Author Topic: Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.  (Read 1179 times)

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Offline providence13

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Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.
« on: November 20, 2011, 01:28:49 PM »
Could a Magent use False credentials to alter a coin from a lesser to greater value?

Sure, Light Glamour would be more appropriate, but it can affect 10 lb/lvl. That might be overkill. Though some may say that 1PP vs 2PP is next to no difference, it could matter.

There may not be many instances where money will enable "proper credentials for the current situation (which could include papers or documents)". But if you allow paper money in the campaign, I could see a
$1 bill to be falsified to a $20 (I think this was used in Firestarter to pay for a taxi).
If paper currency is okay, it could also be reasonable to allow it for a single metal coin; cover charge for entering a building. Other examples could be slipping the guard a silver to let you "see the prisoner" or a bribe that lets you out/into the city where all you have is a copper.

I would not allow a copper to be falsified to a mithril, or you could give a huge bonus to RR, as this would be less believable.

What do you think? 
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Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 03:22:38 PM »
I could see, but only if the specific coin was demanded for some purpose that could fit loosely into the category of "credential", i.e. entry fee for a nightclub or a demanded bribe from a guard or official. I would not allow it to make purchases or to offer a bribe.
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Offline markc

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Re: Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2011, 04:40:46 PM »
IMHO, no the spell states that target thinks the person has the applicable credentials, RR-20. It is a perception thing not a physical thing.

 I can see a caster using the spell to have a coin (illusion) that is semi-unique that can be used to get into a door to a club.
 I have trouble with the spell when $ gets involved as I think that is outside the bounds of the spells text. I can see someone come up with an example of how it would or could include $. 
 Also the spell is 1st rank. If you want something more powerful then I would up the rank of the new spell a lot.

 I also could have a bit more trouble with you example depending on what the use of the coin was. ie is it to buy something? Then defiantly no the spell does not work. If the coin is a sign to let you enter a hideout. Then yes cast the spell show the illusionary coin, and then enter the hideout. If the coin has to be given to enter the hideout, I am fine with that. But again if the caster is trying to veer away from the base idea of the spell I would say no.

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Offline rdanhenry

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Re: Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2011, 10:48:09 PM »
Even on an allowed use of non-documentary "credentials", I might call for a Spell Mastery roll, to cover the shadow area between "clearly allowed" uses and "clearly disallowed" uses of the spell.
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Offline providence13

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Re: Misdirection- False Credentials for coins.
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 11:26:16 AM »
IMHO, no the spell states that target thinks the person has the applicable credentials, RR-20. It is a perception thing not a physical thing.

I think markc's answer is the one I'm going with. This seems the most likely now that I reread the spell.
  This is a powerful spell for 1st lvl! It can provide the perception of auditory, tactile and visual senses. I may use an additional penalty to RR if there is some physical item, in the case of documents. This might help to foster the "illusion".

Thanks again.
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