Author Topic: Why do you love Space Master?  (Read 3099 times)

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Offline Gallowglacht

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Re: Why do you love Space Master?
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2012, 02:12:53 PM »
The thing I absolutely love is the combat. I think character generation and skills are too complex for my tastes, some of the fire manoeuvres too. There are things I like and things I don't, but where it absolutely sings is in combat. I don't mean pretty good I me one of my 2 favourite systems. For really balanced, tactical, passed heroic combat my favourite is D&D4. For visceral, realistic, shocking combat SpaceMaster Privateers is my favourite out there.

Aliens, Traveller, 2300AD and of course privateers sit really well with the combat system. I once switched over a Traveller campaign from Traveller20/Starship Troopers type rule set and the new feel of combat revitalised the game.

But it is not just combat I like. The tech levels are my favourite tech level set up. They are well thought out and ideas jump out at me. Traveller speeds too fast to anti-gravity and it misses the opportunity for the likes of catapults and space elevators. There is great support for robots, drugs and vehicles.

So the tech feels right which is good for sci-fi.
But the combat, the combat really rocks.