it was made in.  And soon, Terra Syn was given life.  While in the plasma sheath of the red dwarf, the first living things were the Eukaryotes.  And after the Eukaryotes, were the prokaryotes. Then came algae and other dimunitive organisms.  After they, came the other forms of life.  After that, the Father initiated the Precambrian Explosion.  And when the world was ready, plants came upon Dry Land and spread through out the whole land. Then came the animals.  After that, the other forms of life was introduced on dry ground.  All in all, the world of Terra Syn took five billion years to complete.


The following races lived upon Terra Syn.  First where the ancient lizard men.  Descended from the dinosaurs, the lizard men included a number of different forms.  The most cunning of these were the raptors, followed by the tyrannosaurs who had a penchant for violence, and then others came.   And thus these forms were given life and multiplied on the land and they built ancient cities.

Next were the Beastmen, which descended from the mammals.  Chief of these were the Lion men.  Then second were the wolf men and the fox men.  Third were the sheep men, goat men, and the cattle men.  And soon they multiplied on the Earth, as the realms of the Dinosaurs declined and returned to savagery.  The Beastmen became ascendent, and they built many cities.

After the beastmen came the birds. The anthrobirds included the Archaeopteryx, the eagle, the swan, the ibis, and the peacock.  But they formed their societies on islands.

After the birds came the apes of the mammals.  The apes were made thus: First the elves, then the orcs, and finally Man.

War of the Sexes

After Man was fully established, Father was pleased.  But soon woman and man were contentious with each other.  Then the Sex War began.  There were many battles.  Both sides claimed that God was on their side.  However, the men were more pious than the women, and soon God came on the side of men.  During five decisive battles, things turned the tide on the side of the males and the war was won and the women were taken captive .  Patriarchal order was established among Men, orcs, and elves that day.  However, a few free women escaped to a few remote islands where they proclaimed that God was a woman and enslaved the men.  And this happened when men had no culture and during the stone age.

The Ascendancy of the Elves

While man still worked with stone, the elves designed bronze weapons of cunning manufacture.  During this time the elves took orcs captive and enslaved them.  And forced them to work in the mines.  This allowed the elves to become very rich.  However, the elves only became numerous on the land, they also became very proud, and soon had wars amongst themselves.  After the Crown War, between two kingdoms of elves the orcs revolted and threw off their chains.  Then, forced to fight a two front war, both Elf nations were destroyed and the remaining elves retreated to the forests while the orcs took the mountains to be their home.

The Orcs return to the Stone Age.

When the orcs retreated to the mountains, they renounced most technology and returned to a stone age existence.  They formed a peaceful religion where they would worship Nature itself.  A Shamanistic culture developed among the orcs.  Where they regarded all things as having a spirit and worshiped nature. The orcs also developed ancestor worship, and built no cities of technology in the mountains.

The Ascendancy of Man

Man started working with bronze after their Agricultural Revolution. And during the Crown War of the elves, some men participated in the battle.  However, everything changed when Man discovered iron.  Now working with iron weapons, Man spread on the land.  It was Man that forced the elves into the forests.  It was Man that forced the orcs to the mountains.  It is man that conquered woman.  Now with weapons of iron, Man began to build cities and kingdoms.