Author Topic: ERA Won't save characters  (Read 1583 times)

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Offline Frunobulax

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ERA Won't save characters
« on: March 15, 2017, 05:31:20 PM »
So I just got ERA and bought several packages.  I went through the character creation process.  I was surprised that it didn't allow for skill or spell selection, but whatever.  I went through each step in the creation wizard, and at the end it asked me for a name.  I entered a name and it said the character had been saved.  So I clicked on "Character sheet" and... practically noting was there but the name and profession.  NO stats, no nothing.  When I click on the "skills" tab or any other tab at the bottom, nothing happens.  I want to keep this charceter!  He had great stat rolls.  What's wrong?  I am using Linux BTW and have everything installed and working correctly.  What gives?  Where do I get support for ERA?  Thanks!

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA Won't save characters
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2017, 06:38:26 PM »
Hi, let me ask some questions to help guide the troubleshooting:
  • What Linux distribution/version are you running?
  • What browser are you using?
  • What ERA ruleset are you starting, RMC or RMFRP?
  • If you are using RMC, after entering the stats you rolled you need to assign them in the next step, as can be seen in this part of the tutorial video.
  • If you are using RMFRP, there should be steps during the creation process to ask for a culture and there you can assign some skills and spells.
  • After the character is completed and you load the character sheet, the skills button at the bottom shows all the standard skills, with some already marked as favorite depending on your race and profession, and all base lists are also suggested.
  • The fact that you were able to complete the character creation process, but then got no response when clicking on the character skills, is what baffles me the most. Both use the same technology underneath to handle button clicking, so it is weird that one worked while the other didn't.
  • If the server found some critical error, it will usually created a file called "ERA-Support.log" in the /ERA/Server directory.
  • I would like you to write to the support e-mail address: and attach the support log file, and also a screenshot of the character sheet.
Thanks for your interest in ERA, l hope we can solve your issue soon and get your character ready for adventure!

Offline Frunobulax

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Re: ERA Won't save characters
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2017, 06:56:32 PM »
Hi!  To answer your questions:

1) I am using the most recent version of Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu)
2) Browser is the latest version of Firefox
3) Using RMC ruleset
4) First, where is the tutorial video?  I never saw one.  You should put a link to it on the main page. But I believe I did assign them correctly - I rolled them, and then dragged them around to where I wanted.  I see no place on the stats screen to do anything else (like save or commit or anything) other than arrange them and continue to the next step.  All the stats and potentials are right.
5) After the creation process is complete and I name the character it says it is saved.  When I go to the character sheet and click on "skills" nothing happens.  Same with the other tabs along the bottom.

I do not see an ERA support log file where you indicate.

I will send screen shots to the email you mention.  Thanks.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA Won't save characters
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2017, 08:33:40 AM »
Thanks for the information and the screenshots.
The tutorial videos are available on YouTube. A link is shown when you first open ERA, but you can access it again anytime by pressing the about button on the lower right on the module selection screen.

From the screenshots you sent I think you are not dragging the stat values to the column on the right. Please check the example on the RMC Stats tutorial video (you can click here to access it).

About the character sheet, I was able to understand what was happening. A file name needs to be fixed for the Linux installation to work on that version. I will make sure to correct this in the next version, but in the meantime, if you want, I will tell you how to fix it manually:
  • Close the ERA Server
  • Find the directory /ERA/Server/Resources/Avatars/
  • There should be a file named "nonPlayerCharacter.png"
  • Rename it to "NonPlayerCharacter.png", by which I mean, capitalize the first letter.
  • Start the ERA Server
  • Load your character!

Let me know if solves the issue, or if you need any further assistance.