Author Topic: Please Throw Me Some Ideas  (Read 1759 times)

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Offline arakish

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Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« on: October 08, 2011, 12:57:28 AM »
I am creating a campaign world that I eventually plan on running PbP.  I started on the main gods of the world, but never completed it.  Since then, every time I look at the chart, my mind goes blank.  Don't know why, it just does.

For localized gods, I was planning on allowing players to create those gods.

The original idea was the gods name, then their specialization (or domain).  However, instead of just name - specialization, I deceded to do it name "the" something.  The something was an indicator for the god's specialization.  Example: Marku the Ruler indicates that Marku is the Ruler of the Gods.  Savidon the Swimmer shows that his specialization is the waters.  The hardest one has been Nimnaur the Doomspeaker.  He sees all things past, present, and future.  However, he is not allowed to speak without leave from Marku.  But when he does speak, it is usually in the form of a doom.  Dwimor the Mother would the goddess of fertility and life.  Etc.

Anyway, you can see the pattern I am following.  Below is the initial listing I created.  Would appreciate any ideas for completing this chart y'all can throw my way.

Name     Specialization          Name     Specialization
Marku     the Ruler          Etarna     the Queen
Savidon     the Swimmer          Winsir     the Singer
Hyarkon     the Forger          Dwimor     the Mother
Nimnaur     the Doomspeaker          Vesina     the Dancer
Anthrad     the Wrestler          Samarth     the
Adhran     the Tracker          Miriël     the
Murnan     the           Briära     the
Alambas     the           T'lara     the
Zandor     the           Ranisa     the

Thanks for any and all ideas you throw my way.  Thanks.

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Offline Chris Seal

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Re: Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 02:00:15 AM »
Hey there,

How about these?

Samarth the Poet (Artists)
Miriel the Gentle (Healers etc)
Murnan the Farmer (Agriculture/Animals)
Briara the Weaver (Fate) - might be a bit close to Nimnaur though
Alambas the Protector (Warriors etc.)
T'lara the Keeper (The dead)
Zandor the Baker (Community)
Ranisa the Grey (Thieves and rogues)

Hope that helps.


Offline markc

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Re: Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 02:36:24 AM »
 I get ideas for this stuff looking at historical deities info sources (Google, etc search for old gods) as well as RPG books like RMSS Channeling Companion, D&D Deities and Demi-Gods (again historical stuff works best for me); strange sources Call of C, horror games; and try and look at "jobs/professions" of real life and see how/if a deity would interact with them.
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Offline GrumpyOldFart

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Re: Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 07:15:33 AM »
Zandor the Philosopher, patron of magicians and scientists.

Briara the Rainmaker, patron of farmers and those who fly.

Ranisa the Burrower, patron of dwarves, miners and builders in stone.

Miriel the Light Fingered, patron of thieves, lawyers and merchants.

Murnan the Unseen, patron of scouts, spies and assassins.
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Offline David Johansen

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Re: Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 09:04:42 AM »
Chxthrnkr the incomprehensible.
Murgootiz the glutton

Offline arakish

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Re: Please Throw Me Some Ideas
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 01:37:37 AM »
Thanks to all who posted their suggestions.  Sorry that I did not use them all.  I did use some.


I guess I did not think of doing your suggestion due to the fact that I was trying to make a mythos not of Earth.  I never thought to do a search.  Perhaps I should have and as you said, I may have gotten some ideas on my own.  I'll remember that for the section "Other Gods."

Again, thanks to all who posted suggestions.  To let you know they were not for naught, herein follows what I have done in the last hour since checking your posts.  Remember, the below is still a WIP and not yet complete.

The Watchers

No one knows from where the Watchers come.  In fact, with the rise of the Hatharnd Empire, the Watchers could also be listed as "lost gods" since they are no longer remembered by the peoples.  Although the Watchers may take any form desired, they have formed preferences to gender.  Thus, there are the Firnuma, Male Powers, and the Deäluma, Female Powers.


Marku the Ruler
It was given to Marku by Anar to be the Highest Amongst All Kings.  Instead of ruling the Watchers through power and strength, Marku rules the Watchers through allegiance.  His greatest delights are in the airs and winds of the World and all those that dwell therein.

