Author Topic: Duration of a parry action  (Read 971 times)

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Offline strider

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Duration of a parry action
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:55:56 AM »
Although I have GMed Rolemaster and MERP lots of times, I have just discovered HARP and last weekend I directed my first HARP session. I have some minor doubts about the combat system, and I use my experience with RM to solve them, but I would like to know other opinions. I don't like threads with mixed subjects, so I'll begin with only one of these doubts.

The rulebook says that "A character’s Parry total is applied to all attacks directed at them from a single foe". Say we have two characters, A and B. In the first round of combat A's initiative is higher and both declare a normal Parry action (adding some of their OB to DB). First A attacks. Since B has not yet acted, he gets no parry bonus. Then, B attacks and A gets his parry bonus.

In the next round, A gets the initiative again and attacks. Does B get his parry bonus from his action in the first round?

I guess that he can get the bonus until he acts again, but I haven't found it in the rules. Other option is that the parry bonus is lost at the end of the round, but this would be logic only if the parry bonus could be used during the whole round, since the moment the Parry action is declared.

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Duration of a parry action
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 11:19:50 AM »
Actions apply for the full length of the round.  Initiative simply dictates which action resolves first.

Here is your example again, but corrected for HARP rules.

The rulebook says that "A character’s Parry total is applied to all attacks directed at them from a single foe". Say we have two characters, A and B. In the first round of combat A's initiative is higher and both declare a normal Parry action (adding some of their OB to DB). First A attacks. B gets his parry bonus. Then, B attacks and A gets his parry bonus.

In the next round both declare new actions and can adjust their parry values, A gets the initiative again and attacks. B gets the parry bonus that he declared for this round.

I hope that clarifies it for you...
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Offline strider

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Re: Duration of a parry action
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2012, 11:35:50 AM »
That makes sense, Thom. In fact, it's the second option that I suggested (but I thought it was wrong).

Nonetheless, I think that this interpretation has some implications:

- You must decide which part of the OB you use to parry when you declare. A better option would be deciding it when you attack or just before being attacked (whichever comes first).
- If you make a Full Parry, you must roll when you declare or, better, just before being attacked, but not in your own initiative. The same would be applied when you Dodge.

So it seems to me that there are some actions (or parts of actions) that you don't make in your turn, but in your attacker's turn.

I think that the rules are not too clear in this regard. Nonetheless, I think that your interpretation is probably the most logical.

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Duration of a parry action
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 12:47:29 PM »
Correct - Full Parry and Dodge must be resolved immediately to determine whether or not you get a bonus to DB from it.  If Full Parry results in an attack (due to a high open-ended roll) then make note of the roll and do not complete resolution until it is your turn based upon initiative.

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