Author Topic: Evil Middle Earth Artifact  (Read 920 times)

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Offline Ginger McMurray

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Evil Middle Earth Artifact
« on: June 19, 2020, 07:56:10 AM »
I'm looking for some input to perhaps tweak an artifact I'm working on. Back story:

The PCs are in competition but actually working towards the same goal as a sorceress and her master. She wants to sway them to her side but believes changing the entire party's mind isn't possible. So she's spreading seeds of doubt. She also happens to know that they will soon come across this particular crown and has let a couple of characters know that the other side (the truly evil guys that the party hasn't met yet) are also looking for it. Anyone who snaps it up and insists on keeping it is suspect. The item itself wants to be snapped up and kept, so it works out great for her.

Ar-Pharazôn’s Crown
Ar-Pharazôn’s Crown is made of the purest woven mithril unmarred by gems or other adornment.

All but the last paragraph are swiped from an online wiki.

Ar-Pharazôn was the 25th and last King of Númenor. He was an arrogant, conceited, manipulative, barbaric, greedy and cruel man who wanted to rule the world. Under the corrupt influence of Sauron, Ar-Pharazôn was convinced to assault Valinor, the land of the Valar, in order to gain immortality.

Pharazôn was born in the year 3118 of the Second Age. He was the son of Gimilkhâd, the younger brother of King Tar-Palantir. He was originally friends with Amandil, the last Lord of Andúnië and leader of the Faithful - Númenóreans who were still loyal to the Valar. Pharazôn eventually departed for Middle-Earth. While in Middle-earth, he commanded the Númenórean armies. After the death of his father, Pharazôn returned to Númenor with great wealth, which he distributed among his people.

137 years later, when Tar-Palantir died in 3255, Pharazôn forced the dead king's daughter Miriel to marry him, changing her name to Zimraphel, the Adûnaic form of her name. This was against her will and went against the laws of Númenor prohibiting marriage between first cousins. He proceeded to usurp the throne and called himself King Ar-Pharazôn.

Soon after he became King, Ar-Pharazôn heard of Sauron's assaults on Númenórean settlements in Middle-earth. The King's captains told him that Sauron wished to usurp the settlements and claim himself as King of Men. The furious King decided that he would call himself King of Men and take Sauron as his servant. After 5 years of preparation, Ar-Pharazôn and his fleet sailed to the Havens of Umbar. They assaulted Mordor next, and Sauron's servants were enthralled by the might of the King. Sauron humbled himself before Ar-Pharazôn, who decided that Sauron would be taken as a hostage to Númenor.

When Sauron arrived in Númenor, he became the advisor to Ar-Pharazôn and used his power to corrupt the Númenóreans. Sauron exploited the people's fear of the Valar and convinced them to worship Morgoth and denounce Eru Iluvatar. Ar-Pharazôn began to worship Morgoth, at first in secret, but then openly. Sauron even advised Ar-Pharazôn to cut down Nimloth, the White Tree of Númenor. Ar-Pharazôn was reluctant at first, fearing that the line of Kings would perish, as prophesied by Tar-Palantir. But he agreed and the tree would eventually be felled.

Ar-Pharazôn learned that Isildur, the grandson of Amandil, had stolen a fruit from Nimloth. Ar-Pharazôn dismissed Amandil from his position. In Armenelos, the capital of Númenor, the King, and Sauron constructed a massive temple dedicated to the worship of Morgoth. An altar was built for sacrifice, and its first victim was Nimloth. The Faithful would be sacrificed en masse, and so would the Men of Middle-earth - in the hopes that Morgoth would release them from death. He also imposed capital punishment on those who dared to ascent the Meneltarma, which once was a holy mountain of Númenor. Ar-Pharazôn had become the greatest tyrant since Morgoth, but he was still the pawn of Sauron.

Eventually, Ar-Pharazôn began to grow old and feared death. He became desperate for a solution. Sauron came up with a plan: attack Valinor and gain everlasting life. Ar-Pharazôn agreed to this. And 192 years later in 3310, he began to build the Great Armament.

While this Armament was being constructed, the Valar sent warnings to the Númenóreans. Thunderstorms and eagle-shaped clouds were sighted, and the ground began to quiver. But the King was not moved and proclaimed that he would conquer Valinor.

201 years later, the Armament was completed in 3319. Ar-Pharazôn boarded his ship Alcarondas, clad in armor. They sailed at sundown, never again to be seen by mortal eyes. Upon seeing the great mountain of Taniquetil, the King contemplated retreat, but he decided to press on. The army of Men assaulted Tirion, where Ar-Pharazôn proclaimed his desire for conquest.

The Valar responded by calling on Eru for aid and laying down their guard over Arda. Eru broke the world and made it round, making Valinor inaccessible to Men. Ar-Pharazôn and his soldiers were killed by falling hills, where they would remain until the last days. Númenor was sunk beneath the sea, killing all who did not flee and culminating in the death of the King's wife Zimraphel as she tried to ascend the Meneltarma.

Ostohir found the crown in the hoard of Gostir, a dragon of fearsome might which he felled with his own blade. He wore it until his death, guardian it jealously and finally declared that it be buried with him and lost forever to the world. This is a lie the crown tells the wearer. It was locked away as soon as Ostohir wrestled his mind back from its depths. It is in the tomb to keep it from the world, not keep it with him.

  • Protects as a full helm
  • 50% chance to negate any critical hits to the head
  • Cannot fall or be removed from the wearer’s head without permission or will.
  • x13 PP multiplier for any realm
  • Allows free access to the following spell lists up to the user’s level. Spell list names have been changed so the item doesn't appear overtly evil. The players are new and would know if I said "Evil Magician lists" but won't automatically recognize them under new names.
    • Power over Knowledge (i.e. Dark Contacts). A successful Spell Mastery roll at +20 allows the caster to choose the type of demon contacted.
    • Power over Body (i.e. Physical Erosion)
    • Power over Mind (i.e. Mind Erosion)
    • Power over Soul (i.e. Soul Destruction)
    • Power over Life (i.e. Body Renewal)
    • Power over Death (i.e. Necromancy)
  • +10 to resistance rolls vs. mental or spiritual attacks
  • Whispers knowledge to the wearer, granting a +30 bonus to magical and obscure lore rolls as well as specific information at times.

Will and Desires
SD 95
RE 100
PR 103
IN 103
EM 103
Will 160

The crown desires power above all other things. It will urge the wearer to take what they can, when they can. Should it be denied but remain in control it will invoke the following punishments:
  • X ½ PP multiplier instead of x13
  • -10 to resistance rolls vs. mental or spiritual attacks
  • Casts Suspicion (Mind Subversion 1) at 50th level on whoever it deems is the wearer’s closest ally
  • Revoke access to spell lists, preferably at an inopportune time. For instance, it may pervert a casting of Force Information so that the demon is free to lie.
  • Should a contest of wills occur, the wearer cannot take it off until they achieve a result of Character in Control or better. They will not wish to.
No pre-written adventure survives contact with the GM.