Savidon the Swimmer
Savidon's delights in the waters of the World.  As with the oceans, he can be calm and peaceful, or tempestuous and destructive.  Rarely can he be found in the home of the Watchers, spending most of time swimming about the waters of the World.  Of all the Watchers, only Savidon has not forgotten the plight of the peoples.  It saddens him to see them deceived by the Hatharnd who are actually the servants of Narro.

Hyarkon the Forger
His greatest delights are in all the substances of which the World is made.  His greatest gratifications come from the creation of things with the substances of the World.  To this end, none are a greater forger of things than Hyarkon.

Nimnaur the Doomspeaker
Perhaps the darkest and most brooding of all the Watchers, Nimnaur's gift from Anar is to Know All That Has Happened, Is Happening, and Shall Happen.  To this end, he is the holder and giver of visions and dreams.  He never speaks unless directed to do so by Marku, and when he does speak, it tends to be a telling of doom.  Thus, he is called the Doomspeaker.

Anthrad the Wrestler
There is none who is greater than Anthrad in strength, prowess, honor, and combat.  Anthrad delights in wrestling and contests of strength and prowess.  Even in face of the gravest danger and evil power, Anthrad simply laughs and subdues it with his tremendous strength and skills of combat.  His weapons are his hands and skills.  He pays little heed to either the past or the future; and to that end, he is of little avail as a counselor, but he is a hardy and loyal friend.  Anthrad rides no steed, for he is tireless and can outrun all things that go on feet.

Adhran the Tracker
In anger, none are more terrible to behold than Adhran.  Adhran delights in tracking and hunting all that is of darkness.  Until the withdrawal of the Watchers, Adhran could always be found in the World hunting and killing all those creatures who were created by the Dark Gods.  All those who hear the blast of his great horn, tremble and hide in terror, knowing Adhran has caught their trail.

Murnan the Protector
Murnan delights in the discipline and honor of the warriors and guardians.

Alambas the Farmer
His greatest delight comes from the harvest of plants grown for food.  He also delights in the raising and keeping of herds.

Zandor the Philosopher


Etarna the Queen
Like Marku, Etarna is held as the queen of the Watchers through allegiance rather than power and might.  Her greatest delight is all that which gives light to hide the darkness.  Although she did not create them, Etarna is held as the Keeper of the Stars.

Winsir the Singer
No other's voice can match Winsir's in beauty, harmony, and enthrallment.  She delights in walking about and either singing or speaking of all that she beholds.  It is said that if she speaks of something, then it will come to happen.

Dwimor the Mother
Dwimor delights in fertility and life of all beings.  She is regarded as the Motherer of All Children.

Vesina the Dancer

Samarth the Poet

Miriël the Gentle
Miriël holds all that which heals all wounds in the highest regard.  It is said that those who pray and hold Miriël in their heart, then they will be cured of anything.  It is with the help of Briära in which Miriël gives to the World the means in which heal all hurts.

Briära the Gardener
Briära holds dearest that which gives beauty to the World.  Herbs and flowers and plants delight in her presence and will grow and bloom with fervor in her presence.

T'lara the Keeper
Many speak of T'lara as having the kindest of hearts.  Many would be correct.  It is T'lara's delight to keep the spirits of those who have passed beyond the mortal kin and held goodness and light foremost within their hearts.

Ranisa the  Griever
The lonliest of all the Watchers, Ranisa finds her solace alone as she grieves for the hurts of the World wracked by Narro and his cousins, the Dark Gods.  There are none who can alleviate the pain and sadness she feels.

And the One

Vekka the Traitor
And then there is Vekka.  Originally one of Narro's dark cousins, Vekka specialized in betrayal and deception.  And to this end, he performed the greatest of all betrayals: He betrayed his own and turned to the Watchers for aid in the First War of Dominion.  Now he is kept in safety and under constant guard by the Watchers and the Erayn in the home of the Watchers.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 01:46:01 AM by arakish »
"Beware those who would deny you access to information, for they already dream themselves your master."
— RMF Runyan in Sci-Fi RPG session (GM); quoted from the PC game SMAC.