Author Topic: Sailor Law (prosaic spell list)  (Read 1137 times)

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Offline Marrethiel

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Sailor Law (prosaic spell list)
« on: April 20, 2015, 07:01:05 PM »
I am playing a multiclass sailor/magus and have picked up Tricks of the Trade and Sailor Lore from SUC as flavour spell lists.
Our campaign sees us in a caravan of 11 wagons, we had them circled and were preparing for an attack by a wyvern (LoTR setting). Our party Seer looks into the future, makes a good divination skill check (absolute success) and the GM pins the attack down to "Drake is going to come in from this direction, pick up this caravan and fly away."
The seer comments, "it's a pity we don't have an anchor like we do on a ship" and I jumped to the Sailor list which has exactly that spell. The GM lets me cast it on the caravan and I also used the Ram spell which gives the vessel resistance against being rammed, ie a "structural integrity field".
So the poor drake swoops in, grapples the caravan, cartwheels and smacks itself straight into the ground. We were ready for it and jump on the creature and slaughter it while the rest of the caravan was stunned...

This is RM gold, it is the type of one off use of a spell that makes the spell lists so cool :)
Gatekeeper to the Under-Dark: "Why are you seeking passage?"
Kal-El pauses in thought (briefly contemplating how to manage the Never Lie and Always Deceive curses on him), "I came to conquer all know-able universes".
Gatekeeper: You may pass.
Gatekeeper: Who are you?
Kal El: A tourist

Offline Spectre771

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Re: Sailor Law (prosaic spell list)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2015, 06:56:06 AM »
That really is a fantastic use of spell choice and spell list options.  It sounds like it was a great session.  We've had some interesting uses of spells being used in ways they probably weren't intended to be used.  Kudos!
If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!