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Offline GMLovlie

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« on: January 18, 2017, 04:59:33 AM »
Hello all!

So, I've been looking at deckplans, maps and so forth for my game for a while. Using standard maps is usually enough, although sometimes you do need customisation.

There are different types of needs too. For instance, I need a tactical map for my campaign when they explore the derelict starship, this needs to be customised. I need an overview map and a tactical map for different areas. The second types of maps doesn't have to be super customised, but the first type should be - unless I can find a proper deckplan for a ship that size.

As my players have left the starship (space dungeon) to go home and heal up, new and upgraded equipment and perhaps get some cash, and perhaps some more information and knowledge, I need a map of a space city (here's some inspiration), which can be almost any map I like that can fit as a floating bubble world. The second type of map would be offices, server rooms, apartment blocks, streets, shops ... and so on.

I've found a lot of different maps and stuff online. Chris West and his Maps of Mastery collections are excellent, but there's a heavy Star Wars influence in a lot of that, as you may notice. It's also quite cluttered and very "board gamey." Not a perfect fit for HARP SF - at least not my game. But I can recommend getting his maps, they cover a lot of varied terrain and with some time invested in using GIMP or Photoshop, you can edit and mix and match maps to use either digitally or print out yourself. The second option is expensive if you want full sized maps, but you can always design for smaller maps to stick together - and if you have access to a good printer at work, hey, free maps :pirate:

So, I started looking at Chris West's maps, and started to customise ... a bit tedious ... so I started doing other stuff... then I came across this stuff. Highly recommended. Perhaps a tad dark, but that can quickly be adjusted if need be in a picture editor. It comes with (actual) blue prints, white printer friendly prints, and a more "realistic" map for encounters. The guy making these has also made a tileset so you can customise bought maps or make your own ones.

What resources do you have access to and use?
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Offline pyrotech

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Re: Maps!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 09:27:48 AM »

Lets try this again without losing a fully typed up response to a bad click on the browser......

I haven't found much that would help you here.  Star wars has several bases and cities that may fit but with the wrong flavor (Bespin may be close).  Stargate Atlantis maps may be a decent option, and I've seen a few on the web.  Starfleet spacestations are actually pretty good matches
(click to show/hide)

Cylindrical and ring style space city maps exist but those don't match to what I think of as a "bubble world/city".  With a bubble city I think of a more planar disk design with gravity all pointing one or maybe two directions.

For your ship/dungeon design Space Hulk may be a good option - but it has been years since I've picked up a Games Workshop product.

All I can say is good luck and let us know if you find something.  I know I would file it away until I needed something sometime.

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Re: Maps!
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 12:10:31 PM »
Thanks man, I'll have a look at those links after my run.

Starfleet may be a good starting point, I agree. Stargate Atlantis has also come to my mind. Thanks!  8)
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Offline GMLovlie

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Re: Maps!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 03:39:05 AM »
Talking about maps, we also touch upon the topic of immersion. Maps can help with this, as well as break it. Depends on how you use it and what the group prefers.

Another thing I've decided to test, is Syrinscape, if anyone here's heard of and/or tried it. It seems cool, but I wonder if this level of interactivity may distract me too much... we'll see. I have two months to decide.
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