Author Topic: Use of Shield and about combat styles  (Read 1090 times)

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Use of Shield and about combat styles
« on: September 23, 2018, 01:19:24 PM »
For some time I have been wondering some points in the HARP combat system.

As a veteran Rolemaster gm and player, i need some clarification in the shield use. In RM, you add the shield DB to one attack. But in HARP, if I have understand, the bonus applies to all attacks (all attacks where shield is available, ie no rear attacks). Does it work like that? Or it´s just my interpretation?

Second, how do you handle someone who uses different combat styles? For example, if someone has the two weapon combo style and the shielding weapon, could he choose every round which style to use? Or he cant? Yes, some styles can complement (like blindfighting and twc), but some of them are more restrictive...

I have my ideas on these topics, but I would love to read yours. Thanks in advance.